The police?

dealt with the police

  • never been pulled over on the bike

    Votes: 220 74.3%
  • accident situation

    Votes: 9 3.0%
  • this is my story

    Votes: 67 22.6%

  • Total voters
Last year, I went up to Chicago for the weekend (~300 miles from here). About 80 miles from home on the way back I got pulled over.

I had the bike off, kickstand down, modular helmet up, and earplugs out before he got to me. He told me he pulled me over for speeding, asked for my license and walked back to his cruiser.

He came back, handed me the ticket, and then started talking to me. He said I was probably accelerated to a lot faster than he clocked me given how long it took him to catch up, but that he was only giving me a ticket for what radar said.

I was asked if I saw him in the median, which I didn't. When I told him that he ranted about it being deer country and if I didn't see a white car in the median what chance would I have seeing a deer.

There was no sense in arguing. I didn't see him, but I'd bet I was passing a semi and keeping my eye on it where the cop was parked.

I got a ticket for 79 in a 70, on an expressway. I wasn't thrilled about that, but the entire ticket was cheaper than the court cost alone in my county, so I didn't have much to complain about.

Besides, that wasn't the worst of the drive. The worst was the 20s (F) weather I rode in on the way up, the hour+ in rain at a 20 degree angle against the wind to stay on the road, and the hour+ after that in the same wind sans rain.

Ticket sucked, some of the ride home sucked, but it was an experience, and the trip was more than worth it.
My son and I were riding to the coast and got behind a line up of slow traffic.
We came to a 4 lane stretch and opened it up to blow past the line, came over a rise and there was a cop sitting on the shoulder. I was doing about 78 (in a 55 zone) when I saw the cop and slowed down and pulled back into the right lane quickly. My son didn't see him and just kept flying in the left lane. He pulled out and tailed me for about 3 miles. Then he pulled into the left lane, zipped past traffic and pulled in behind my son who had gotten back into the right lane about 4 cars ahead of me. Then he tailed my son for 3 or 4 miles, pulled off to the shoulder, flipped a uee and went back up the hill. My only guess is that he didn't get a radar reading on us and ran plates hoping to find another reason to stop us. Used up my daily adrenalin on that one!
Look at that boring straight road. How could anyone not fly down it! lol And a blue windscreen isn't legal? Really, I don't know. My father has a red one on his FZ, and cops don't look twice at it.

Haven't been pulled over on the moto's yet. Emphasis on "yet". It's only a matter of time. lol

That boring straight part is just where they stopped. It's at the bottom of one of my favorite twisty roads of all time - Montezuma Highway in Borrega Springs :rockon::rockon:
Last fall i was stopped in the pouring rain on my way to work, around quarter to 8. I was going about 25kph in a 30kph school zone. The constable waited 20min before coming to talk to me. All he asked was "Are ya' late yet?" I said "Yup". Then he said "Okay, get out of here."

So you were going UNDER the speed limit and he pulled you over so you got soaked, only to let you go once you were late? What di#$
I haven't been pulled over on the bike yet, but I have had a couple close encounters.

One that comes to mind was when I was commuting to school, which is about 40 minutes each way, about half highway. I was on my way back at 10PM, finally done for the day after being in classes since 7:30 AM.

I was going a little over 90 indicated in a 65 zone:spank: when I see a bike's headlight coming up behind me in the mirror. It wasn't crowded on the road but I didn't want to get out of the fast lane so I just scooted over to the right side of the lane so he could come by if he wanted.

He pulls up next to me and matches my speed, then throws on the lights and siren.:eek: Being dark out I couldn't see it was a bike cop till then! I look over and him and he just motions with his hand to slow down. I give him a thumbs up and drop to the speed limit, then he keeps on riding to wherever he was headed. I sure got a little sweaty over that one!
Too funny--to get pulled over for the same violation within an hour (and get stuck in the interim). I hope you cussed out your friend after all that!

I expressed my displeasure at the situation, but basically chalked it up to it being something I should have checked or noticed. I think we split the fine, which was not that high if I recall correctly.
1997, pulled over by the LAPD for Exhibition of Speed - 23109(c). Was wheelie-ing a Vespa GS150 down Wilshire Blvd. Guilty as charged (even at 25mph). That cost a lot of money (about $300) but at least it was charged as an infraction, not a misdemeanor. This was long before the "stunting" epidemic, but the cop didn't think it was one bit funny.

Haven't gotten popped on any of my big bikes yet.

Should be added that I was young and stupid in 1997.
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Well today was my first time on a bike, was going to work on my 1:30 commute. Morning traffic gets backed up about .3 of a mile on this one lane road because of a stop light ahead 99/100 bikes take the shoulder to get pass all the stop and go traffic in this area so i did as always and there was a cop ahead of me stuck in traffic by the time i saw him it was kinda too late to get back in to the lane so he pulled up in front of me and flagged me down :eek: lucky day for me cuz he didnt give me a ticket or nothing just ask to have someone with a license pick up bike "im not license its complicated" and if he sees me again he is going to impound my bike for 30 days with a ticket on top of that. So now i have to avoid that area on my way to work!
Learned my lesson yesterday: cops are allowed to break the law, you aren't.

I was riding behind and unmarked car (knew it was the whole time) for about 2 miles, under the whole "don't pass him and you'll be fine" concept. Nope. We come over the crest of a hill and I look down at the speedo, I'm doing 10 over (50 mph in a 40 zone) but wasn't too worried considering he was going a couple mph faster and the traffic beside me and behind me were all doing the same speed. Nope.

Cop slams on his brakes, changes lanes, and gets behind me. Flashing lights, pulls me over. :eek:

Surely I did something else wrong. He wouldn't pull me over for driving the same speed he was would he? Yep. Writes me a ticket, $195. :Flip:

When I start to open my mouth to mention something about going the same speed as he was, he reminds me that my tag is out of date and that he could write me a ticket for it, but isn't going to.

Thank you sir, you are a very kind A$$HOLE!!
Turned left onto a one way street the wrong way right in front of a cop. Complete accident, didn't notice the one way sign, oops! Got a ticket.
Learned my lesson yesterday: cops are allowed to break the law, you aren't.

I was riding behind and unmarked car (knew it was the whole time) for about 2 miles, under the whole "don't pass him and you'll be fine" concept. Nope. We come over the crest of a hill and I look down at the speedo, I'm doing 10 over (50 mph in a 40 zone) but wasn't too worried considering he was going a couple mph faster and the traffic beside me and behind me were all doing the same speed. Nope.

Cop slams on his brakes, changes lanes, and gets behind me. Flashing lights, pulls me over. :eek:

Surely I did something else wrong. He wouldn't pull me over for driving the same speed he was would he? Yep. Writes me a ticket, $195. :Flip:

When I start to open my mouth to mention something about going the same speed as he was, he reminds me that my tag is out of date and that he could write me a ticket for it, but isn't going to.

Thank you sir, you are a very kind A$$HOLE!!
Too funny. Yeah, I think some people become cops just for the ego trip. What can you do?
Learned my lesson yesterday: cops are allowed to break the law, you aren't.

I was riding behind and unmarked car (knew it was the whole time) for about 2 miles, under the whole "don't pass him and you'll be fine" concept. Nope. We come over the crest of a hill and I look down at the speedo, I'm doing 10 over (50 mph in a 40 zone) but wasn't too worried considering he was going a couple mph faster and the traffic beside me and behind me were all doing the same speed. Nope.

Cop slams on his brakes, changes lanes, and gets behind me. Flashing lights, pulls me over. :eek:

Surely I did something else wrong. He wouldn't pull me over for driving the same speed he was would he? Yep. Writes me a ticket, $195. :Flip:

When I start to open my mouth to mention something about going the same speed as he was, he reminds me that my tag is out of date and that he could write me a ticket for it, but isn't going to.

Thank you sir, you are a very kind A$$HOLE!!

I would take it to court and fight it.
Last fall i was stopped in the pouring rain on my way to work, around quarter to 8. I was going about 25kph in a 30kph school zone. The constable waited 20min before coming to talk to me. All he asked was "Are ya' late yet?" I said "Yup". Then he said "Okay, get out of here."

That's just weird, i would of been making a complaint about such time wasting, especially as you were seemingly doing nothing wrong in the first instance!

Been riding for 3 years and haven't been pulled over. Had quite a few close calls riding our "mini dragon".
Almost Every time I ride on the weekends, I get stopped. I am told that a similar bike was stolen from he dealership and they claim to be looking for it. they run my tags VIN the whole 9 yards... been happening for close to a year now. I'd say 80% of the time it is the same officer. I ask him "aren't you tired of doing this"? I have no tickets in a car or motorcycle I am reaching the ripe old age of 40, and started riding at 18 so that is allot of years in my book. OH well. I guess , I'd take a different road but I get stopped on the only road to and from my neighborhood. I have already spoken to those in charge at the police department, to which they've done nothing.... I think I will address the Mayor next etc. as It probably is approaching harassment now. LOL

OH however one time a lady officer stopped me because i "SOUNDED like I was going fast" yet she said her radar clocked me doing the speed limit. so then she ran a DBL meter against my exhaust. She gave me a warning.... LOL what a TOOL!
So I guess in the end I must be a freakin, cop magnet, your welcome to all the others that are missed while i sit on the side of the road for some lame excuse... HA HA HA
Been pulled over a few times, but I've been riding since 1981, so I guess it's expected.. Seldom have I gotten a ticket (knock on wood)..

Last one was a couple years ago.. I was riding my old BMW R100RT and I pulled up to a stop sign, stopped, looked both ways, and left the intersection.. I was pulled over a block later by an officer who had been at a stop sign a block behind me..

When I pulled over I pulled off my helmet and gloves, handed him my license, and asked why he had pulled me over?? His reply.. "You didn't stop at that stop sign" pointing a couple hundred yards back.. I told him "Yes I did, and I came to a complete stop." His reply "No you didn't, because you didn't put your feet down.".. I started laughing and mentioned to him that the sign says STOP, not STOP AND PUT YOUR FEET DOWN..

He starts rambling about how there's no way I can come to a stop sign and not put my feet down while riding a big touring bike, unless I didn't stop..

I politely asked him if I may demonstrate, and if I leave, he has permission to shoot me.. I get a "Whatever"... I jump on the bike, start it and pull forward 10', stop, and ask him if it's OK for me to put my feet down now, while balancing the bike??

He grumbled "yes" and I put my feet down, shut the bike off and walked back to him and ask for my helmet, gloves and license..

I politely inform him that if he sees the rear wheel continue to turn, it means I didn't stop, and ask if he saw my rear wheel?? "NO, because I was a block back"..

Then he starts on with this "You need to put your feet down at stopsigns".. I inform him that there's no rule in IL or WI that requires that, and the sign says STOP, which is what I did..

Then I also told him that I used to (but not very well) ride Observed Trials competitions and the entire point of the event is not to put your feet down when stopped.. After a couple other seconds of grumbling, he handed me my stuff back and told me that not putting my feet down at stop signs could continue to get me stopped by the police.. I gave a "yes sir" and put my stuff back on and rode the 4 blocks to my home, with a huge grin.. :)