Things you've dropped while riding

Strange how many things we miss when we don;t pay attention... it probably broke the dudes windshield and he was hoping you would pull over and pay for the damages... he couldn't keep up though because of the hole in his windshield...

Maybe, or maybe someone was honking at someone else?:rolleyes:
I dropped one glove yesterday, It was such a hot sticky evening that I cruised home with my gloves stuffed down the front of my fairing.
I looked down to find one missing.
I rode back on myself and found it. It had been run over but otherwise unmolested. I was thinking I need mesh gloves.
Oh I have also dropped my guts a few times:eek:

I dropped some corn on the cob all over a divided city road, I rode fast back to get it, cop car in tow. I jumped off my bike to pick it all up before it got flattened, and the cop jumped out of the car yelling at me to stop. But I knew if he grabbed me, by the time I explained myself the corn would be flat, so I just ran around him in circles till I got it all back in my backpack.

He didn't ticket me after all, heh, all he said was, "What the hell is wrong with you anyway?" Then left me with my corn. We had a good campfire that night, and the corn was great.
I dropped some corn on the cob all over a divided city road, I rode fast back to get it, cop car in tow. I jumped off my bike to pick it all up before it got flattened, and the cop jumped out of the car yelling at me to stop. But I knew if he grabbed me, by the time I explained myself the corn would be flat, so I just ran around him in circles till I got it all back in my backpack.

He didn't ticket me after all, heh, all he said was, "What the hell is wrong with you anyway?" Then left me with my corn. We had a good campfire that night, and the corn was great.

rofl I can just picture some nut in full riding gear scrambling around in the middle of the road collecting corn cobs with a huge Samoan cop trying to grab him.
On my old Maxim, I used to bungee my backpack to the rear seat rest because it was so heavy from all of the textbooks I was carrying. Well, I usually carry a 1 liter water bottle with the backpack and usually the bungees held it in place. One morning on my way to school, I hit a bump and I heard something drop. Sure enough in my rearview mirrors I see a water bottle bouncing on the floor. Luckily the car behind me was far enough to see the water bottle and avoided it by swerving gently out of the way. I think he knew that the bottle was going to drop. I felt so stupid. From then on everything went INSIDE the backpack.
I dropped some corn on the cob all over a divided city road, I rode fast back to get it, cop car in tow. I jumped off my bike to pick it all up before it got flattened, and the cop jumped out of the car yelling at me to stop. But I knew if he grabbed me, by the time I explained myself the corn would be flat, so I just ran around him in circles till I got it all back in my backpack.

He didn't ticket me after all, heh, all he said was, "What the hell is wrong with you anyway?" Then left me with my corn. We had a good campfire that night, and the corn was great.

Best story yet! :rof::rof::rof:
I dropped my girlfriend once.


Just kidding. I lost my magnetic key card/badge. I also thought I lost my phone on the 101 freeway, but that was found on my desk at home.
I dropped some corn on the cob all over a divided city road, I rode fast back to get it, cop car in tow. I jumped off my bike to pick it all up before it got flattened, and the cop jumped out of the car yelling at me to stop. But I knew if he grabbed me, by the time I explained myself the corn would be flat, so I just ran around him in circles till I got it all back in my backpack.

He didn't ticket me after all, heh, all he said was, "What the hell is wrong with you anyway?" Then left me with my corn. We had a good campfire that night, and the corn was great.



Had to read that one aloud to my wife! She got a kick out of it too.... but then, she really likes corn on the cob.

I have only lost a digital camera case out of an unzipped pocket while shooting photos on the go.
I lost a pair of $200 Oakleys at some unknown speed right after I got my 250. Leather jacket didn't have zippers on the pockets, cause it wasn't a real riding jacket. I had put them in there with the intent of putting them back on, but it started clouding up, didn't need them, and forgot about them. By the time I realized they were sliding out of my pocket, I looked in my rearview and saw them splinter in midair, lenses flying... Wasn't worth going back at that point....
I had a license plate feel the call of the wild and decide it didn't need a motorcycle anymore. Thankfully, no cops between lost spot (not sure where that was) and home.

1 form, 1 visit to the dmv, $6 and about $5 of mounting hardware including lock washers and I was back in business.

Given the stack of motorcycle license plates they had, you'd think the dmv seen lost motorcycle plates daily. Go figure! :eek:
"what was that black thing that just bounced across the road?"
i asked myself that question a couple of years ago while doing
80something down I-91 on the Triumph.

when i got home and lined the bike up to back into the garage,
i noticed the fork bag was open. suddenly, without warning,
a string of explatives at least a mile long came flying out of my
mouth. the black thing that had bounced across the road in
front of me, was a pair of scary expensive, prescription eyeglasses.
i had changed into my riding glasses and forgot to snap the fork bad closed.

my glasses cost almost as much as a month's rent. that kind of cash i did
not have lying around. it's october. all of my flexible spending account $$ had
already been allocated to other medical expenses. however, i could still get
a pair of glasses, for free, as part of my vision benefits.

problem with those free glasses? well, they just don't have quite the appeal
or "look" that i am after. this is my face we're talking about so i am kind of picky
about what i put on for eye wear.

the next day went to the eyeglass place -- wearing an old pair of glasses -- read
old prescription. the process of picking out the new pair of specs was not pleasant.
i finally settled on the least, personally offensive pair of glasses i could find. in january i
could replace the pair that bounced across the highway like a wind blown tumble weed.
as my flex account would be replenished, with extra funds put aside to cover the glasses.

i never did grow to appreciate the interim look. every time i looked in the mirror i felt like i was a stand up comic
from bizarro world, doing a really bad impression of myself.

the first monday in january found my back at the optometrist to order the "true - me" glasses.

i no longer wear the riding glasses. just keep my regular ones on under my full face helmet.
the fork bag has been retired, and i never want to see that bizarro world comic again.