Thinking About Getting A FZ6

Ahhhaa - - - the truth comes out! Are you perhaps, maybe, possibly admitting, you **may have** checked the plug caps and found some kinda voodoo action going on there causing vibes?? haha!

Now, back to that "pipe!" Your gonna need it 24 hrs! :D:D

Naw, caps are fine, bike runs great!

Rode it this am to circulate the oil some and get it hot.. Its under cover now in the garage for at least the next two weeks..

Re the "PIPE", I suspect I'll have some great, happy pills(don't smoke anyway). Brownies perhaps!!!

Ok, back to the thread, hijack over ;)
Based from your resume, the FZ6 will be fine.

If you are worried about not having enough low end, you can always do a sprocket change, a popular mod. But you should ride it first and determine whether it's necessary, especially if you are planning long trips, where high end wii come into play. I always raced (drag strip) against a SV650, I always lost at the beginning since the SV had much better low end, but by the finish, I always came out ahead.

I far the price, I agree with everyone else, it's high.