Thugs and Hooligans give us all a bad rap

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Like I said, if he had decelerated at the rate that the biker in front of him did, the bikes following WAY too closely (which is illegal for a good reason) behind would have hit him

Also, you neglect to acknowledge the fact that the biker cut the SUV off (not signal, lane sharing) and then with out warning and with a gap of what looks to be less than 10m, either engine brakes or brake checks the SUV. With all the activity around him (tailgating, lane sharing) he was most likely trying to focus on not hitting the other bikers that were far too close of proximity to him to be safe road sharing conditions.

What doesn't make sense about being afraid when you have a baby in the car and 40+ angry bikers surrounding you?

The biker was not decelerating. He was just riding at an even pace with the other bikes next to him.

The SUV slowly accelerated into him. Why I don't know, makes no sense.

There were no angry bikers. They were collective calm sitting on their bikes, very aware of the situation. Notice how not a single one of the bikers road off not noticing what had happened behind. They all just sat calmly and patiently on their bikes waiting to make sure everything was okay.

The one bike who was hit approached the vehicle.

The driver freaked for no good reason, ran over 2 guys sitting on their motorcycles and in doing so incited a lynch mob looking for justice.

The bikers caught the guy, disabled his car and pulled him out and beat him. Before he ran over any more people or killed his wife and kids with his idiotic driving.
The biker was not decelerating. He was just riding at an even pace with the other bikes next to him.

The SUV slowly accelerated into him. Why I don't know, makes no sense.

There were no angry bikers. They were collective calm sitting on their bikes, very aware of the situation. Notice how not a single one of the bikers road off not noticing what had happened behind. They all just sat calmly and patiently on their bikes waiting to make sure everything was okay.

The one bike who was hit approached the vehicle.

The driver freaked for no good reason, ran over 2 guys sitting on their motorcycles and in doing so incited a lynch mob looking for justice.

The bikers caught the guy, disabled his car and pulled him out and beat him. Before he ran over any more people or killed his wife and kids with his idiotic driving.

The one guy gets off his bike and starts to go over there too. Then walks back to his bike when the SUV speeds off. There was more than 2.
The one guy gets off his bike and starts to go over there too. Then walks back to his bike when the SUV speeds off. There was more than 2.

Hm.. good point.

I am convinced. From now on anytime I am sitting in my car and see 2 or more people walking towards me, I am just going to start running over anybody nearby no questions asked.

but, not really.
The biker was not decelerating. He was just riding at an even pace with the other bikes next to him.

The SUV slowly accelerated into him. Why I don't know, makes no sense.

Do you have any perception of speed? He clearly decelerates. The cameraman is not accelerating, the yellow bike in front of him is braking.
^ can't even follow those instructions.

OH, well. Hard to do without actually having a screen in front of for me to point out all the visual references, how the changing speeds and geometry affect perception.


I pretty much agree with most of this argument, aside from some of the details.

The SuV guy was a Fleeing Felon, the bikers had a right to cut his tires and pull him out by new york law it is permissible to use none deadly force in catching a felon on the run.

Well done bikers.

Opinion: In attack, can bikers get a fair shake? -
It's appalling that these poor innocent bikers who were just out for a little ride not breaking any laws and minding there own business would have to come across this blood thusty family. I'm sure the 2 year old was up all night with anticipation for some cold blooded hooligan action.
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Well... To each his own. I've been following this thread. Interesting to say the least. Not the worst I've seen in this world, but not the best by any means. Nelly, not sure I agree with things you see here... I can see your side as well as others. But we are all equally allowed our opinions and I'm all for it. I hope that Mr. RR was acting on fear... And not just a crazy, and I would have like to have seen the bikers just hold him once they stopped him and nothing more. Enough people were hurt in this video. Nelly.... Any te you want to ride I'm game. I live off the 67 in Ramona.
It's appalling that these poor innocent bikers who were just out for a little ride not breaking any laws and minding there own business would have to come across this blood thusty family. I'm sure the 2 year old was up all night with anticipation for some cold blooded hooligan action.

The wife and 2 year old were left completely unharmed due to the professionalism of the operation.

While the driver that committed the hate crime was apprehended.

Yes, it was a hate crime the only reason he ran over those bikers is because of his phobias and hate toward motorcycle riders.
I don't care who was rice or wong, but moderator please close this thread it's getting too hostile.
Sadly, Its currently in discussion. Its so sad when people can't just state a point without getting all pi55y. At the end of the day we are all going to know what happened as it will go through the courts and be a matter of public record.

The wife and 2 year old were left completely unharmed due to the professionalism of the operation.

While the driver that committed the hate crime was apprehended.

Yes, it was a hate crime the only reason he ran over those bikers is because of his phobias and hate toward motorcycle riders.
I have listened to you, read your arguments and justifications which at the start were very good at demonstrating how hundreds of people can see the same incident and have a different take on the situation. You are letting yourself down now with a completely misguided unvalidated response.

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