Tire in the Fast Lane


Senior Member
May 26, 2007
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Northern Cali
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So I'm riding on a 4 lane highway, second lane from the left (next to fast lane). I going about 70 mph, two cars to my left are going a little faster. One is even with me, the other is about 5 car lengths ahead. The sun is shining, yada, yada, yada.

Just then the right rear tire of the lead car on my left, just separated from the rim. The tire came off and just started rolling. Both the car next to me and I saw this at the same time. I roll off the thottle and cover the brakes. I was scared because I thought that they tire was going to start bouncing around.

Well, lucky for me, the tire just kept rolling straight. The injured car just slowed down and pulled off on the left shoulder.

I was fumbling looking for my hazard lights because I was slowing down. I didn't want to take my eyes off of the rolling tire. Finally found the hazards lights, but by this time, I was past the rolling tire.

I have read about truck tires comming apart and taking out bikes. I have never seen a tire separate like this. In the end, it was a non-event, but it still scared the heck out of me:eek:

That could have ended much differently. You must have had yer rabbit's foot keyring with you for sure. Glad is was a "non-event".
Glad you got out clean on that one - I've seen whole wheels come off cars while moving before but not just the tire - that's crazy. Based on those whole wheels - there's a lot of momentum in a 40+ lb rolling package that would wreck your day on a bike.
Glad read that it was just a scare.

Mythbusters busted the myth of the truck tire taking out a motorcyclist. It was pretty funny. The myth they addressed was whether one of those huge strips of truck tire rubber could knock the head off of a moto rider.

Now, the idea of what to do if there's a tire carcass in your lane, not so much.
Glad the only thing that got messed up was your skivvies! Way to stay calm and think through the problem :thumbup:
Wow, glad to hear that nothing serious happened. Stuff like that really does shake you up a bit but it also causes you to be more perceptive and on the look out for the unexpected.