Today's Ride

Great pics and it's cool to see brothers riding sister bikes too!

I rode the FZ1 up Ortega hwy today:drool::drool::drool::drool:The pure power from just a flick of the throttle is amazing! No need to down shift multiple times to get the horsepower like I do on the FZ6. Although I will say the FZ6 feels a lot easier seting up( braking, body position, throttle) to take a corner:thumbup:. On the FZ1 I felt I was braking more and could not fine a good line to take. Maybe just need to trade my brother for a week or two so I can get used to riding it:Sport:

Overall I would buy an FZ1 even over the new FZ8 (whenever it hits the states) no need to mess around, just jump straight to the big dog!
That's cool you got to ride with your bro. Did you take the yellow rim tape off your bike?