Toll Roads in England

We don't have many toll roads, I can only think of one off hand, passed Birmingham and bikes do have to pay. A few big crossings have tolls such as the Dartford crossing on the M25 around London, bikes are free on this. Bikes are free in the Congestion zone in London as well.

Other may know more.
Why is the M25 free?

I heard a story that a group of riders protested the toll by each occupying all the lanes, turning off their bikes, getting off their bikes, taking their gloves and helmet off, then start digging into their pockets for money, then taking their time putting on all their gear again and then take off. Then another rider comes up next, doing the exact samething and so on in every toll lane. Creating a gigantic backlog of cars.
Why is the M25 free?

I heard a story that a group of riders protested the toll by each occupying all the lanes, turning off their bikes, getting off their bikes, taking their gloves and helmet off, then start digging into their pockets for money, then taking their time putting on all their gear again and then take off. Then another rider comes up next, doing the exact samething and so on in every toll lane. Creating a gigantic backlog of cars.

M25, I expect it would cause too much congestion while the riders found the money. The crossing over the Thames is very busy. The M6 toll avoiding Birmingham is the one they were protesting about I'd have thought and it is not busy. Never used it in the car or on the bike. The M5 to M6 junction is one of the busiest places in the UK and probably Europe. The M6 toll misses this so they expect you to pay.
We don't have many toll roads, I can only think of one off hand, passed Birmingham and bikes do have to pay. A few big crossings have tolls such as the Dartford crossing on the M25 around London, bikes are free on this. Bikes are free in the Congestion zone in London as well.

Other may know more.

To add to the list The Mersey Tunnel is free for bikes too and when i get a new exhaust, I'll be going through it to hear the sound of it ;)
Why is the M25 free?

Because, up 'til recently, all our roads including motorways (freeways) including the M25 were built using money from the Government's coffers. However, that's slowly changing as toll roads are beginning to appear, like the new one round Birmingham. As you would expect when people have a choice between paying and not paying, they all crowd onto the free roads and the toll road remains pretty empty.

I heard a story that a group of riders protested the toll by each occupying all the lanes, turning off their bikes, getting off their bikes, taking their gloves and helmet off, then start digging into their pockets for money, then taking their time putting on all their gear again and then take off. Then another rider comes up next, doing the exact samething and so on in every toll lane. Creating a gigantic backlog of cars.

Yes, that was a tactic employed to counter charges for bikes when they were introduced on some of our major bridge and tunnel crossings. A pretty effective tactic.
Well here in the states, a tactic like that would never work here just because we have so many riders who ride with minimal gear.

Compared to the riders in Europe, everyone is all geared up! Finding a bunch of full geared riders here in the staes to dismount, turn off their bikes, remove their helmet, gloves, and then dig through the multiple pockets through layers of gear where they could then find some money might be a problem.

I guess the point is: you are more effective as a group to get the point across!