Top Speed???

Re: Top speed?

100 mph plus every time that bike hits the road and I do mean every time. I didn't buy it to go the speed limit.
Re: Top speed?

So if you suddenly stop posting here, we'll know what happened... :)

Want to match driving records? Or in this case riding records?

No, you won't know anything. Rather, you'll just be assuming and we know what assume means.........
Re: Top speed?

I have already givin my thoughts on top speed in the past threads listed.

The video was able to come up on my work computer, since its not youtube, and all i have to say is the only way to completly avoid a motorcycle accident is to not ride a motorcycle.
Re: Top speed?

I'm guilty of the same thing :Im With Stupid:

I would like to encourage people to slow down... 100mph+ on any public roadway is just asking for trouble.... Unless you have a 4 leaf clover up you arse, it's just a matter of time before you lose you lic or worse... kill yourself. The last thing the motorcycle community needs is more bad press. So everyone use your head before you lose your head....

... by the way, I wasn't trying to send a poor taste comment to Havblue... I like this guy's post and would like to see him around here for a while yet....:)
Re: Top speed?

I would like to encourage people to slow down... 100mph+ on any public roadway is just asking for trouble.... Unless you have a 4 leaf clover up you arse, it's just a matter of time before you lose you lic or worse... kill yourself. The last thing the motorcycle community needs is more bad press. So everyone use your head before you lose your head....

... by the way, I wasn't trying to send a poor taste comment to Havblue... I like this guy's post and would like to see him around here for a while yet....:)
Im sure Charlie took no offense by it. Having said that Carlie is an old geezer lol. So nature is bound to get him before the FZ6.
Joking aside. If you have the right riding conditions, visibility, well maintained machine. 100mph on the FZ6 is actually very safe and stable. I take on your point about the dangers of speed. It is often the danger of inappropriate speed, wrong time, wrong place that gets us into trouble.
Certainly in the UK the average crusing speed fro traffic on a motorway is between 80 - 90 MPH.
Re: Top speed?

Speedo indicated 131 mph on some very nice back roads, in the middle-of-nowhere grant county.

Re: Top speed?

Im sure Charlie took no offense by it. Having said that Carlie is an old geezer lol. So nature is bound to get him before the FZ6.
Joking aside. If you have the right riding conditions, visibility, well maintained machine. 100mph on the FZ6 is actually very safe and stable. I take on your point about the dangers of speed. It is often the danger of inappropriate speed, wrong time, wrong place that gets us into trouble.
Certainly in the UK the average crusing speed fro traffic on a motorway is between 80 - 90 MPH.

Thanks for the clarification Neil and this is quite correct. This boils down to calculated aggression. I would suggest the following:

There are many who ride the speed limit or just over. There are an equal number who fear the realm of 9,000rpm and beyond while again, an equal number learn to live in that area and enjoy it. Granted, the upper reaches of the FZ6 in terms of performance "is not" for the timid however, under the right conditions that bike is flat on rails at speeds of 90mph and beyond. It flat loves it up there however, the rider must have enough confidence in their own respective abilities to ride within that realm. It doesn't take much to clear 100mph on the FZ6 and there are many who will take it up there and then back off. There are few that will take it there and keep it there for mile after mile and this is where I like it.

Running down the road at those speeds knowing you must anticipate virtually all hazards at least 1/2 mile in front of you and praying you made the right call is fundamental. Make the wrong call and trust me, this is gonna hurt. Again, it boils down to calculated aggression and the riders comfort zone. I have no problem at all with those who choose not to go there and I respect them for this simply because they are smart enough to know they (personally) don't belong there. For those that do go there, be safe and gear up folks because a milliseconds laps in focus just may be all it takes to bring your entire world to an abrupt end.

Ride smart and please ride safe as our season is just beginning and from what I have observed so far on this forum our luck sucks.........
Re: Top speed?

Speedo indicated 131 mph on some very nice back roads, in the middle-of-nowhere grant county.


I trust you'll be as safe as possible and I do realize "safe" is a relative term. Just remember, 1 rabbit, 1 squirrel, 1 skunk or possibly a lone deer can take you out in a heartbeat. I too love back roads but I also have an unbelievable respect for them as well. Keep a clear field of vision, 110% focus, watch those tree lines and don't even think about making a mistake because you are likely to have but 1 chance and an EMT may be hours away...

Good luck to us all in 2008 but ride free......

Re: Top speed?

I trust you'll be as safe as possible and I do realize "safe" is a relative term. Just remember, 1 rabbit, 1 squirrel, 1 skunk or possibly a lone deer can take you out in a heartbeat. I too love back roads but I also have an unbelievable respect for them as well. Keep a clear field of vision, 110% focus, watch those tree lines and don't even think about making a mistake because you are likely to have but 1 chance and an EMT may be hours away...

Good luck to us all in 2008 but ride free......


Yeah, I wish there were trees is a desert.

I am very focused when I am driving fast, and around here it is the dust/gravel that you have to be very carful for...always do a slow run through first to check the road.

But yes, the EMT being quite away is a very real issue around here, or for that matter hours before someone will drive be and find you...

Always good to be reminded to be safe though.

Re: Top speed?

145 on a Vtx 1800c. Does that count? I havnt got the Fazer broke in yet. I will get back with ya. I hope.
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Re: Top speed?

Comet said "Life may begin at 30, but it doesn't get real interesting until about 150." So considering you were going 145 on the VTX does this mean it wasn't interesting.....LMAO
Re: Top speed?

I have knowingly and purposely exceeded 100, once so far. Probably hit 100 about three times though. The first time was after the 600 mile tuneup. I was lost on a backroad that I had just turned around on, I had not passed any cars for a few minutes and none were coming from the other direction. It was straight and in the middle of nowhere. I opened it up, glanced down and saw 92...100... and slowed down about a second after I had seen 100, so I am thinking 110 or so is my top speed. I have seen 90's a few times when passing cars and feel like it probably touched 100 but was not looking.

I am no stranger to speed... I am just acclimating myself little by little on the bike b/c it is new to me. When I was stupid(er) I used to hit 100mph everyday on a very dangerous backroad to and from high school. Since then, I have spent at least 24 hours well over 100 mph in various countries. 100mph has a very negative connotation (especially in the US) but in the right circumstances with the right driver and the right vehicle, it can be quite reasonable.
Re: Top speed?

Comet said "Life may begin at 30, but it doesn't get real interesting until about 150." So considering you were going 145 on the VTX does this mean it wasn't interesting.....LMAO
Yes, it was still fairly interesting. I was also shocked that she would reach that speed. The guy that I left behind on the Road Warrior was a little depressed though. He had just spent a bundle on after market stuff to go faster and the X was stock. Just kidding about the 150 though I dont make a habit of tempting fate.