veronica's transformation...

Yeah, I really liked the orange, too. I saw the color on the official Yamaha site and thought "That looks interesting, wouldn't mind seeing it in person" I had to go to an out-of-town Yamaha dealer to look at any R6's at all. My local dealear mainly stocks "star" motorcycles/cruisers/ and Yami dirtbikes/atvs. At this time he has only 2 F6Zr's in stock ! That's it !No other sportbikes. When I saw the R6 in orange it was a done deal because logic was thrown out the window and my heartfelt desire took over....Ever since I saw an R6 years ago in the team Yamaha colors, It was always on my "I want one" list. I went to a dealer about 30 miles away in Mattoon and they helped me out. They were also a Kawasaki dealer and so I looked at the Ninja zx6r also which has received rave reviews online. I picked the R6 over the Ninja because 1.) any difference between their performance is miniscule and will never be an issue for a newbie like me. 2.) I already have a Yamaha finance account so a trade in should be relatively painless (which it was) 3.) the R6 looks a lot better than the Ninja (most important reason). 4.) I already own a cool Yamaha chicane jacket and keychain. (utmost important reasons:Flash:) I will say that the ninja's seat is a bit lower and I felt more comfortable sitting on it. I kept saying to myself "This is crazy...don't do this...your current ride is perfectly fine" I almost walked out of there when the salesperson offered, "Would you like to hear her started up ? It won't be any trouble at all." After I heard her was a done deal. I'm sure they all knew it !
I sort of feel guilty for not supporting my local dealer, but the mattoon dealer had it in stock and showed her to me. I didn't feel it was right to exit without a sale then ask my local dealer to get one in after the mattoon dealer dealt with my endless "Can I sit on her one more time...for the 20th time" The way I see it, if my local dealer doesn't want to stock sportbikes, then I guess they don't want to sell them. Granted it's a small town, and I'm sure it's very costly to keep inventory on hand..but they've got literally tons of cruisers and scooters. I had mentioned to the store manager that I was interested in an R6 and he said "you need to get a cruiser/tourer next" and pointed me to a star venture or something along those lines.
At this point, I hope I don't get any animosity from my local dealer when I bring in my new bike for service. I'll probably take it to the mattoon dealer (where I purchased it) for the 600 mile initial check. (besides it's an excuse to ride 60 miles !). However, it's just so convenient to go to my local dealer because it's within walking distance ! As usual, I digress. Happy riding to all !!!
Very glad to hear that the scans are negative and you're healthy now! :thumbup:

As for the local service, I'd not go there. Since they are not selling sport bikes, it is less likely they know how to do quality service on them as well. Working on a V Star is a LOT different than a finely tuned race bike like the R series. In my mind, I question their capability and expertise.

:welcome: Brian and ride safe!
thanks for the input fz1inNH about dealer expertise. I do occasionally ride with people out of my local dealership, as they have a weekly ride. When I show up with my R6 I aniticipate getting some grief. Then again, I'll just say something to the effect of, "See, I told you I was interested in an R6 !" with a grin on my face to disarm any tension.
A curious side note......

When I was riding my Fizzer, I used to get "waves" all the time from all types of riders on all kinds of bikes. Where I live is definitely "harley country". In fact, last week the local HD dealer had a birthday bash with live entertainment, etc. I rode by there and Geez, there had to be hundreds of Bikers. The same DAY, my local Yamaha dealer from where I purchased my FZ6 held an open house complete with a d.j. from a local radio station. I counted 10 bikes. (not a minimization, this is an actual number). We went on a ride that day with 9 bikes. Am I painting a picture of the disparity ??
The point I am making is that while on my F6z I used to get "waves" from other bikers. In my one day of riding my R6, I waved to numerous bikers and very few waved back. I guess sportbike riders are considered the bain of existence to Harley riders.
The one exception was a "playful" harley rider who was riding on the interstate while I was riding along the frontage road. He was making an overhand up-and-down gesture to me and it took me a minute to figure out what he was gesturing for. He was encouraging me to ride a wheelie !!! no kidding !! Yeah, that's right. the guy who has trouble parking his new ride is going to suddenly ride a wheelie at 60mph down the road ! Well, gotta go. Got to look at Youtube instructional videos about "how to ride a wheelie" :rockon:
Good luck finding a useful R6 forum IMO. Most of them contain members half your age (no offense) and post the most retarded things you could imagine. Reading through the threads on most of them is like groundhog day. :rolleyes:
Yup mexicant, I've already noticed that about the R6 forum. I'll be a grandpa there for sure. My username is sevo6 there. I did get some useful information about relieving my cramped shifting foot by changing to a GP shift pattern which essentially puts the shift rod on the opposite side of the shifter to make a 1-up 5 down pattern. Then again Maybe I should learn to act my age instead??? I just don't see myself on a softail going through the highway underpass to hear my "pipes echo", from my underpowered, obnoxiously loud bike. I must admit though, I like the exhaust note of the R6...
Don't act your age! :D My dad is older than you and he loves to ride too. His back won't allow him to enjoy a super sport though.

I also wasn't totally bashing R6-forum, there are some good posters over there. You'll see for yourself all the "which year is better", the "09's have 6 less hp than the 07's how much slower are they" threads. :rolleyes:
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Yup, I did read that they decreased the hp of the '09 secondary to some noise reduction requirement. Curiously, the Yamaha dealer claimed no knowledge of this and gave me a blank stare when I mentioned that. (I think they were playing possum) I'm sure my '09 has more than enough horsepower to get me a speeding ticket in any of the contiguous 48 states ! in the '09 superbike shootout, the evaluators noticed a lack of punch in the upper rpm's which was previously there. These guys live for putting bikes on dynos so I would imagine they have some idea what they're talking about. In any case, I'm sure I won't really notice....