Victorian Bushfires

Great,nothing works like a telethon :D

The wife and I are going through all the kids old toys they don't use anymore and all their clothes they have grown out of .
This is truly a terrible disaster, my heart does out to all those effected.
I would like to give my utmost respect to all of the volunteer fire fighters, who despite facing insurmountable odds and danger have tried to the last man to save life and property.

Much respect to for PM Kevin Rudd, a top man in my opinion, who has that rare quality in politicians, Dignity and humanity. I saw him on the news put his arm around a fellow citizen who had lost everything. He simply looked at the man and said "You'll be alright mate".

I can't imagine our PM doing that.

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On the news last night Kevin Rudd was reading a statement about the fires and what the government will do,he couldn't finish it and had to stop to wipe away tears.A politician with emotion is a rare thing IMHO.
Good ol' fashioned Telathon is confirmed for Thursday night :cheer: , hosted unfortunately by Eddie McGuire :(...... Guess they have to justify his $5 million/year contract somehow :spank:.....Perhaps he could donate that :eek: not friggin' likely.....
Just dropped 3 bags of clothes off at the Red Cross shop up the street from my house....Was going to give them to Goodwill, but such a terrible terrible tragedy most definitely takes precedence over anything else...will also be donating cash through the Commonwealth Bank set up relief fund advertised on Mix 102.3FM.

And yes, Prime Minister Rudd has been conspicuos by his swift & positive action, as he should be, at least 2 communities have basically been wiped out by what has been described as a "Holocaust".

Aussie's are good at looking after each other when the $hit hits the fan, and in this case, it is way beyond that.

C'mon everyone, pull your fingers out and do what you can.
Healesville and Toolangi have come under ember attack,Toolangi has been cut off and evacuations have started in Healesville.It just keeps going !

I used to work in Healesville and Coldstream and the bush there is extremely thick !
They have put him in protective custody because of his "fragile mental state'............who bloody cares !

My place is covered in smoke this arvo,fire over at Trott Park................second deliberate fire in the south this week !
damn thats unbeleivable, thanks to all out of australia who are helping. To everyone here lets do what we can, i have donated at fresh and at coles, and still cant believe how much money in times of hardship, that we as a country can donate.
damn thats unbeleivable, thanks to all out of australia who are helping. To everyone here lets do what we can, i have donated at fresh and at coles, and still cant believe how much money in times of hardship, that we as a country can donate.

Tell me about it , i thought about it the other night after i donated at the Telathon.....We have donated enough to give the whole population a couple of Million each :eek: :(.....