Wallet Raping Ba$tards....

I saw evidence of the revenue raising on the way home on Friday.Took off from work early and took the long way home.Windy Point......Blackwood.....Coro Valley and then on to Black Rd and home.Those of you that know Black Rd will know that as you come onto it from the Coro Valley end there is a series of dips ,and sitting right in the middle of one of these dips was a camera car ! Thought it was illegal to sit at the bottom of hills :confused:
Love the title of the this thread...LOL.

Wouldn't it be fun if the situation were reversed, and you were the one's nabbing the speeders and writing tickets, making many riders and drivers go on "Tilt" (poker term)

I too just got nabbed at the beginning of the year, but we have the luxury of getting the ticket fixed, and reduced to a parking ticket if we get a traffic lawyer to do it for $50 bucks. My friend who is an attourney, was willing to do it for free.

But I am actually taking the chance and fighting the ticket. I have never been arrested, and have never been to court, even traffic court. I just want to see how this whole judicial process works. I was definatley going faster than the posted speed limit so I don't know how this is going to play out. All I got to say is that even good motorcyclist at times, must go faster than the posted speed limit in order to avoid potential hazards from developing into actual accidents. I was merely throttling out to gain separation and increase my margin of safety from the vehicles that were crowding me. So I was penalized for my ability to sense danger and taking control rather than letting something bad happen?

Just last night, a motorcycle cop got T-boned by a car at an intersection that I go thru everyday at work. He didn't get killed, but he was seriously hurt.
I saw evidence of the revenue raising on the way home on Friday.Took off from work early and took the long way home.Windy Point......Blackwood.....Coro Valley and then on to Black Rd and home.Those of you that know Black Rd will know that as you come onto it from the Coro Valley end there is a series of dips ,and sitting right in the middle of one of these dips was a camera car ! Thought it was illegal to sit at the bottom of hills :confused:

They like to sit up the other side of that dip with laser guns as well. I went past 15 times-ish one day. The copper in the end would see me coming and stop pointing the laser gun at me...lol. Everytime I got past them I'd be flashing my lights for all I was worth...LMAO.

I also like to throw it back a cog when I head towards them so it sounds like I'm going fast.

Must have cost them a pretty penny by flashing my lights. All those speeding fines missed out on. This means that I'm doing their job for them...lol. I'm making people slow down, without costing them money:thumbup:.

Speaking of wallet raping, I had my taxes done last week.

My accountant told me that they're expecting the IRS to greatly increase audits this year. The IRS is giving small fines to a lot more people, this way those audited won't make a big fuss and just pay the small fine. My accountant also told me that the IRS is targeting "small frys", those with less than $75,000.