Well Mother Of F***s

I think here in Florida driving a tank would help. However, you would still have some idiot not pay attention and hit you but it wouldn't be an issue for me then...LOL!
Get a mid 8o's crown vic, and then don't worry about it. Steel bumpers, a $500 jalopy, Let em hit it, you'll win!!!

BTW, I had a '79 Crown Vic as a beater, was great didn't have to worry about anything. Lady hit the bumper in parking lot, didn't scratch it, screwed up her much newer car..LOL...
Get a mid 8o's crown vic, and then don't worry about it. Steel bumpers, a $500 jalopy, Let em hit it, you'll win!!!

BTW, I had a '79 Crown Vic as a beater, was great didn't have to worry about anything. Lady hit the bumper in parking lot, didn't scratch it, screwed up her much newer car..LOL...

HEY! Now that's a thought...It is about the same as a tank...LOL