What lids (helmets) have actually PROVEN to hold up best in a crash?

Which brand has been proven to have the best crash ratings?

  • Shoei

    Votes: 17 32.7%
  • Arai

    Votes: 11 21.2%
  • HJC

    Votes: 10 19.2%
  • Scorpion

    Votes: 3 5.8%
  • Schuberth

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Other - Explain

    Votes: 10 19.2%

  • Total voters
There is no answer such as you are looking for. To many variables.
Here is an URL to a site that claims to know;
Motorcycle Helmet Safety Resource - Helmet Check
This MIGHT link to a pdf that explains the testing process;

I say might because I use Firefox running in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and it handles PDF's a little different then Microsucks does.
The NHTSA does the testing nowadays. The Snell foundation used to but big brother has taken over.
What I would like to get ahold of is one of those carbon-fider reinforced helmets some firm in the Low Countries (Belguim, Netherlands, Holland, etc for all you geographically challenged Ami's) makes. They cannot be sold in America.
DOT won't certify them, even though the EU coubterpart of the DOT does. DOT wanted a dozen or so for testing, They were told to get in line like everyone else. DOT said no, we are the DOT. We don't PAY for helmets, we get them free, then we destroy them. If you don't hand over those helmets, you cannot sell them in the USA. I guess DOT thought the laws of physics were different in Europe. Who knows?
Any way, the helmet company was about a year behind on filling orders they already had, so they told the DOT to pound sand.
I drifted off my point, which is there is no sure fire way to completely test a helmet. Too much depends on angle of impact, what is being impacted, speed, etc.
I was surpised to read that fit was 2nd to speed as a known factor.
Free advice; Find one that fits real snug. Your head rattling around inside the helmet is dangerous. REAL SNUG. If you can slide it on and off without a struggle, it is too loose. The name on the outside is for impressing the other posers and has no affect on safety. My 39.99 SMS open face is just as safe as a 500$US Shoi or Bell. If you feel safer dropping 5 bills on a hat go for it. Confidence will get you through situations you had no business getting into. Over confidence will get you dead, so watch where you are on that line.
My other free advice is if you carry a pillon hat, make it full face. Nothing quite puts a date off to a bad start faster then her breaking her nose on the back of your helmet because she wasn't ready for the decelleration a motorcycle can generate.