What to do with an annoying neighbour..


Junior Member
Jan 8, 2014
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Ontario, Canada
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So I live in a 12 story apartment on the 7th floor. There is a woman who drives a late 90's Subaru Legacy 4 dr thats rusted to the nines. She sits in the parking lot revving the engine for hours every night. Then she goes and drives through the parking lot across the street, does the same, does some random laps around the block revving it up(also driving in first gear so we can all hear the engine) and then finishes it all with some more revving at the base of the building.

Normally I don't mind hearing a revving engine, but I listen to that old POS every single night for hours and the landlord is completely absent.

Any ideas(legal and not vandalism?)
Sounds old fashioned, but thought about actually asking her to stop...... People seem to have forgotten how to talk to each other face to face these days :( (as I sit here talking to you on my computer LOL)
lol fair enough. Talking to her makes sense. Now...all I have to do is get the motivation to get out of bed at midnight, put my clothes on, walk across the street and ask her what the heck is going through her head.. other than exhaust fumes!
Maybe she is annoyed by your bike and this is her way of showing YOU what she has to go thru.........just thinking outside the box.

She could also have couple screws loose as well :)
I would talk to her the next time you saw her and politely ask her if she could either stop or get fixed whatever is wrong with car that makes her constantly have to rev it. If that doesn't work I suppose you could threaten to call the police on her with a disturbing the peace complaint.
So I live in a 12 story apartment on the 7th floor. There is a woman who drives a late 90's Subaru Legacy 4 dr thats rusted to the nines. She sits in the parking lot revving the engine for hours every night. Then she goes and drives through the parking lot across the street, does the same, does some random laps around the block revving it up(also driving in first gear so we can all hear the engine) and then finishes it all with some more revving at the base of the building.

Normally I don't mind hearing a revving engine, but I listen to that old POS every single night for hours and the landlord is completely absent.

Any ideas(legal and not vandalism?)

Date her, and give her something else to do at midnight ?

Go talk to her is staying up till midnight an impossibility? Your up anyways.


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Date her, and give her something else to do at midnight ?

Go talk to her is staying up till midnight an impossibility? Your up anyways.


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GENIUS, all this bizarre behavior has to be nothing other than pea****ing to notice her...hinting even more that she's askin' for an exhaust plug...just not the one i referred to earlier. :thumbup:
Maybe she is annoyed by your bike and this is her way of showing YOU what she has to go thru.........just thinking outside the box.

She could also have couple screws loose as well :)

Haha I would assume it's the later. This bike couldn't wake up a baby:(

Date her, and give her something else to do at midnight ?

Go talk to her is staying up till midnight an impossibility? Your up anyways.


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hahaha.. well, the thing is, I'm not up at midnight normally..usually in bed by 10 to be at work by 7.. The only reason I'd be up that late is because she's down there revvin'!

GENIUS, all this bizarre behavior has to be nothing other than pea****ing to notice her...hinting even more that she's askin' for an exhaust plug...just not the one i referred to earlier. :thumbup:

So I live in a 12 story apartment on the 7th floor. There is a woman who drives a late 90's Subaru Legacy 4 dr thats rusted to the nines. She sits in the parking lot revving the engine for hours every night. Then she goes and drives through the parking lot across the street, does the same, does some random laps around the block revving it up(also driving in first gear so we can all hear the engine) and then finishes it all with some more revving at the base of the building.

Normally I don't mind hearing a revving engine, but I listen to that old POS every single night for hours and the landlord is completely absent.

Any ideas(legal and not vandalism?)

Go talk to her. I would actually want to know the story as to why she is doing that.

I have a couple of ideas, find out where she lives and write her a note offering buy her a cup of coffee and chat. Maybe you could find out what's behind her behavior. If that doesn't work, suggest she replace her exhaust system with a tuned one, that flat 4 can sound pretty good. In my situation, I have an obnoxious neighbor that used to yell at my kids and can't be reasoned with, so I warm my bike with the TwoBros pointed in her direction.:don'tknow:
Call the police, that's what their paid to do. They can handle it. For them, its not a big issue.

There's too many wackos out there nowadays that'll possibly go off on you (and she's obviously not all there, drunk, high or ?)

And if she behaves to them as she seems to care about her fellow neighbors, They'll put her up for the night! :thumbup:
lol fair enough. Talking to her makes sense. Now...all I have to do is get the motivation to get out of bed at midnight, put my clothes on, walk across the street and ask her what the heck is going through her head.. other than exhaust fumes!

No, walk out in your underwear. It'll have better effect.
Go to the liquor store, buy a bottle of Scotch. Go to Walmart, buy some rubber gloves and Season 1 of Dexter. Rent a wood-chipper and get some heavy duty plastic bags. The rest is on you.
No, walk out in your underwear. It'll have better effect.
...Or without :eek:

Go to the liquor store, buy a bottle of Scotch. Go to Walmart, buy some rubber gloves and Season 1 of Dexter. Rent a wood-chipper and get some heavy duty plastic bags. The rest is on you.

...friends help you move....real friends help you move bodies...sounds like you need a real friend here.;)

Yeah go have a chat...maybe even offer to help if the car has issues; within reason of course. Can't hurt.
Most communities have sound ordinances through the town or county.

Anyone who would do this night after night on week nights is probably on drugs. Just saying.
Is she driving dangerously or erratically while making all that noise? Call 911.

"I think she's drunk..she's going to kill somebody.."

You could also capture video.
Pictures or this thread is worthless..

Probably just looking for a friend... Maybe take her back to the house and give her a whatfor!

Be wary confronting her at night, if she is on drugs she is definetly not keeing a low key. But she may have friends.