What's your chain lube?

i use belray, never noticed it flinging off at all. also tried dupont teflon and it was alright, but i went back to belray
Maxima Chain Wax... Used it on 3 bikes so far with over 90,000 clicks all in. No issues at all. More of a PITA than some other lubes for clean up / fling but it also does not fling off as much as others I have used in the past.
I hate flingy lube!!!

I've been using Motul as I got it on sale a bought a few. I apply it to a warm chain, nice and slow. Then wipe excess off with a rag and I haven't noticed too much poo fling off.

This makes me want to watch that you-tube video of those monkeys...
Diddo to the bel-ray, i have used the bel-ray chain "wax" and don't recommend it. It needed oiling more frequently and was dirtier.
A noob question. How often do we have to clean and lube the chain?

Not such an Noob question, experienced riders have different opinions on when to lube.
The book says every 500 miles. If you do a search on this forum you will find opinions vary on what to use and when to use it. I have seen here and on other forums everything from “never” to “never stop” (they have an automatic oiler). Most may fall into the every 300 to 600 mile or 1000 km category and after every rain ride. There is no magic mileage number, if you frequently ride on dirt roads, your chain makes noise or is obviously dry it's time to lube it. The best time is after a ride while the chain is warmed up.
Cleaning the chain is as important as lubing it, if you put clean lube on top of dirty lube you just get more dirty lube. Kerosene is safe for cleaning, some use WD 40 but it contains Hexane which is closer to gasoline than kerosene so there may be an issue with O-ring compatibility, just my humble opinion.
I've used all the major lube brands and every brand worked well. To me the perfect lube does not sling, attract dirt or gum up the rollers (test your rollers to see if they turn easily or do you need to twist them to get movement). I am currently using the Dupont Teflon product every 350 to 500 miles. My last can was $4.99 at Lowes and it seems to act well as a cleaner and a lube. The chain is so clean now that I just make one application to wipe (occasionally use the grunge brush) and one to leave to dry, so I'm cleaning the chain at every lube. Because the cleaner is a lube I don't worry about the O-rings, sealed lubricant breakdown or waiting till the cleaner evaporates. By reading and experimenting you are sure to come up with your own opinion and routine on what's best for your bike.
Been using Dupont exclusively for probably 50k km now, great stuff, highly recommended. First chain lasted 53k km until some tight links forced a replacement, that's without religious chain maintenance. Can't really beat that
Hate to bring back an old thread, but after reading through this I was amazed at the difference of opinions, even on the same product!

I was using a foam type lubracant that was messy to apply and even messier to clean up after it would fling nasty black goop all over the place. The brand name is escaping me at the moment, but this stuff was good for about 500 miles or so before I needed to reapply.

I just purchased a can of Maxima Chain Wax after reading mostly postive (albeit some negative) feedback and was wondering what everyones thoughts were a year after the last post.

What are you all using, and what are your thoughts on Maxima?
Motul. It's so good for me that I do not want to search further. Some others I tried were so bad that I, whenewer I was driving a little bit faster, needed to clean dirty spots from my exhaust... :thumbdown:
Motul rules. :D
I discovered Wurth dry chain lube and wow! No more dirty chain or black goop flung all up the back the the license plate or on the tyres!
I believe its a German product and may not be available in US.
My bro uses a Scottoiler and is also very happy.
I use the Maxima spray chain wax for three or four lubes and then I use the Belray spray chain lube once, then repeat the cycle. (My dealer recommended the first one but I like the latter. (By alternating I think I get the best of both maybe?)