What's your "road kill" tally?

Oh dear...here goes my list.

Ford Explorer : 2 deer...both at high speeds...fly like a golf-ball at a driving range
Ford Ranger : 1 deer, 2 opossums (those things are dumb), and an unfortunate squirrel
Audi A4 : 1 deer (but it hit into the side of my car...so I don't know about counting it), 1 rabbit, and a cat (definitely the most depressing)
Dodge Stealth : 1 ENORMOUS raccoon. It ripped off the front ground effects!

Bike - Street
1970something BMW : 1 rabbit and a robin.
2008 FZ-6 : Nothing yet!!!

Bike - Dirt
-1 Deer...I'm serious. It was bedded down for the day and I came around a bend like a bat out of hell...no chance for either of us. I layed it over and it tried to jump. What resulted was quite possibly the strangest thing I have ever been a part of. The deer was barely getting off the ground when the bike slid into the legs and flipped it...almost on top of me. Luckily in its insane scramble to get out of there it didn't stomp on anything vital or unprotected by gear.
-1 Turkey...so sad. Little bugger didn't have a chance after she got tumbled under the front-wheel. Once again...I bit it...but no injuries on the dirt. Almost saved one of the breasts to eat at camp later that night (I know I know...sooo redneck).

I will continue to update on my murderous rampages.

P.S. In case you were wondering...the high number of deer hits is due to where I live (Northeast of Pittsburgh Pa). It is known in the insurance industry for having one of the highest deer hits per capita in the country (according to my agent). The comprehensive coverage here is really high.
One bird of some sort in Wyoming. It took off from the roadside and shared spacetime with the upper part of my helmet.

Had a couple of buzards attempt the same thing on the way back from the 100 mile loop a few weeks back. I hugged the tank and prayed. Otherwise I would have taken those birds in the chest.

Oh yeah, when a buzzard is coming at you, suddenly you wish that the Fizzer's windscreen was a whole lot bigger.
Oh yeah, when a buzzard is coming at you, suddenly you wish that the Fizzer's windscreen was a whole lot bigger.

No SH*T!!!! That happened to the wife and me, I ducked and she damn near jumped off the back of the FZ. She was pounding my back after that one!
Just wondering what everyone has hit....I'll start.
At 3500mi I've logged a bunny (no problem) and Mourning Dove to the right arm (no problem) but yesterday I took a Hummingbird to the throat...Darn rascal hit me perfectly above the collar of my jacket and just under the chin guard on my helmet.....Between the tears streaming down my face I was able to get shut down but man did that bugger almost knock me flat...A stupid tiny hummingbird....Guy behind me stopped to check on me and said it looked just like someone had smacked me in the face with a down filled pillow LOL
Ok I have only hit a pidgeon in full flight, bloody hurt.
I would like to pay homage to a member who hasn't posted in a while. This guy is a killing machine lol:scared::sinister: His prefered weapon is two wheels.

Animals I have killed on street bikes:

Bike: 1982 kawasaki GPZ 550
animal : decent sized pigeon hit me in the shoulder at highway speeds... messy

Bike : 1985 Suzuki GS 500
animal : black bird struck me in the knee.. ouch.. had to pull over after that one smarted.

Bike: 1995 Kawasaki Ninja 600RR
animal : 30lb racoon. didn't hurt me but it hurt my bike.

Bike : 2004 Yamaha FZ6
Aniamal.. well insect actually.. June bug at 100mph. Hit me in the middle of my helmut sheild, hit so hard it cracked my sheild and wrecked it.

I really hope that will be my last animal inpact.
I'm going to join Shaggystyle and say that I think I killed a deer. I hit it pretty hard, and straight on, but it did sort of "run" off. More like a stumbling falling sort of run, but it wasn't dead on the spot. I hope for the deer's sake that it either healed or died quickly, instead of a month later from starvation or something. I've hit some other smaller things in the cage, but that's it for bikes.
About six dragonflies last late summer (those things hurt!).

And about a week ago, I had my faceshield open a crack, and took in a bee! I pulled over quickly, pulled up the shield and he flew off. He didn't sting me and I didn't kill him, so I guess he doesn't count, and I'm at peace with the world.
Luckily only 2 small birds, a sparrow hit my arm (oww) and a thrush hit my chest, and fell dead in my lap, it really took the wind out of me.
I dread to think what a pigeon or bigger would feel like. :(
:cheer::rockon:I took State Route 28 out in S. Carolina.

A road man, I killed a road. :bow:
Bike=a rabbit and a rat. Car=Rabbits,armadillo,opossum,squirls,cat,dog,chicken,vulture,snakes,racoon, and countless birds. for about a 2 month strech I killed something once a week, my car was a spawn of Satin.

Oh ya! The racoon I hit right in front of my work and a co-worker took it home and ate it.
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My friends and I were going real fast in his truck offroad. We were speeding through a valley with dense fields of grass and flowers on either side of the road, when a huge flock of birds decided the would all fly out the cover. It sounded like machine gun fire, I can't count how many of them we hit.
On a bike so far just bugs and such, in a cage I have gotten a raccoon, a chipmunk, and just clipped a deer and almost a bear.
I was driving a 26 foot Penske Rental truck at night on a two lane highway in Nevada and hit two big elks. I was going about 70mph, which was the max because the truck had a speed restrictor, also known as a governor. Saw two giant elks walking side by side stepping right in front of my path. Didn't even have time to hit the brakes. I just said HOLY SHTTT! Only had a second to decide how I was going to hit them. Decided to hit them straight on dead center with the truck rather than trying to swerve and hit them with the corner of the truck. Braced the steering wheel and hit the first one, head was even with the hood, which was about 5 feet high. Thump and another thump with the truck jerking a bit from the two hits. Looked in my driver's side mirror and saw that I chopped one of the elk in half because I saw only half of the body tumbling away. Not sure what happened to the 2nd, but it was history too. Truck kept running so I didn't even stop until I had to get fuel. Woudn't you know it, just after the slaughter, there was a warning sign indicating that I was entering an elk migration area for the next 40 miles. When I finally stopped, the front bumper was smashed into a V. Front plastic grill was cracked. Underneath, a bunch of raw meat and hair stuck onto the axle, and stuck inside the wheel well and rims of the tire. Blood on the left side of the truck and across the hood. Good thing it was during the winter, kept the meat from spoiling. I made a great decision under the circumstances. If I would have swerved and hit them with the corner of the truck, probably would have recieved more body damage, and possibly make the truck undriveable. Funny thing filling out the accident report when I returned the truck, they had questions on the paperwork whether there were any fatalities. I said yes. They wanted names of the victim. I answered Mr and Mrs Elk. Where? Highway 93 Nevada Desert
One large possom.

Only hit it's head with the front tire. Felt like a small bump.

Luckily I didn't run it over completely. I don't know what would happen if thats the case. Any body know?
i have (like many others) hit about 89484920495739 bugs and almost a horse...

The horse was being walked down the street when Keira and I were riding down the street and it got scared at Keira's bike and pulled away from the person walking down the street and took off after her, Only problem was that i was behind Keira and the thing ran into the street right at me. I just shut my bike down and waited for Keira to outrun the horse or the horse to give up, which came first
We were drinking coffee on the back porch when our 7 ft tall neighbor comes cruising through our back yard on his multi primered 75 Vespa scooter. Well the two resident geese did'nt take to kindly to this and proceeded to fly right into the back of his head, causing his immediate departure from his Vespa. The coffee went out my nose and I damn near pissed myself ,laughfing at him chasing the geese. followed by another blast of coffee through the nose when he slipped on the grass while trying to kick the geese and landing flat on his back. Monty python couldn't of made this moment better. Everyone lived though, does this still count?
The coffee went out my nose and I damn near pissed myself ,laughfing at him chasing the geese. followed by another blast of coffee through the nose when he slipped on the grass while trying to kick the geese and landing flat on his back.

LMAO!!!! oh man, I'm crying!!! LOL
fortunately I have only hit multitudes of bugs like you guys.

However, my big animal issues started early on.

#1 - Beaver. On my old bike, had my license for about a month and was on my way home from work (daylight). Truck in front of me swerves into the other lane, I see a beaver hanging out in the middle of the road. Use my MSF avoidance techniques and get around it.

#2 - Black Bear. Again, on my old commute, new bike this time. On the road late at night (11Pm or so), saw movement in my headlights close to the same spot as the above incident. I slow down and realize the movement is big, like 3-4 feet tall and long. I come to a complete stop and flick on the high beams, see a bear looking back at me, and sit perfectly still, patiently and just wait for it to walk off.

#3 - Horse. See reiobard's accoutn of this incident.... Totally scary, yet hilarious in retrospect. The owners of the horse were so apologetic.

That was 2 or 3 years ago, and hopefully the last big animal encounter. I think the next step up is an elephant!
We were drinking coffee on the back porch when our 7 ft tall neighbor comes cruising through our back yard on his multi primered 75 Vespa scooter. Well the two resident geese did'nt take to kindly to this and proceeded to fly right into the back of his head, causing his immediate departure from his Vespa. The coffee went out my nose and I damn near pissed myself ,laughfing at him chasing the geese. followed by another blast of coffee through the nose when he slipped on the grass while trying to kick the geese and landing flat on his back. Monty python couldn't of made this moment better. Everyone lived though, does this still count?

You win this thread.