Where do you have your pre-load set?

I ran a 7 on the FZ6 all the time. On the FZ1, it is still on 3 but I want to bump it to 4, then 5 and see how each feels.
5 on the FZ1 feels great and the bike handles great .. .on the fz6 I had set it at 5 too. I weight almost 190 lbs with full gear. So use this as a reference.
I'm about 230-240 with gear and I have mine set on 7. I got it at 3 but it was way too soft. I still find it too soft at 7 with a pillion.
Doorag, I pm'ed you regarding the preload setting. When I bought the bike it was missing the toolkit, I was trying to mess around to adjust it without the provided wrench. Does anyone know if it is possible to adjust it without the wrench and if so how?

Thanks so much
use a c wrench. its pretty tight in there.

mine came set at 3 but i didnt like it. with my missus on the back it was a bit saggy and we arnt heavy, im about 80kg wet. so i cranked it up to full tension. and man is it better. the wheelies are the best part. but my cornering feels smoother. trackdays more fun. once i do the r6 fork mod il have it setup by a pro.
The manual shows the wrench being inserted at 9:00 (analog clock hand).
That would make the handlebars at 12:00, and the brake lights at 6:00

Given that, where is the position indicator located?
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I just set mine to 6 after having it at 5, the difference especially with the FZ1 bars is amazing, the bike feels lighter in turns now and feels like I am leaning more than before?? I weigh around 250, will I notice a big difference going up to 7?
The manual shows the wrench being inserted at 9:00 (analog clock hand).
That would make the handlebars at 12:00, and the brake lights at 6:00

Given that, where is the position indicator located?

Could someone chime in on this for me please? :confused:
The indicator is located at 9:00 inside the little slot where you put the wrench; it's hard to see, but it's there. it visible at a precise angle. I've got 50 year old eyes, so If I can see it...
If you look from 9pm from the side where you insert the wrench, you can see the slots each with the numbers below them. Also at 9pm, if you look through the slots are two holes in the metal in the cylinder behind this one. These are the indicator marks, and as you turn the wrench, a new slot moves over these and clicks in place. Whatever number is below the slot is your setting.

The picture in the manual is a bit misleading as it flattens out the cylinder you are turning so doesn't actually look like what you see.

Hope that helps.
The indicator is located at 9:00 inside the little slot where you put the wrench; it's hard to see, but it's there. it visible at a precise angle. I've got 50 year old eyes, so If I can see it...

If you look from 9pm from the side where you insert the wrench, you can see the slots each with the numbers below them. Also at 9pm, if you look through the slots are two holes in the metal in the cylinder behind this one. These are the indicator marks, and as you turn the wrench, a new slot moves over these and clicks in place. Whatever number is below the slot is your setting.

Hope that helps.

Thanks a lot guys! I'll check this out when I get home from work.

Good lord. I'm pretty sure I my bike is set at #1 right now :eek:
I'm about 167lbs and had it at 4; felt pretty good for normal street riding/commuting.

I then started riding with revs near 8K and the bike felt like it squatted too much on acceleration so I moved it to 6. It feels much better at those revs.

Later, I may have to stiffen up the front to reduce some of the dive.

Mine came set at 3. I just adjusted it to 5 this weekend to see if it helps get rid of the very slight wobbly feel from the front end. For reference, I weigh about 260 (not including gear) so I'm hoping the "weird" front end feel is due to the suspension not being setup for my weight.
Being new to the FZ6, I was going to cross this bridge down the road. Thanks for resurrecting this post. I went outside on my lunchbreak, took out the tool, and adjusted from the factory-set 3 to a 5. Maybe it was in my head, but it felt faster and far more comfortable.
I have it set for 30-35mm of rear sag

Hm... I saw a video on this kind of setup and in order to get this sag, you had to get the fully extended suspension length with weight off the wheels, the suspension length with you on board, and subtract right? If the length was not 30-35mm, you tightened or loosened the preload right?

I saw another video where they measured the bike on the ground with no rider and then the bike with rider on and subtracted. Which one to use?

I'm trying to figure out this stuff and I guess the FZ6 is simple due to only one suspension adjustment (unless you add R6 forks).

I might give the second choice a try since it is easiest -- just need someone to measure with me on the bike and no lifting required.


When i got mine it was on 3 as the standard factory setting.

I changed it to 4 because after a couple of weeks i was fed up of cars flashing me at night. The back end must have been sagging too much.

I'm going to move upto 5 when the snow has cleared and i'm back on the roads again.

It looks like the average on here is 5.