Which is the best way to turn off my engine?

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I don't regularly use the kill switch; I don't want to wear out the switch. Similarily, I don't turn off lights in house because "I don't want to wear out the switch." Don't use switches, just leave whatever's on, on. One final note: please don't shoot your lawnmower. Some guy got arrested for that, you know. Seriously, after reading about Sportrider's kill switch problem I decided that I wouldn't use it too much. It sounded as if the OEM kill switch isn't/wasn't very durable with heavy usage?
When I first got my FZ6, I stopped the engine using the kill switch, then I would turn off the ignition using the key. After walking away from my bike several times leaving the key in the ignition, I changed to stopping the engine with the ignition key and then pull out the key.
Here's my opinion:- the "kill switch" is a supplemental backup to the ignition switch, not a primary method of stopping the engine. Having worked on the bench as an auto mechanic/technician for over 25 years before becoming a Japanese car manufacturer District After Sales Manager, I have seen many, many switches of all types fail from simple, repetitive use. The kill switch (to my mind) is a failure waiting to happen. Leaving it in the "run" position minimizes the possibility of it failing, im(very)h opinion.
As always, it's a personal choice, of course, but I think the advantages of using the ignition key rather than the kill switch as the primary method of switching the engine on and off outweigh the disadvantages.
As a bonus, when I do the usual panicky "what did I do with my key?" personal strip search in the restaurant, I always find it in a pocket.:D
Another option is the side stand. If you dont want to wear out your kill switch (tho I doubt it would happen), simply flick down the side stand & bingo.
That's how I do it, for one reason: usually the first thing I want to do when I park is stand up! Then I take off my gloves, and THEN turn the key off and put it in my pocket (which would be impossible still seated, and difficult with gloves on).
I kill mine with the kickstand every time, then I dismount, lock the ignition, and remove my gear. The only time my kill switch gets used other than doing the weekly checklist is when me and my friends prank each other at very long lights. I'll just reach over and flip theirs off and they'll return the favor at the next light. :D
I switch it once in awhile, kickstand, killswitch, or turning the key to off. But most often I use the killswitch first.
does anyone turn their bike off w/ the kickstand switch?? i see my brother do this all the time..

I've done this a few times but found the bike harder to start afterward.... like it flooded itself with the sudden kill. The kill switch kills not only the engine, but the fuel pump too. The side-stand doesn't kill the fuel pump. Just my own findings.... ;)
I been doing the kickstand thing ..... i guess i better stop ....but it's sad, cos i had it really down ... pull up and "drop" the bike onto it's stand .... it looked really cool ok. :Flip:

What i do know is that you are supposed to let the bike idle normally for a few seconds before switching off, i *think* it's got something to do with allowing oil to remain on the cylinder walls. Revving then quitting cleans the cylinder walls a little too well, which results in a dryness when you start again.

I guess it's the same issue for using the stand kill switch (?)
I like to use the kill switch. I have times when I want to check my gauges, and not start it. I've heard switching the key on and off can flood the engine, and if your going to do it to leave the kill switch off.

The key thing, yea I try to make sure I take the key with me so I don't drain the battery.

kill switch is the best bet without risking the flooding issue. there really is no point to be worried about overusing it due to modern-aged parts and if it gets worn but highly unlikely, you could always get it fixed through warranty. and you really shouldnt be forgetting to bring your key with you after you park it each and every time so i dont see how you could forget to leave it on and let the battery drain.
does anyone turn their bike off w/ the kickstand switch?? i see my brother do this all the time..

Hi lattin,

I shut my bike off via the kickstand all of the time. In fact, it's really the only way that I do it. I have no idea how come I started doing this, though. However, after reading some of these posts, I think I might try to remember and shut the bike off with the key. That way I won't drain the battery or leave the bike readily available for theft.

Don't know if it's the "best" way, but every bike I've ever owned I've used the kickstand to kill the engine.
Seriously.... a 4 page discussion on how to turn off a bike??.......:rolleyes:

Can't wait for the marathon discussion on the 'best' way to turn your ignition key, followed up closely by the best way to sit on your seat.....

Wait, don't we all turn the key with our pointer finger and thumb in a purple nurple type grasp?

I scream "YAAAAHHHH!!!" as I punch the key as hard as I can so it gets wedged in between my middle and ring finger, then twist and pull it out.

Show that key who's boss.
Wait, don't we all turn the key with our pointer finger and thumb in a purple nurple type grasp?

Right hand or Left? cuz sometimes I reach across with my Left to do it. It does kinda feel funny, but that's the reason I like it.

Key on, kill switch on, clutch in, start bike, kickstand up, drop into 1st, and go.

That's my way, I've tried to mix it up but putting it into gear before the kick stand goes up doesn't work as well. :p

Seriously.... a 4 page discussion on how to turn off a bike??.......:rolleyes:

This is nothing. IBMWR had a two week discussion on how to get off of a motorcycle.
Get off, kickstand, then centerstand
Kickstand, get off, centerstand
Get off, centerstand
Get off, kickstand.

Believe me, we can keep dragging this thread out until you'll want to eat lye.

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