Which tire catches the nails?

Which tire catches the nails?

  • Front... I'm bummed!

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Rear... I'm bummed!

    Votes: 75 71.4%
  • No nails for me, my tires use nail-repelling compound.

    Votes: 29 27.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I came home a few weeks ago to find my bike has become a budget lowrider. 3 nails driven in the same place way to close to be pickups. so I get pissed punch some **** and the wife thinks I've run them over I think vandalism right away so a few days later I patched the tire and decide to put both bikes outside the garage. I grabbed a twelve pack and my double barrel 12 gauge. "yes I do live in south carolina how nice of you to notice" I sit in the back of my work van for 3 hours waiting for a pack of hoodlums. at 2:45 am two people approach wearing hoods the taller one stabs my rear tire and then heads for the buell, at this point I'm standing 3 feet from them, I ****ed both hammers and politely stated oh was my tire pressure to high? second "thug" falls over "passed out" first one screams and trys to run and caught a barrel to the face, cops get there un hood both suspects, they are least 70 years old, apparently I scared them a week earlier by passing them, so they took it into their own hands. oh and to add to my great night both of them **** their pants "literally" when I ****ed the gun. :Flip: the motorcycle gods are truly upon me
This sounds like non-fiction. Am I right?
Q: Which tire catches the nails?
A: The new one.

Aint that the truth. Picked up a new rear tire in Sept. and had a nail in it by the end of Oct. The tire only had 2000 miles on it at that point. This it the third nail I've gotten in 17 months. All have been on rear tires. I now carry a plug kit and a pump. So I'll probably never get another one.
I came home a few weeks ago to find my bike has become a budget lowrider. 3 nails driven in the same place way to close to be pickups. so I get pissed punch some **** and the wife thinks I've run them over I think vandalism right away so a few days later I patched the tire and decide to put both bikes outside the garage. I grabbed a twelve pack and my double barrel 12 gauge. "yes I do live in south carolina how nice of you to notice" I sit in the back of my work van for 3 hours waiting for a pack of hoodlums. at 2:45 am two people approach wearing hoods the taller one stabs my rear tire and then heads for the buell, at this point I'm standing 3 feet from them, I ****ed both hammers and politely stated oh was my tire pressure to high? second "thug" falls over "passed out" first one screams and trys to run and caught a barrel to the face, cops get there un hood both suspects, they are least 70 years old, apparently I scared them a week earlier by passing them, so they took it into their own hands. oh and to add to my great night both of them **** their pants "literally" when I ****ed the gun. :Flip: the motorcycle gods are truly upon me


Three nails in one spot on the tire? Pretty stupid to have been so obvious about it. One simple puncture would have done the trick.
I voted none but I got my first "nail" on the front tire. It was actually a huge piece of metal that sent the bike flying away with me. The tire (as well as the front fairing) is ripped after only 2000 highway miles (South Florida-Atlanta, GA)
I got a screw in my pilot powers after 200 miles... Patched... Metal shard... pulled... flat in the garage... I pulled the tire and aside from the two there was a finishing nail and cuts all over the tire... maybe 2000 miles total... COntinental attacks lets keep our fingers crossed...

I had 2 within 1 week last year...2 plugs currently in the rear. Getting a new rear tire sometime soon...
I think I have been buying quad compound tires with the fourth compound being magnetic dust in the super soft rubber. The magnet dust in the front tire stands the nail up to assure proper alignment into the rear. This is obviously only in the expensive tires, cost of magnet dust........

And that story from the guy in SC, I peed too, from laughing, I used to live in NC, probably true story.
Bummer... I just picked up a nail in the rear tire. Probably have about 500 miles on Pilot Road 2. Went over 8000 miles on original Bridgestones without a hitch. None of the local places will patch it, so will replace. How about you... which tire catches the nails?

I recently got two nails in two weeks in my 1000 mile old rear Pilot Road 2, grrrrrrr... Fortunately for me the local garage repaired both although they have told me no more. I'm looking to get 10,000 miles from these tyres, I've done 4500 already and they seem hardly worn so another puncture would screw things right up.
Just had to get my stock tyres replaced yesterday after 10000 km. Got my second nail in the rear one in less than a month and they told me when I took it down to get it fixed that you can't plug the same tyre twice. Is that true????

In any case, bought a new set of Pilot Road 2s. I was going to do that anyway in the next couple of months.
REAR...got a nail this morning FFS in my nearly new BT-021's... fortunately, if there is such a thing, the nail was right in the middle so RAC rescue guy managed to plug it.

I'm gonna see if i can have it fixed properly at a garage tomorrow AM. I'v gone through about six tire's due to nails/screws in about two years - flipping bane of my life they are...

Oh well, what can ya do....
REAR...got a nail this morning FFS in my nearly new BT-021's... fortunately, if there is such a thing, the nail was right in the middle so RAC rescue guy managed to plug it.

I'm gonna see if i can have it fixed properly at a garage tomorrow AM. I'v gone through about six tire's due to nails/screws in about two years - flipping bane of my life they are...

Oh well, what can ya do....
Stay away from those *&^%%!!construction sites!
My visual acuity is such that I am able to swerve around discarded nails on the highway, dodge june bugs at 80mph and spot black and whites that are waiting hidden around 90 degree turns. I know...I too would doubt such a claim but my lack of nails in the tires, splattered june bugs, and never having gotten a ticket cements this as simple irrefutable fact that cannot be false.
Rear. Always. So far.

I've picked up a ton over the last year, Some all the way in and others just hanging onto the side. I keep emergency tyre inflating stuff for this reason. We've had massive roadworks all over the city, lot of people have had punctures over the last while.

But i'm not buying new anymore. Got a dealer that stocks 2nd hand racing tyres. New back would be about 2000 rand. I pick up these for 500.

Most of my riding is commuting, so even pilot roads wear down fast in the middle, and if you get a nail, well, thats another 2000.

These race tyres are nicely worn on the sides, and near new in the middle, and give me about half the milage of a new, at a quarter the price. And when i do take a corner, the rubber is gooooood. And when i get a nail i don't cry ... too much.
Just had to get my stock tyres replaced yesterday after 10000 km. Got my second nail in the rear one in less than a month and they told me when I took it down to get it fixed that you can't plug the same tyre twice. Is that true????

In any case, bought a new set of Pilot Road 2s. I was going to do that anyway in the next couple of months.

I've been told that with car tyres in the past and i guess it's the same for bikes.
I think it's a money maker for the garages really because if the repair is done correctly it should never cause a problem with the tyre.
A couple of years ago I got a nail in the front whilst on holiday in Germany, I rode home very carefully, the tyre lost air very slowly and it was a sunday so I couldn't get to a bike shop that was open. I had replaced the tyre the previous month (pilot road 2CT), unfortunately it was close to the outside so all the shops refused to plug it so I ended up getting a new tyre :(

I've been riding around the last week with what I thought was a nail in my rear tyre :spank: I was dreading this as the rear tyre was only a couple of months old. The tyre hadn't been losing any air (I checked this every day). Yesterday I carefully pulled the nail out to see how bad the damage was and doubting if I should plug it or not (it was almost in the middle of the tyre, and I have been told that this is fine for a plug), luckily I found it was only a nail head with only a couple of mm's of rusty metal attached :cheer::cheer::cheer: so this has made me real happy :thumbup: