who would you vote for and why?

the next President of the United States

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 77 46.1%
  • John McCain

    Votes: 81 48.5%
  • Bob Barr (Libertarian Party)

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Ralph Nader (Green Party)

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • waiting for VP choices

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • not going to vote

    Votes: 5 3.0%

  • Total voters
Since we're actually voting for a Commander and Chief and not someone who “changes” the world's environment or economy in four years, I’m going with McCain. Obama knows as much about running the military as he does about his own religion. Unfortunately McCain is weak competition and the American public believes that what Obama says is actually truth. Do people not realize this guy, who calls himself an American, will not even say our pledge of allegiance, and who was sworn into his seat in the senate on the Koran and not the Bible?

Sounds like a lot of unsupportable email propoganda....What are your sources?
And I would argue that we are voting for both a commander in chief and someone who will use the position to further the country and world on a track that will improve our economy and the world's environment.

Watch this. YouTube - "Joe, American" Challenges the Presidential Candidates

I will get into Anwar in a minute. Watch this video.

I have a question:

there is a short-term and long-term energy crisis the US will face.

short-term is obvious. prices so high it is handicapping the economy somewhat. say you drill in alaska and offshore. that leads to the long-term problem, now that the short-term has been addressed.

long-term: what do u do when the oil runs out in alaska and offshore, ull be in the same boat as u are now. is the solution milking iraq?
And why would google tell you or me the truth. And If you think the goverment would spill the truth to the internet. SORRY MY FRIEND YOU ARE WRONG.

that is just silly. how can the government block something so obvious as what is on the earth. thats like saying the government can make a country disappear if it wants to. like saying if the government wanted to it could block all mention of mexico on the internet.
Do people not realize this guy, who calls himself an American, will not even say our pledge of allegiance, and who was sworn into his seat in the senate on the Koran and not the Bible?
I've seen the original photo of Obama "not reciting the pledge"; Hillary and the senator from NM are both in it, they're all looking different directions. (the flag is directly behind them) Nobody's mouth is open yet. It was simply an opportunistic photo.

Ask yourself these questions:
a) How many times do you suppose Obama has been in a situation to recite the Pledge since that photo was taken? Dozens? Hundreds?
b) How many cameras/videos/cellphones do you suppose were trained on him when those pledges took place? Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands?
c) How many of those pics/videos have you seen on the news or YouTube? None?

As far as taking his oath on a Koran, if that's the case why did he spend 20 years in an evangelical church with a racist pastor? Is he trying to offend as many groups at once as possible?

Karl Rove loved it when people thought like this. :(
Is the solution milking iraq?

;) Everyone should google or wikipedia "Project for a New American Century". It was a committee, and a report, done during the Carter administration which advocated pre-emptive invasion of oil-rich countries, to ensure the U.S.'s access to oil into the future.
Some of the committee members you may recognize (remember, this took place during the Carter administration): Rumsfeld. Cheney. Wolfowitz. Libbey.

Please, please, don't believe me. Look it up for yourself. ;)
Look here are the facts in a nutshell, these are facts not opinion.

1) Obama is not a Muslim.
2) Obama is not a Manchurian Candidate.
3) Obama is not a disciple of Osama Bin Ladin.
4) Obama does say the pledge of allegiance, and covers his heart when doing so.
5) Michelle Obama does not hate Whitey.
6) It was not a "Terrorist Fist Bump" because if it was most of the kids at my sons high school must then be terrorists.
7) Obama did not take his oath of office on the Koran, Illinois Rep Keith Ellison did on either Thomas Jefferson's or Benjamin Franklins Koran, I can't remember which.

These are my opinions:

1) You are not paying $4.00+ for gasoline because of liberal tree hugger environmentalist who won't let the oil companies drill or build refineries here. They are not that powerful. It is because the Oil Companies themselves chose not to do so.
2) The price of oil today has less to do with supply & demand and more to do with the oil companies taking advantage of the destablized situation in the middle east created by W and Darth Cheney and the fact that oil is a strategic commodity that you and I can't easily do without. Its called Monopoly, and I'm not taking about the board game.
3) FOX News, is not news. It is slanted propaganda masquerading as news.
4) Republicans don't give a rats ass about wage earning people:Flip:, if they did then Phil Gramm wouldn't have called all the people needing a helping hand a bunch of whiners:Im With Stupid:.

I think I could be okay with either man in the White House (I am registered Independent).

However, each could make one incredibly bad choice for a VP, and that will influence my vote completely.
McCain is old, and if his death resulted in a Mormon president, that would be complete disaster; I live in Utah and see how the LDS church controls its politicians.
Obama could pick Hillary, and we've seen for years what happens to former "friends of the Clintons" who stand in their way. Don't put it past her.

If both Romney and Clinton are chosen, I may very well emigrate.

You sir, I agree with! Having a Mormon president or Hillary in charge would be devastating. The Mormon church contributes to an enormously controlling atmosphere. As for Hillary, I don't think I need to persuade anybody to vote against her.

You have been warned! :thumbup:
I will NEVER vote for someone who wants to raise taxes so Obama is out. I'll never understand how some can see a 50% tax rate acceptable in a "free country." 50% tax rate = FORCED to work for someone else 50% of the time = only half free. If the race looks tight in my state, I will vote for McCain. Otherwise, I vote for Bob Barr or write in Ron Paul.
I will NEVER vote for someone who wants to raise taxes so Obama is out. I'll never understand how some can see a 50% tax rate acceptable in a "free country." 50% tax rate = FORCED to work for someone else 50% of the time = only half free. If the race looks tight in my state, I will vote for McCain. Otherwise, I vote for Bob Barr or write in Ron Paul.

Its called community Paul. Those who can afford to pay more do. You remember in economics 101, about diminishing marginal utility. A 15% tax is more onerous on a family trying to live on $40,000 a year than a 50% marginal tax on a family trying to live on $350,000 or more.

And usually those who make more money that would pay those higher rates are the ones going to the $1,000 a plate rubber chicken fund raisers. And you know what, they ain't do that for altruistic reasons.

This non-sense that everyone can be a millionaire if they just work hard is baloney. As you learned in grade school, everyone can't be Chief, someones got to be an Indian. And their is alway going to be millions more of those.

The bottomline is that we have been following economic policies that favor mainly the wealthy to the detriment of the common good for the last 28 years. That is the main reason for the economic mess we are in now.

If we spent the same effort supporting economic policies that would assure the millions of people at the bottom made a decent wage, instead of making sure that people making over a $1,000,000 don't have to pay a higher marginal rate than a person who earns $80,000, the country would be much better off.

hey mdr, you've been saying what Obama's not, why don't you inform us to what Obama is. what will he actually do, besides propaganda, raise taxes?

Even McCain has said he MIGHT raise taxes. Depends on what its for. McCain - like any sane person - wants to reserve the right to use whatever tools are appropriate to solve the problem. If Social Security taxes need to be raised, he (McCain) is willing to go there.

Obama on the other hand WILL raise taxes. He - like any sane person - realizes that the trillions of dollars of debt that George W Bush has borrowed (from China and other unfriendlies) will eventually destroy our nation if we don't pay it down soon. You pay down government debt one of two ways. Cut services or raise taxes. Since so much of our services are the sacred cows of "entitlement programs" the only alternative that congress will vote for is to raise taxes. How much and on whom are where Obama and McCain differ. Obama wants to raise taxes on the people who can best afford it, those making over $250,000 a year. McCain wants to leave Bush's tax breaks in place for those same folks. Since I'm in the "under $250k" bracket I'm voting for Obama. It really irks me that Warren Buffet pays a lower percentage of income tax than I did when I was working full time. The tax code is BROKEN and must be fixed.
I will NEVER vote for someone who wants to raise taxes so Obama is out. I'll never understand how some can see a 50% tax rate acceptable in a "free country." 50% tax rate = FORCED to work for someone else 50% of the time = only half free. If the race looks tight in my state, I will vote for McCain. Otherwise, I vote for Bob Barr or write in Ron Paul.

You're going to have to go for Barr because McCain has said more than once on the record that he MIGHT raise taxes. He obviously wouldn't WANT to, but he's unwilling to rule it out completely. Then the funny part. His campaign later said that John McCain misspoke and that of course he will never raise taxes. The candidate doesn't speak for the campaign. Gotta love em. :Im With Stupid:
All I know is I'm tired of "Fiscal Conservatives"

Id vote for Paris Hilton because she appears to have the intelligence of the other two.....none

But she is nicer to look at..

The government is corrupt and so tightly in bed with corporate "America" and any other entity that is willing to buy off the whitehouse, that I'm not sure it really matters. Unsure how millionaires AKA - congress who get free top notch healthcare could possibly represent the rest of the country (roughly 95%) with our best interests in mind. It is completely illogical. The Challenge for anyone who really had a strong desire to do good by us in office, would be to convince all the corrupt folks to give up their steady stream of buy-offs. That would be an amazing feat in itself! - My two cents.
The government is corrupt and so tightly in bed with corporate "America" and any other entity that is willing to buy off the whitehouse, that I'm not sure it really matters. Unsure how millionaires AKA - congress who get free top notch healthcare could possibly represent the rest of the country (roughly 95%) with our best interests in mind. It is completely illogical. The Challenge for anyone who really had a strong desire to do good by us in office, would be to convince all the corrupt folks to give up their steady stream of buy-offs. That would be an amazing feat in itself! - My two cents.

jman : Eisenhower would be proud of you. However, congress doesn't get free healthcare, it's just subsidized 50% like it is for federal employees and retirees thereof. Yeah, it's a pretty good deal given how little work they do for it, but not free. I'm in the same healthcare plan because I used to work for the government you're so pi$$ed at. You could be in that plan too since Obama says he'll open it to everyone if elected. Like corporate America there are good guys and bad guys in government. I'd be wary of painting ALL of government with the same brush.

Bonafide war hero

That being said I don't like either really. But a Democratic President with a Democratic congress would be DISASTER. Look what happened when we had Republicans controlling both. Clinton (the real one) was able to leave us with a surplus because the Republican congress wouldn't allow him to spend our money, not because he was some genius and great leader. We need the checks and balances of one party controlling congress while the other has the White House. We need someone with the right economic ideas, and McCain is much closer to that than Obama. I think Obama has a great aura but no substance or experience. What exactly are his policies, other than raising taxes all over the place and destroying our economy.
jman : Eisenhower would be proud of you. However, congress doesn't get free healthcare, it's just subsidized 50% like it is for federal employees and retirees thereof. Yeah, it's a pretty good deal given how little work they do for it, but not free. I'm in the same healthcare plan because I used to work for the government you're so pi$ at. You could be in that plan too since Obama says he'll open it to everyone if elected. Like corporate America there are good guys and bad guys in government. I'd be wary of painting ALL of government with the same brush.

Thank you for the correction about the healthcare.
jman : Eisenhower would be proud of you. However, congress doesn't get free healthcare, it's just subsidized 50% like it is for federal employees and retirees thereof. Yeah, it's a pretty good deal given how little work they do for it, but not free. I'm in the same healthcare plan because I used to work for the government you're so pi$ at. You could be in that plan too since Obama says he'll open it to everyone if elected. Like corporate America there are good guys and bad guys in government. I'd be wary of painting ALL of government with the same brush.

Yea, but how will it be financed? Oh, taxes, right. I don't need them stealing any more of my money.

There may be good guys and bad guys, but they're all participating in a system that exploits it's current monopoly on force and violence to extract taxes from people to finance their little programs. That's the difference between government and corporate America. Yes, many businesses are tied with the government because of many reasons, but by and large businesses have to earn their own money in the marketplace to finance themselves. The government uses its monopoly on force and violence to finance itself, not by providing a good product or service to the marketplace. And that is impossible to deny.