Why buy an FZ?

A few years back MCN did a comparison between FZ6, SV650 and Ninja 650. Long story short the FZ was on top to except they felt the SV may run the twisties a bit better with the Vtwin motor
FZ has about 20 more ponies, better brakes and suspension. I get 41-43 while riding hard and when I ride with liter bikes on some twisty roads and they won't leave me until the long straights. It's a nice little bike and quite docile under 8K rpm. Good for her and above that it is good for you.
The speedometer is accurate up to about 60 mph, it gets progressively worse as you increase speed.

If I am doing 85 mph on the speedo it is really 75 mph.

Sad but oh so true. :( I look at it this way: I get at least some optimism in my daily routine. :D

That still seems more off than any sportbike I have owned. Mine have always been like 5 % off or less.....when my speedo indicated 85 its more like 79-80 maybe in the triple digits it would be off by 10 but still not 20
That still seems more off than any sportbike I have owned. Mine have always been like 5 % off or less.....when my speedo indicated 85 its more like 79-80 maybe in the triple digits it would be off by 10 but still not 20

The requirements for it being accurate are really loose in some countries, so it may vary, I've heard its easily fixed, but why the concern, its only going to matter at illegal speeds, and thinking your going faster than you are at that point is never a bad thing. (Well unless your racing)
Haven't ridden the FZ1, but I've read the fuel economy isn't as good and the tank is smaller than the FZ6. So definitely more stops for gas on the FZ1.

As far as the downsides of the FZ6 I've noticed on my '05: very short friction zone on the clutch, really miss having a gear indicator, and a bit more turbulence on my helmet than I'd prefer (I'm 6'1" & sit fairly upright). There's several windshield options to alleviate the wind issue (not to mention just crouching down a bit). There's also aftermarket gear indicators that look like any easy install.
The FZ6 was my first big bike after passing my test. All the bike shops recommended it as a good one to start on for beginners as it's:-

a) Very forgiving if you're in the wrong gear. It will go from just rolling along to 70mph in 2nd which gets you to the speed limit which you wouldn't exceed would you, oh no officer, not me.

b) When you get more comfortable with it you can explore the area above 8k and it becomes a whole new bike.

So it will do you for a good few years riding. More than adequate for me :)
The FZ6 is my first streetbike, after riding dirt for a few years. Honestly, the transition wasn't hard at all. The upright riding position is similar, but the seat is probably 5" lower. This does make it easier to handle the extra 150 pounds or so on the FZ. I'm totally satisified with my purchase.
And don't worry about the small friction zone on the clutch. It's not that bad.
As mentioned in a previous post, the windscreen isn't great for people over 6'.
I'm not so concerned for myself with the power, and honestly I don't want the extra power for my girl, I ride a litre bike but I don't want to get something she can't handle, I love yamaha's though so I am kinda torn.
I'm closing in on 10,000 miles in 10 months. While I haven't owned a ton of bikes, I've ridden many friend's bikes. I have yet to ride one that I would flat out trade mine for. The FZ6 is a top notch all around bike and each day I look forward to riding it, possibly more than the previous day.