Winter Poll

Do you store your bike over the winter or ride all year.

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I live in New England, and the amout of sand and salt on the roads is what I look for, not necessarily the temperature. I don't mind riding in 20F+ weather, 30F even better. This winter, it seemed like they were salting the roads every couple of days, so the bike has been parked alot.
All year...always looking for a fair to mild day just to take a quick spin to keep her lubed.
I live in New England, and the amout of sand and salt on the roads is what I look for, not necessarily the temperature. I don't mind riding in 20F+ weather, 30F even better. This winter, it seemed like they were salting the roads every couple of days, so the bike has been parked alot.

It was also blizzarding every couple days. At least up here...
It doesnt really matter when I ride since I live in Seattle and the weather is always bad.
I ride whenever the weather and road conditions are tolerable (above freezing or close to it, minimal road salt, no chance of ice)
Last winter I rode every month except January. This year I went from early December until late March without a ride. Too much snow, ice, salt, etc.
oh well. I am back to riding again now - WOOT!

Rode in one day last week and it was still 26 F when I got to work, was nearly 50 for the ride home though!
Reading some of the the forum members' posts makes me wish sometimes that we (ones in CA and other mild-weather states/countries) could "loan"/or "trade" you for some of our weather. I feel for you. Should be nice pretty soon just about everywhere though, huh? (better be!)
I still rode my baby through the winter season, of course when it was warm enough. It's been unusually warm in NJ this past few months.
Well you don't have much choice when you live in Sweden :thumbdown:
It can get extremely cold, we had -37°C (-34,6°F) :eek: And it would be impossible with all the snow. You usually tend to loose grip all the time when you drive cars, so a motorcycle would be impossible!

I can't wait for spring!
I have only been riding for two months now but its pretty cold and i take my Fazer 60 miles round trip to work everyday. I live in sunny Arizona but this morning it was 26 Deg F out. It was a tid bit nipply!!! -Matt
Was riding today for freeZin for a reason, a local special Olympics benefit. Bunch of motorcycles(mostly Harley's, I was the only sport bike), jeeps with the tops off, and convertibles. Got a police escort from start point to local park for a photo op, then to a bar a few towns over for an auction. Started snowing at the photo op. temp was right around 25-32* and that was about cold enough for me. The snow sure as hell didn't help.