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Possible Starter Issue?


Junior Member
Oct 20, 2014
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Northfield, VT
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Long time no post. I will do by best to explain this issue. I store my bike (2004 Fazer) in my garage with radiant (kept at 48 in the winter - I am in Vermont). This battery is a few years old. I did not have it on a tender but started the bike once a week. Come spring, I stopped doing so and the bike would not start at all. A month ago I finally raised the tank and charged it and it started right up. Then I did not start it again for a month...and it would not turn over - didn't even hear the fuel pump. Come to today and I charged it again and it started fine. I started it every couple hours until I could ride at 5. I went to ride and it again would not start. At first I heard the fuel pump then after a few tries I no longer heard it and heard a ticking noise from what sounded like under the seat (this also happened a few times previously when I did not start it after charging).

SO. I bump started it no problem. Went for a 30 minute ride and came home. Turn it off and immediately tried to start it and it would not start. No fuel pumping and ticking noise.

What is the best way to begin diagnosing this issue?
No diagnosis required. The battery won’t hold a charge. But to confirm, charge it…wait an hour and then check the voltage. It should be 12.7VDC. If it’s less than 12.5VDC the battery is toast. If the voltage drops below 11VDC with the starter engaged, it is toast.
Also after you charge the battery and start it you should read about 13.9-14.3 volts to confirm the charging sytem is active. You may have a bad battery and/or a failed charging system.