Worst (non bike related) accident you have had?


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Sep 10, 2009
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As the title says!

Share your worst, weirdest or otherwise questionable injuries you may have suffered throughout your and we shall all weep together.

I'll go second. :D
I had this accident a few years back using a press break at work it happened so quick it was quite a shock I was lucky not to loose any feeling or use in my hand it bloody hurt.







About 10 years ago, I rolled a 96 VW Jetta end over end. I was driving on hwy 101 just south of the Hood Canal Bridge, Maybe 20 miles or so, I was reaching for my pack of smokes on the pasanger side seat, looked up and my right tires went into the soft gravel, must have been laid recently, very soft. I was moving faster than the speed limit, :spank: of 55mph, went into a ditch, hit a covert, for those that don't know what one is, it is a concrete pipe that sticks out from a driveway that go over the ditch, at 65+mph. I see the ditch coming, and I can't do anything. I forgot to mention I wasn't wairing my seat belt :spank:. The car flipped twice or so, and it ended up on the roof. I walked away from the hospital with a minor scratch on my Knee, and a slight concision. GOD was with me that day!!!!

Oh, and the car was a complete total loss, I loved that car!!
As far as personal injury goes, I slipped on a wet, wooden deck and during the fall slid across a raised nail tearing my knee open.

Property damage -- I was t-boned in my car in 2006. Spun around a few times and wound up 100+ feet from the impact spot, but I walked away from that without even a bruise. I walked away without a bruise, but my 2001 Nissan Maxima didn't make it.
I broke both my ankles, got stitches in 3 spots on my head, broke my right clavicle, needed stitches on my upper lip, fractured a couple of ribs, had 2 square inch of skin burnt off my right hand........ and none of that happened while riding... with all my riding incidents I never broke anything!! pretty crazy.... anyway, my worst accident isn't linked to any of the above either, but it happened while surfing in Tahiti... I thought I could surf @ the world famous Teahupoo spot (World championship stops there), but I guess I couldn't!!! lol... we had 6-8 feet PERFECT waves on top of 4 feet of water covering the sharp reef... there were a few locals there as well and after an hour of total blast, a couple of us took a wave which ended up breaking both behind and in front of us... we went through the "washing machine" and I felt my knee and a couple of spots hit the reef, but nothing major (or so I thought)... so when I came back out of the water, I look at the other dude (a local) who tells me "ca tape!!!" literally meaning "it hits!" (to say holy **** that was strong!") and shows me his arm that was all scratched up (looked like some mellow road rash, no big deal), and me to answer: "yeah! I think I hit my knee too!" and as I pull it out of the water to look at it, I see my bloody knee cap looking right back at me with skin/flesh still loosely attached to my knee LOL!!! oops... the other dude looks at me and yells "REQUINS!!!" meaning... wait for it.... "SHARKS!!!"... right there I stopped laughing.................................

Luckily, a fisherman's boat arrived a few minutes later (I was paddling towards the beach already, which could take up to an hour to reach since the surfing spot is all the way out to the reef barrier... a friend of mine had dropped me there on his jetski an hour earlier and was late to pick me up...)... anyway, the fisherman looks at me and tells me he is no taxi for surfers, but pulled me inside his boat as soon as I showed him my knee :D

After a few hours of wait (no hospital beds available in Papeete... actually had to go to another hospital...etc...), long story short, I get in the surgery room and the Dr explains to me that I am the luckiest SOB he saw coming back injured from that surfing spot... apparently coral reef can do some real damage very quickly (we're talking open stomachs, faces etc....).... then he proceeds to explain to me that they're going to have to put me to sleep completely as they have to brush the inside of my knee to make sure there are not one single cell of coral left inside as it can grow on bone and tissue even years after such an incident... they also had to take a few other small pieces of coral out of my feet and legs and go through the same cleaning process...

I spent 2 months in Tahiti (about 10 years ago) and the second month was with a cast on my right leg which stopped me from going in the water............... fun times :D

ps: best surfing of my life though, these waves were by far the best waves I've seen and surfed (except that last one!).
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When I was 8 years old, I was walking home from school and was struck by an uninsured driver while crossing the street almost directly in front of my house.

I ended up being life flighted and had a blod clot in my head. They cut out a small portion of my skull and drained it. Other than that, I had no other broken bones etc. from that incident.

It's the only helicopter ride I've been on, and I don't remember any of it.
November 1986, I was a college student (yeah I know, old now). I had a couple hours between classes so I thought I would shoot home for a little bit. It had snowed just a trace the night before. By the time I headed home at around 10am roads were a "little" wet but no snow. The sun was shining. Temp problably in the 40's.

I came upon a stretch of highway where I saw some dude sliding out in a camaro up ahead..in fact he was off the road. I thought to myself, self you better slow down and I did but then the ass end of my firebird broke loose and I ended up sliding out and stopping sideways on the highway. I paused about 5 seconds to catch my breath and thank God I was allright, then Whaaaam!! the whole passenger side of my car got broadsided by someone going about 50mph who could not stop either because the road must have been icy. Ironically it was good the road was icy because my car slid with the impact instead of gripping the road. Thinking my car could have flipped if the road was not icy. I still remember the sudden loud crash and shattered glass everywhere. It turned my car into a virtual horseshoe.

I unbuckled myself and got out. The guy who hit me cracked his head on the steering wheel. I was totally unhurt.
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Damn missed my second spot but anyways...

Here is my story. (might add few photos if i find them)

October 5. 2007 I was halfway through school to becoming a carpenter. It was a typical friday morning and we were doing our usual business of talking crap. Then our teacher gave a task that we should cut some 25x25mm sticks for our project.

There i was on the circular saw cutting up the sticks when one of them got stuck nest to the blade. There wasn't anything that i could use to shove it through there and I've done it a dozen times before so I went ahead and pushed it with my right thumb...
(You probably already have a feeling of what is about to happen)

So as I was pushing it out my glove got sucked in to the blade all i could hear was a little "thump" and felt a little nudge on my hand. For about 5 seconds I had no idea what had just happened and then i looked at my hand and noticed that half of my thumb was gone...:spank:

So I hit the emergency stop and ran over to our teacher to tell what had just happened. He went and called paramedics and got some other teachers and the principal on the scene.

After what felt like a lifetime the medics arrived and started to asses the situation. First they measured my pulse... It was around 90 bpm.:confused:

After a little chit chatting they shoved me to the back of an ambulance and rushed to a hospital. When we got there doctors gave me some painkillers and man it felt good at the time even though I never was feeling any pain.

After a few long hours of X-rays and examination I finally got onto the operating table.

The surgery itself took about 7 hours and when I woke up I had my thumb sawn together and shoved into my belly. (to help the blood circulation to grow back)

For what felt lie an eternity (a month) I walked around with my hand sown into my belly. It was quite frustrating at times but I got a little used to it.

So after the month I went back to the hospital to get the hand removed from the belly and boy did the thumb look nasty then. They examined it for a day or two to see if it had gained back the blood flow or did it go in to a gangrene, luckily the blood vessels started to work and I got to keep my finger.:cheer:

After that I had to do home treatment on it for about 4 moths until it started to look like a finger (a little).

And now three years the end result is that my thumb is like another pinky finger, but it's just one bone so it doesn't band anywhere and it has pretty much no feeling to it...

But I'm quite happy with the end result, since I at least got to keep my finger.

There you go that's my story hope you learned something about this misdemeanor of mine.
Wow, some scary stories here! :eek: :(

Mine's not as bad, but it's the worst accident I've been in so here it is.

Was coming home from my construction job, age 19, on my bicycle. There's a large downhill on my way home, and I loved pedalling as fast as I could down it on my single-speed bike :rolleyes:. That particular afternoon I had my heels on the pedals, so my bigaz Size-13 boots were flopping away in front of the pedals...
And then the toe of my boot caught the pavement.
Thankfully, the next thing I can remember was pulling into my folks' driveway, sitting in a car owned by someone I didn't know (but he picked me up anyway, gotta love SD). Mom freaked when she first saw me, and removed the remainder of my t-shirt with two scissor snips. Lotsa road rash, but no broken bones or concussion (that I know of). This was before bike helmets, too.
Wrote off my ute in a pretty big way.

Took out 2 big gum trees in my travels. Hit one in the front, the car got air borne & spun ................................. then I hit the big one. Smashed the pillar right behind me & the pillar along with the tree came into the cab & crushed me between the tree & the steering wheel. Yeah it hurt.
Crushed kidney & a few broken ribs.



2nd tree hit me here. Or I hit it actually..............................


I was sitting here...........................

My little bro put me through a plate glass door which pinned me to the floor for 1hr till the Ambo's worked out how to remove it from me (Still chills me talking about it) :eek: But 178 stiches later & some horrific scars on my back/hip & ar$e im still here to shudder over the thoughts :thumbup:
My little bro put me through a plate glass door which pinned me to the floor for 1hr till the Ambo's worked out how to remove it from me (Still chills me talking about it) :eek: But 178 stiches later & some horrific scars on my back/hip & ar$e im still here to shudder over the thoughts :thumbup:

Errrr. That sent a shiver down my spine just thinking about it. Then you mentioned the stitches & I literally shuddered in my chair. Bet it freaked your brother out seeing you like that.
Errrr. That sent a shiver down my spine just thinking about it. Then you mentioned the stitches & I literally shuddered in my chair. Bet it freaked your brother out seeing you like that.

LOL how do you think i feel , evrytime i hear breaking glass *shudder* , brother gets very upset when I talk about & he cant apologise enough when he saw it he shot through to a mate house till i was released from hospital :thumbup: The pane of glass missed my kidney by about 3mm :eek:
I can't say I've been in any accidents worth mentioning. My wife, on the other hand...

She was at a high school graduation party, and on her drive home, the brakes on her car malfunctioned, and she hit a curve WAY too fast. Her car ended up upside down, after cutting several trees off roughly 20' in the air.

She doesn't know how long she had been blacked-out, but she wishes the worst on the cars that passed her as she was walking for help, covered in blood. She's a blonde, but the EMT's thought she was a redhead, she had lost so much blood.

From the amount of blood that she had lost, she's lucky to be alive.
Flew 50 yards out of the back window of a regular cab s10. Yes I said the back window, and 50 yards still never figured that thing out. I think it might have been the airbags or the spinning from being t-boned at 70. Landed in a ditch full of about a foot of water, and came concious just long enought to crawl out. Ended up with just a few scratches, and that's it. My guardian angel is amazing.
Some awful stories here, damn!! :eek:

Here's mine: About 9 years old, helped a neighbor kid strip about 2' of chrome tape from a set of bike handlebars, then we got the bright idea to see if one of us could "karate chop" it in half, so being the village idiot at the time, I decided to wrap the chrome tape (read metal tape) around both hands and hold it tight for the other kid to "chop" it.

He proceeded to make an awesome effort to chop it, but, the tape didn't break...It unwound from both of my hands. Result: sliced all eight fingers to bone...not a scratch on either thumb. My "friends" Mom heard me and carefully squeezed my hands all the way across the street to my house where Mom proceeded to fire up the kitchen sink to clean up my hands saying "it doesn't look too bad"...

I have never screamed so loud in my life before or since. 13 plus stitches in all eight fingers, with the doctor telling Mom, "sorry" that's the best I could do (describing my left index finger) still messed up to this day. All eight fingers wrapped in gauze and stitches for weeks on end.


1. What thing must you do several times a day that you don't want Mom helping with...:(

That was a bad summer:D