Yamaha MT-09


UK Luchador
Aug 3, 2010
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Stockport, UK
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Not sure on the details yet, but it looks cool. Looks like it might be a successor or competitor for the fz6/8?

edit: official details here
edit: 2014 Yamaha MT-09 Forum here

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lcj5b7pfdyc"]The NEW Yamaha MT-09 (official video Full HD) The Dark side of Japan - YouTube[/ame]

The beating heart of this new kind of animal is a lightweight 850cc 3-cylinder engine that kicks out a wide band of raw, linear torque giving outstanding acceleration that gets your adrenaline flowing.
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A naked triple - now where have I seen (and fallen in love with) that before?

Really excited for this - I love the power band and sound of the triumphs, I think the styling on this looks great - gold USD forks, fat short headlight, and probably lots of black. Pretty much the direction I've been going for with my FZ -

Good work Yamaha - this will be a competitively priced street triple and I would ride the pants off of this.
i wonder if it's crossplane too?

seems like they have their finger a bit closer to the pulse of what people want
i wonder if it's crossplane too?

seems like they have their finger a bit closer to the pulse of what people want

correct me if I'm wrong - but I feel that all of this talk of a "Crossplane Triple" is ludicrous - a crossplane crankshaft is essentially two planes intersecting - creating the 90* offset for each cylinder - a great design (ridiculously difficult to produce as I learned from a friend who was involved with making crankshafts). If you were to have a "crossplane" triple - the crankshaft arms would need to be separated by 120*, maybe something we could call a tri-plane crankshaft, but not a crossplane?

I guess I'm getting too hung up on the name, when all we should really worry about is the fact that, if Yamaha keeps this concept, they'll have a great motor, regardless of the crank style -

On that note, I doubt that they're going to make the MT-09 with the cross(tri)plane crank, it's a much more involved and expensive manufacturing process which shows in the fact that the R1 has the crossplane crank, but the R6 does not. I feel that it's going to remain a top end differentiator of the Yamaha sportbike - I see this bike (MT-09) fitting into the bottom of the middleweight streetfighter class, being a budget option for the triumphs. That said, when they release the R1 triple - I'd be surprised if it didn't have the triplane, and I could definitely see them doing this with the R6 as well.
I'm pretty sure Yamaha has been making triples before Triumph. My neighbor had a 850 triple back in the 70's.
The new 850 looks much better.

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115hp, 60+ foot pounds of torque. This is looking very good indeed!
Being this awesome, having this high of a drool factor, I bet we never see it on this side of the pond (USA), or at least not for a few years... :don'tknow:
I don't get the inline triple thing. I like Triumphs just fine, but what do they do that parallel twins or fours don't? I hear that MVs sound like F1 cars, so maybe the triple's exhaust note just sounds better?
I don't get the inline triple thing. I like Triumphs just fine, but what do they do that parallel twins or fours don't? I hear that MVs sound like F1 cars, so maybe the triple's exhaust note just sounds better?

they can rev almost as high as inline 4's, but they have better torque
I don't get the inline triple thing. I like Triumphs just fine, but what do they do that parallel twins or fours don't? I hear that MVs sound like F1 cars, so maybe the triple's exhaust note just sounds better?

V-Twin/Inline twins have torque - lots of torque and low redlines.
I4s are high HP, low torque rev monsters.
The triple is a blend of the two, it sacrifices a bit of top end (not much) and gets a lot of torque in the process. A triple will probably lose to a 4 cyl at the end of a long straight, but it'll spank it in acceleration and has a much smoother, more constant power band.

And soundwise - it's good - if they do a 'crossplane-like' crankshaft, that triple will be music to the soul.
I'll be very curious to see where this goes and definitely keen on actually hearing the thing run. :D Pretty sweet looking bike even at a glance! :thumbup:
Before anyone gets too excited... according to the press release, it was designed specifically with the European market in mind. I'm sure we'll see some version here at some point, though.
Before anyone gets too excited... according to the press release, it was designed specifically with the European market in mind. I'm sure we'll see some version here at some point, though.
yeah the article Greg posted states this is for the Euro market...Yamaha MT-09: a triple for Europe | RideApart

However there is tons of speculation that the tripple will be seen in the R1 and R6 as well.

376 Lbs dry with 115 HP? wicked machine.