Young squid taken out by a deer. Funny but sad

Funny reaction, reminded me of how when a child falls down, he cries until he realizes no one is around to "baby" him & he gets back to what he was doing! Like they say, "Experience is the best teacher". He may not could have done much to have avoided the wreck, but he could have been better prepared (ATGATT) & I would like to think that in the same situation, I'd have dragged myself out of the road before a car ran over me & REALLY gave me something to cry to Mommy about!
I did have 2 deer run toward me on the way to work yesterday, one ran right in front of my bike (so close I could have petted her!) & the other right behind me (I'm sure she has tire rash!). Scared the s**t out of me! It happened so quickly, I didn't have time to react. Good thing, I guess, because if I'd slowed the 2nd deer would have gotten me & if I'd sped up the 1st one would have. All I can say is that now my seat has a permanent button pinched into it! (think about it!) :eek:
And here I thought this was a more mature forum. I'm kinda disappointed in some (most) of the responses in this thread. A guy crashes (with very little he could do to avoid it) and posts his experience as a lesson to others, and this thread is full of people LOLing, and calling him a squid, pansy, and an idiot. He ended up with a 5 day hospital stay, surgery with a bunch of metal in his ankle, and 9 months worth of PT.
Here's the full story for you unsympathetic j@ck@sses.
Me vs Deer (On my Wr250x)
And here I thought this was a more mature forum. I'm kinda disappointed in some (most) of the responses in this thread. A guy crashes (with very little he could do to avoid it) and posts his experience as a lesson to others, and this thread is full of people LOLing, and calling him a squid, pansy, and an idiot. He ended up with a 5 day hospital stay, surgery with a bunch of metal in his ankle, and 9 months worth of PT.
Here's the full story for you unsympathetic j@ck@sses.
Me vs Deer (On my Wr250x)

Let's see:
1) Not a bit of gear other than a helmet (and that most likely only because it fit the camera)
2) No motorcycle endorsement (likely meaning no skills training)
3) Not one attempt to move out of the road. Wait, yes, I friggin' know, his ankle was broken. His head didn't even turn to look up or down the road once until the truck was already slowing down.

I know two people who will never be allowed to ride because their spouse was close to someone who was injured. In one case, they were riding in gear just like that video and hit a patch of gravel on a turn. In the other, he was riding beyond his skill level. Roll those two into one video and you have our movie star from this thread. It's people like him that give all riders a bad name and it has a ripple effect through the riding, or wanting to ride, world. Being able to LOL at him (especially for my not-allowed-to-ride friends) is what offsets the fact that their own capability and risk mitigation is completely overlooked by people because of the "bad apples." And yes, he was at very least a squid and an idiot. Pansy is up to your own judgement. I've broken a number of bones, had a number of surgeries, numerous stitches, and a whole ton of other aches and pains, but I just don't like using the word pansy. I would have to think hard on a forum-appropriate synonym.

I'm extremely glad he learned something from his folly and he is a perfect case of why stupidity should be painful. I'm glad he didn't die, but I'm more glad that he crashed so he could learn a lesson BEFORE it cost his life. Now when he rides, he will likely be more responsible about it. The fact is, even those posting cutting comments still watched the video and have seen reinforcement on why ATGATT is so important.
And here I thought this was a more mature forum. I'm kinda disappointed in some (most) of the responses in this thread. A guy crashes (with very little he could do to avoid it) and posts his experience as a lesson to others, and this thread is full of people LOLing, and calling him a squid, pansy, and an idiot. He ended up with a 5 day hospital stay, surgery with a bunch of metal in his ankle, and 9 months worth of PT.
Here's the full story for you unsympathetic j@ck@sses.
Me vs Deer (On my Wr250x)

A good pair of riding boots and a couple summers away from his mother probably would have done this guy some good and it would have a completely different outcome.

My statement stands... He's a Pansy A$$ Squid!!!
I just read that link of his story and the kid didn't even have a moto license....

He shouldn't have even been on the rd to begin with lol

Boy I'll tell you what, Some peoples children...

On the subject of stupidity. Yes there are the dumb/stupid/idiotic, but (and this is a big BUT), there are a significant number of underdressed people out there who simply don't know any better. I know this because I was one of them.

I had heard about road rash, but I likened the term to scrapes you got as a kid on your knee. Foot protection? WTF for? Gimme a helmet and I'm golden.

Thankfully, my first bike is an FZ6, and it includes a membership to a forum full of mature people. They have experienced, witnessed, or heard about those days when good rides go wrong.

Generally speaking, squids aren't born, they're made. One good ride without gear after another. Each one becomes another notch in the bedpost. Once it gets full, they start to wonder why all those goobers wear all that gear.

Part of getting your M license should be a demonstration of what happens to flesh after it hits the asphalt at 60 mph and slides for a while. The old skin brake demo would do wonders.
And here I thought this was a more mature forum. I'm kinda disappointed in some (most) of the responses in this thread. A guy crashes (with very little he could do to avoid it) and posts his experience as a lesson to others, and this thread is full of people LOLing, and calling him a squid, pansy, and an idiot. He ended up with a 5 day hospital stay, surgery with a bunch of metal in his ankle, and 9 months worth of PT.
Here's the full story for you unsympathetic j@ck@sses.
Me vs Deer (On my Wr250x)

The mature thing to do would have been to GTFO of the road instead of laying there crying for help and calling mommy. Unless you want to survive hitting a deer only to the crushed by a ****ing logging truck or some moron in a cage not paying attention.

Part of riding is being dependent on yourself not others. If you crash or get stranded you are on your own.

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