
What is your opinion on union?

  • Unions are a good thing.

    Votes: 24 35.8%
  • Unions are not needed anymore.

    Votes: 30 44.8%
  • Don't care either way.

    Votes: 13 19.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2008
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Just curious. The place that I work (Lenders bagels) In mattoon, Il. we just voted in union on September 5th. I am a union supporter I am not trying to start a yelling match here so please dont it could go on for ever on this subject. Just curious how many people are still for labor unions and how many are not.:rockon:
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Um lets see how to explain my position.
In theory unions are good. In application they become a tool for the worst of the workers to bring the best to thier level, and force the company owners and leaders to pay and treat the worst like the best.

See Toyota and Honda compared to Ford and Chevy in the US. Who makes better cars? Who makes more profit? Which workers are happiest?
Good point I do understand where u are coming from. The company and or the union stewarts you have in such a place have the ability to do something about those workers, But more times than not you get people in those positions that dont want to do their jobs. I do understand where you are coming from but it also helps to keep companies from stepping all over the employees, which I am sorry to say alot of companies try to do. Our position on this contract we are getting ready to negotiate is going to be mainly to keep from loosing anything else and maybe get some of the things back they have took away.
Some unions are okay, others are unreasonable and thugs. But, now, you take workers in some other countries, such as China, Phillipines, etc., and they desperately need unions because they are really getting abused. But, you know what really rankles me? The ridiculously paid CEO's and their underlings who drive---especially financial---companies into bankruptcy and then walk away with mulitmillion dollar golden handshakes.
honestly, it really depends on the union. I had a bad experiance with the union so I have no use for them. there was a time but in my opinion that time has past.
Voted Yes to poll.

Unions have their problems, like protecting lazy workers.

However, it is the only way to have power to stand up to corporate power.

Since Union membership has tanked because of Ronald Reagan firing PATCO strikers and the gutting of laws to protect collective bargaining rights, wages have stagnated and jobs have moved overseas.

Globalization of labor basically creats an infinite supply of labor to a limited supply jobs and eventually results in wages being driven to subsistance. It doesn't happen overnight but we're in the process here in the US. Whenever you hear that "American Worker Productivity" is up, it doesn't mean that the managers of Corporate America are geniuses, it really means we are working longer hours for less money. (If these guys were really as good as they say they are, they would not be asking us each to cough up $2,333 apiece to save their butts!)

If someone works for a paycheck they really should take a serious look at a union if they have the opportunity.


Like most things, if it gets abused and used in a way other than the original intent, then it sucks. So, like the freeway assassin said - depends on the union.
Without the presence of unions, employers tend to be thuggish bullies that take from the employees and give to the corporation. Powerful unions tend to be thuggish bullies that take from the corporation and give to the employees.

Ideally, the union and employer meet in the middle. When the two don't meet in the middle, I find a bullying company to be the greater evil.
There was a time when having a union meant protection for the workers. But in the current climate of jobs being exported to Right to Work states and out of the country I feel that we can't afford to put our future on the line by going union. I also know that in some cases that having a union would be the only way to keep companies from taking advantage of the workforce. You cannot decide except on case by case situation. GRUMPY
I was in a union as a part time worker when in high school and college. I worked my arse off, paid my union dues, but was consistently denied raises because of the negotiated wage schedule. Yet, I saw old timers who were useless continue to come to work and get paid. In addition, the union protected the full time workers by not allowing me to get much overtime. While I think unions were important to get industrializing America out of the sweatshop business of the early 1900s, they are now like our school system, coddling the mediocre and not rewarding the outstanding. Today, unions are just one component of the great socialization of America.
In all the unions I've worked with, I feel bad for the young guys with ambition. Consistently they seem to start off ready to do their best and prove themselves. Eventually they realize that their efforts can not be rewarded and proceed to lose any motivation they once had. It's a sad circle of defeat. Without exception, any of the young guys I work with want out of the union.
Unions IMHO are, at least in my opinion, in my industry, construction, useless, blood sucking thieves. It is no longer about safety and human rights but how much you can get away with. The union has separated the employee's from the company in a way that it not only limits production but has no regard for the well being of the company. In the construction industry, the workers do not say they work for the company but rather the consider themselves Union members getting paid by a certain company. There allegiance is not to the company but to the Union. They could care less whether the company makes money or not. The attitude is that they will just get assigned to another project and get paid from someone else.

While I have blanketly categorized all union workers the same in my rant, i know plenty that are hard working, caring people but are caught in a system that doesn't allow for individualism. Everybody is the same, goood are bad.

Sorry for the rant, but this one hit home to me since I have seen so many companies close up because of the lack of dedication and just not caring that it hurts. If you want this economy to turn around then this is where to start. Did you know that the Unions are the biggest supporters of the political machine, everyone blames big business for raping the government, but no mention of the unions.
Today, unions are just one component of the great socialization of America.

Union membership has been dropping for quite a while. By your definition, does that mean we are less socialist?

If not, I imagine our tax decreases over the last 25 years would make us less socialist, but who am I to screw up the issue with facts?
Did you know that the Unions are the biggest supporters of the political machine, everyone blames big business for raping the government, but no mention of the unions.

Unions aren't asking for $700 Billion in bailout money.
Unions aren't asking for $700 Billion in bailout money.

Another component of the great socialization of America.

If you think this is to bail out companies, you're mistaken. It's to bail out people who made bad financial decisions and bought homes they couldn't afford. I even read this morning in the WSJ that the Dems will be asking as part of this package to enable bankruptcy judges to reset mortgage rates.
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f not, I imagine our tax decreases over the last 25 years would make us less socialist, but who am I to screw up the issue with facts?


Federal Spending Is Growing Faster Than Federal Revenue

Since 1965, federal tax revenues and spending have soared. Revenues have increased by more than $1.9 trillion, and spending is up by $2.1 trillion. The government spent more than it took in during most of this period, generating an average annual deficit of $167.8 billion from 1965 to 2007.

Total Federal Tax Revenue and Spending, 1965–2007, in Billions (chart)
Unions aren't asking for $700 Billion in bailout money.

No I agree, I think that they are to well financed to need it

I believe that the bailout also has to do with the greed of just about everyone in this country. I dont exclude myself in that statement. So many people thought nothing of spending more then they can make, or getting so far into debt and not having a way out if something was to happen.

Of course the banks should not of been lending money so easily. I know people who but houses with no money down, the downpayment's were rolled into the mortgage, and they were working multiple jobs to maintain the payments in hope of the value of the house going up so they can sell it to make a quik buck. Guess what, it didn't work.
I'm pro-union, because I it when I have to pay somebody for the right to have a job.

*flamesuit on*

Unions used to be useful. Now they're just another level of useless bureaucrats.
I voted for not needed based on my personal experience. I worked for 7 years at a paper mill while studying computers for the last 3 years of that. In 7 years, we got a total of $0.05 raise, increased costs for the employee for insurances, and a solid 401k that was converted to company only stock that sunk to pennies and I watched 7 years of retirement become worthless with zero recourse.

Some unions are great and do great things for their members so I cannot possibly speak for other unions, only my own useless one. Now the union leaders? Somehow all had as much overtime as they wanted, drove the most expensive vehicles, had the most toys, all had summer camps and very large houses. It's comforting to know that my Union dues helped someone! :eek: :eyebrow: :disapprove: :rant: :banghead:
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Um lets see how to explain my position.
In theory unions are good. In application they become a tool for the worst of the workers to bring the best to thier level, and force the company owners and leaders to pay and treat the worst like the best.

I 100% agree with that statement. Luckily, here in TX, we only have to deal with unions in small doses via MEP subcontractors and for the most part, they are still very skilled employees.