Another silly poll from yours truly!

Should I cut my hair and not listen to husband?

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I was going to say No.. Don't cut it. My wife has short hair, she wants to grow it long, but as soon as it starts getting longer, she gets annoyed with it and gets it cut again.

After reading the "Locks of Love" post, I'm going for cut it... For a great cause, and it will grow back... (of course, will take many many months to get it back down to your butt).

Well, it will always grow back if you decide you don't like it....Mine is about mid length, but only because I need to be able to pull it back into a clip or a ponytail! And you might find that shorter hair is easier to manage....but it is YOUR decision. I'm sure Danny won't divorce you over it!

I so agree! It is your hair!!!! Have your hairdresser cut 10-12" off to start - and, maybe you could donate to Locks of Love? Maybe Danny would look more kindly on the cut if you donated it to someone in need.

I keep mine mid to longer to minimize "helmet hair" since I ride to work often and need to have it looking semi-professional.

Good luck... Post a pict if you go through with it.
Well i'm crying in my beer! I've been bald since 27 must be nice to have the option to cut your hair. i keep mine shaved,and man that get's old day after day.thank's for making this thread to remind me i'm bald headed!:D
At least you look like you're a pretty big guy, so the bald look works. I think that I'd just look like a chemo patient -- skinny, bald, and sad.
Its your head, then again your husband is very fond of your long hair. I wouldnt call it obeying his wishes, just that he likes it, finds it very attractive on you, and your long hair makes him feel good about the way you look.

I love long hair on women. I know it is a total pain in the butt for you all, it just looks very feminine and attractive.

Didnt vote though.
I voted yes...but only to just below wife went from long to short and SHE didn't even like it, it is now just below her shoulders and we both like that!!:hug:
Thanks all for your input.

Honestly, I want to cut it, but I'm afraid to. I cut about 6" off a few years ago, because my hair is so thin and stringy! It's not "hard to wash & style"...well, I don't style it. I just put it in a ponytail, can't handle my hair being down, for a long period. My bangs are almost as long as the rest of my can you "style" that?!?! And my hair is naturally curly, so it drives me insane!!!

Travis, no, not like Annie Lennox. lol

I'll post a pic if I stop being a chicken.
I voted for you to cut it. it is your hair and noboby should have control over your body other then you. even though I do like long hair on a girl. Its your body so I say do what you want
Thanks all for your input.

Honestly, I want to cut it, but I'm afraid to. I cut about 6" off a few years ago, because my hair is so thin and stringy! It's not "hard to wash & style"...well, I don't style it. I just put it in a ponytail, can't handle my hair being down, for a long period. My bangs are almost as long as the rest of my can you "style" that?!?! And my hair is naturally curly, so it drives me insane!!!

Travis, no, not like Annie Lennox. lol

I'll post a pic if I stop being a chicken.

I had to laugh - I can't stand my hair down either and usually have it in a ponytail also(or when riding a french braid). And - I don't think I could style a shorter "do" now to save my soul.

Cut it to a lenght that is comfortable for you but still allows you to pull it back. You say your hair is thin and stringy - you might be surprised at the body and thickness that will return when you cut off all the "old" ends.

Good luck with your decision!
Cut it all off, then glue it to an old helmet. If hubby gets upset you can put the helmet on and ride away. ;)

Seriousry, I like the cancer donation idea, and I LOVE short hair on women! (it's quite practical for men too, if you enjoy neck-nibblin'... :cheer: )
i say to cut it since it's your hair. i mean if you wanted to grow it longer to a certain point then sure. but do what you feel more comfortable with.