Airbox mod

It probably wouldn't go above 10k rpms because it now needs a custom map in a PC3 to adjust for new airflow that the stock ECU can't deal with. I remember trying no airbox cover once on a 1987 Magna. Same exact thing happened. I figured it all out years later (yes, I reinstalled it right after my initial failed experiment!) when I got really interested in tuning and tweaking bikes. I'm guilty of doing a minor airbox mod, and cut a small rectangle INSIDE the intake snorkel. That's all I'm going to do, but I also have a PC3.
I also did airbox mods to later model Magnas, and they did nothing noticeable in the mid range up. Only airbox mod that did make a difference was one done to a VTX1800, and I ended up getting a real intake anyway...LOL!:eek:

- T.

He argued that it was his fuel line that was kinked... but I think he ended up getting a new airbox cover anyway and cut that 2nd one a bit less :D

My own personal and non-empirical opinion is that the airbox mod can only do some good to your bike if you use a PCIII with custom map (dyno).

I just find it hard to believe when someone says "I cut my airbox cover randomly and now my bike has so much more power across the band", that's all :rockon:
buahahahahaha +1 on that... I rode his bike after he did the airbox mod (or should we say "after he destroyed" his airbox) and the thing wouldn't go above 10k rpms!!! LOL true story.

no, not really :rolleyes: it would tac up passed red line no problem. there was a loss at top end and gain at low end and mid range. I might still have the kinked fuel line if you want me to 'prove it' but then you'd just come up with another e-delusion I guess.

it sounded better, ran better, and most people whove done it agreed with that. the only critics were those who didn't do it.

i see the haterade is still strong and deep here :spank: some things never change...people who dont even do their own oil change are 'experts' online.
no, not really :rolleyes: it would tac up passed red line no problem...

Proof again of your lies- An FZ6 has a hard rev limiter. It won't "tac up passed red line". Absolute BS from you.

i see the haterade is still strong and deep here :spank: some things never change...people who dont even do their own oil change are 'experts' online.

Why do you bother to "check-in" here if it's not a happy place for you??? Your crap on this and other forums have made you the target of ridicule and banishment.
i thought about doing this. not sure exactly what it entails. cuting off some of the box perhaps?

i was appealed to a better sound of the bike from this mod. but i dont want to compromise any performance so i guess i better stick to waiting for a PCII and tune...
no, not really :rolleyes: it would tac up passed red line no problem. there was a loss at top end and gain at low end and mid range. I might still have the kinked fuel line if you want me to 'prove it' but then you'd just come up with another e-delusion I guess.

it sounded better, ran better, and most people whove done it agreed with that. the only critics were those who didn't do it.

i see the haterade is still strong and deep here :spank: some things never change...people who dont even do their own oil change are 'experts' online.

What? When I tried your bike it would not pass the 10-11k rpms. That's just a fact and you had even agreed to it after I told you and you tried it yourself (yeah, you were telling everybody that your bike was faster after your mod, while it would not pass 10-11k rpms... AND I was the one who had to tell you your bike was all messed up because you did not notice yourself...).

As I said, I personally don't trust your (or anybody's) butt dyno telling me "it was faster after the mod", because imo butt dynos are a bunch of BS!!
Until someone shows me 2 dyno charts with a stock bike on one side and a stock bike with airbox mod done on the other, I will stick with my opinion that this mod is worthless without a PCIII and dyno tune.

On a side note, there is no "haterade" here... just you entertaining us with your "asshatery" (yes, I can invent words too :D)

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It all depends on the bike and the original design. Sometimes the airbox doesn't have the optimal air inlet - sometimes it does. On my last bike, drilling a 1 inch hole in the airbox made a massive difference and 99% of the people who tried it were happy. Of course, it was a motorcycle guru who found and documented it so it had instant support.

Ahh yes, the FOG (Fast Old Guy) airbox modification.

The thing that sets this apart from all the other hacksaw airbox "mods" is how FOG came up with this.

He did it while testing the bike on a dynamometer, after determining that the airbox was under substantial vacuum in stock form. Then he modified it and tested it, and proved that HP was increased.

Then he went out and won races with it.

That is what sets it apart from "I mangled my airbox and I think I'm making more power."
Your good at inventing words and other imaginary things- I'll see how much attitude you'll have next time we're face to the meantime, enjoy the show you're putting on online.
Your good at inventing words and other imaginary things- I'll see how much attitude you'll have next time we're face to the meantime, enjoy the show you're putting on online.

I am so scared now... please don't hurt me! :rof:

1) I hope I don't have to see your face again... ever.

2) Even if we happen to be on the same group ride again, I'm sure I'll be OK since your ZX14 seems to top out at 30mph in the canyons LOL
Your good at inventing words and other imaginary things- I'll see how much attitude you'll have next time we're face to the meantime, enjoy the show you're putting on online.

Ahh yes. That old argument.

"My engineering skills are superior to yours. I will prove it by kicking your ass."

I used to see that one in Popular Mechanics all the time.

It's also how VHS beat out Betamax. Pure ass-kickery.

Ahh yes. That old argument.

"My engineering skills are superior to yours. I will prove it by kicking your ass."

I used to see that one in Popular Mechanics all the time.

It's also how VHS beat out Betamax. Pure ass-kickery.


It's not the first time he threatens me to kick my ass... last time it was a PM in which he was asking me if I want to settle our argument face to face (fight)... it made me laugh and told him "no thank you", but I kept my mouth shut because he knew where I used to live... and I don't know what he is capable of doing (I have young kids)... but now that I moved, whatever! :D

All that because of a stupid airbox mod!!! :cheer:
I did it but I didn't compromise the box. I did just opened up the mouth of the duct. I feel it is better.

Performance mods by the grassroots have always been trial and error. Great minds thinking something can be changed for the better and trying it. If the case was that everything done had to be formulated and tested to be right then no one would have anything.

Head porting. It's been proven that the flowbench could say it flows huge amounts of air but then make less power on the dyno. then you maybe switch cams or change CR etc. Everything one at a time and trial and error. If it was that easy there would be no testing. The math would say its the best and they would leave it at that.

And peak hp doesn't tell the whole story either. I felt with the airbox mod, throttle response increased. Spoon Sports, a Honda tuner, doesn't modify the factory intakes on some of their cars because they say it takes away from the throttle response needed on the track. They just use a high flow filter.

I think we all agree if you change the volume of the box itself it will cause problems.
Just did it today, I don't know if it increased performance, other than psychologically, but I do know that damn whine is gone, throttle reponse is better, and it even sounds a little throaty. Can't wait to add some V.A.L.E M2 Slip ons.
No-one complaining? contesting? no claims that Cycle World doesn't know what they're talking about? Where is PCHBreeze when we need him.... :(

well technically he didn't answer his question. He can't really say yes it will work or no it won't unless it's tested. Like he did say, there are many variables.