I'm a pissed off mutant inbred!

Well that explains why my dentist can not make me numb for any dental work. It sucks when local anesthesia doesn't work and you just have to grin and bear it.
Throughout history, they’ve been subjected to discrimination and fearful prejudice, being viewed as ... lustful.
What's wrong with that? :confused: :D

Did you know Thomas Jefferson was a redhead? I guess in the early days of the US they couldn't afford to spring for color film.
I've always loved my red hair...but I could really do without being called "Ginger" (especially after that damned south park episode).

Anything is better than being called "big red" though. :mad:
I'm a red head also, I really hated it when I was a little kid and my parents drug me to church and the gray haired old ladys told me that they would do anything just to have my beautiful red hair,I was about ready to pull it out and give it to them!

"At the very least, their hair doesn’t go gray."

I can attest to that - it goes straight to white. Had to shave the beard off cause it made me look really old. I guess I'm doubly discriminated against as I'm left handed too. :(