Eric, you're a bad influence...

never seen one in silver. that's a nice looking bike.... as soon as you get rid of the 55 gallon drum hanging off the side.

i have no advice for you but when i looked at that bike i looked a little something like this.

Picking it up tomorrow, My FZ6 + $3750.
Includes the bike and lower fairings to match. :thumbup:
I am not being arguementative but asking out of genuine curiousity. How many of the riders at the meet had stock setups and were pushing that hard? This is an honest question. This question aside, I also know for a fact that there are riders here who are far and above my riding skills and would have left me standing at the Dragon. There are some on this forum that can take my old stock FZ6 and push it harder than I did and maybe not have the same problems. I strive to be as good but here in NH, it's VERY hard to find places to practice. :confused: ;)

Now, I'd like to explain why I ask...

The reason is, I pushed mine harder than I ever could there because NH doesn't offer any road nearly as technical and I thought I was going to have an insurance claim. I somehow managed to get the bike back upright without laying it down. I think that came from years of dirt track at that point.

I also let a very experienced rider take my bike on the Dragon. This guy rides a customized SV650 and leaves me in the dust far too easily but he's got a lot of money in suspension, braking and tires. He made it less than a mile and stopped. He had en even worse opinion of the stock setup than I did. I took his bike and couldn't believe the difference in riding a pro-tuned setup like his. That bike literally fell into the corners and held no matter how hard I pressed the bar.

It was then I knew I was either doing all sorts of expensive crazy mods on the FZ6 or getting a bike better designed for technical riding. The FZ1 is everything the FZ6 is with a lot more thrown on top. The engine, torque and power all set aside, the rest of the bike is a better technical machine with more advanced features.

As for touring, I like it better now as well. It's got a lot more power to haul the loads. When you load up an FZ6 and throw on a pillion, the bike has to grunt a lot in the mountains. The FZ1 takes the same path with a lot less effort. Because it struggles less, the tour is that much more enjoyable.

These are just my opinions based on personal experience, advice of trusted riders, reading and my fat arse sitting on both saddles. I am in no way trying to change anyone's mind or say I'm the guy who is right. :thumbup: These are to be taken with a grain of salt please. :Flash:

Sure hands down the FZ1 is a better motorcycle but just because I get slower lap times in a minivan vs a sports car doesnt mean I am pushing the minivan to its limits. Nor does me almost losing control of the minivan mean I am ready for a sports car. In fact upgrading to a sports car can actually be worse because it gives me a false sense of security that I am a better driver with a machine that is a lot more powerful. Sure my laptimes go up but I am still lacking in driving skill and now when I start to push the sports car I am running into the same problem as the minivan the difference being now I have the ability to crash at twice the speed.

Look at the following example where it an FZ6 was "ridden past its limit":
You enter a corner too fast on the FZ6 and you try and lean the bike over further to hold the line and the tire steps out on you and you end up laying the bike down. You take the same corner at the same speed on an FZ1 and you hold your line through the turn. So the FZ1 was the answer. WRONG Here is the problem You enter a corner too fast . First of all you are riding over your ability level. The same thing will eventually happen on the FZ1. Secondly if a better rider can take that same turn on the same bike then if you were a better rider then you could take that same turn.

Does a better suspension make a difference in the performance of the bike? Absolutely. Does a better suspension make a difference in the riders performance? Absolutely not.

Were the riders pushing hard at the dragon? Do you mean their abilities or the motorcycles?

I don't recall who had or hadn't done suspension upgrades. But $300 for either new springs or adjustable R6 forks shouldn't be considered expensive compared to a new motorcycle.

There's nothing to debate. I believe you are completely correct. I guess I'm just a fool with money to burn. I'm not looking to ride over my head. I haven't done it yet and I don't plan to do it. I'm just thinking I'll get everything I get with the FZ6, which is a lot, btw plus more touring capable. For Eric, he's been riding long enough that I'm sure he'll wring a lot more out of the 1000's capability, without endangering himself.
I hate the bug you got Norm...I get like that too. I just got my bike last August and already I've been lusting after others lol. It happens and that is a good deal for an FZ1. But I think you can be more than happy with your FZ6. I'd save the money.
I hate the bug you got Norm...I get like that too. I just got my bike last August and already I've been lusting after others lol. It happens and that is a good deal for an FZ1. But I think you can be more than happy with your FZ6. I'd save the money.

Heh..I get this bug all the time. Every time I go to the bike shop, I stare at the new bikes they get. I even fell for the FZ6R the one time :D. Went in last week, saw the R6, right next to it was the new 09 R1 :drool:

But then I look outside the door and see MY FZ6. And all is forgotten :D
Sure hands down the FZ1 is a better motorcycle but just because I get slower lap times in a minivan vs a sports car doesnt mean I am pushing the minivan to its limits. Nor does me almost losing control of the minivan mean I am ready for a sports car. In fact upgrading to a sports car can actually be worse because it gives me a false sense of security that I am a better driver with a machine that is a lot more powerful. Sure my laptimes go up but I am still lacking in driving skill and now when I start to push the sports car I am running into the same problem as the minivan the difference being now I have the ability to crash at twice the speed.

Look at the following example where it an FZ6 was "ridden past its limit":
You enter a corner too fast on the FZ6 and you try and lean the bike over further to hold the line and the tire steps out on you and you end up laying the bike down. You take the same corner at the same speed on an FZ1 and you hold your line through the turn. So the FZ1 was the answer. WRONG Here is the problem You enter a corner too fast . First of all you are riding over your ability level. The same thing will eventually happen on the FZ1. Secondly if a better rider can take that same turn on the same bike then if you were a better rider then you could take that same turn.

Does a better suspension make a difference in the performance of the bike? Absolutely. Does a better suspension make a difference in the riders performance? Absolutely not.

Were the riders pushing hard at the dragon? Do you mean their abilities or the motorcycles?

I don't recall who had or hadn't done suspension upgrades. But $300 for either new springs or adjustable R6 forks shouldn't be considered expensive compared to a new motorcycle.

Here you go... :bow: since this seems to be what you are looking for.

To anyone out there? Did anyone think I attacked this guy? Did I not say (even with a please) to take my word with a grain of salt?

That's an aweful lot of bold "YOU" and a "WRONG" in there. I think you really need to calm down. Maybe go out for a relaxing ride or something?

I'm not going to defend my own opinion because it is just that. But I damned sure don't appreciate catching an attitude for expressing it and clearly stating it wasn't factual.

Enjoy the podium. :rolleyes: :don'tknow: what got into you today... forgive me for asking an honest question.
Here you go... :bow: since this seems to be what you are looking for.

To anyone out there? Did anyone think I attacked this guy? Did I not say (even with a please) to take my word with a grain of salt?

That's an aweful lot of bold "YOU" and a "WRONG" in there. I think you really need to calm down. Maybe go out for a relaxing ride or something?

I'm not going to defend my own opinion because it is just that. But I damned sure don't appreciate catching an attitude for expressing it and clearly stating it wasn't factual.

Enjoy the podium. :rolleyes: :don'tknow: what got into you today... forgive me for asking an honest question.

Hmm...maybe this should be stickied? Just sayin'

Here you go... :bow: since this seems to be what you are looking for.

To anyone out there? Did anyone think I attacked this guy? Did I not say (even with a please) to take my word with a grain of salt?

That's an aweful lot of bold "YOU" and a "WRONG" in there. I think you really need to calm down. Maybe go out for a relaxing ride or something?

I'm not going to defend my own opinion because it is just that. But I damned sure don't appreciate catching an attitude for expressing it and clearly stating it wasn't factual.

Enjoy the podium. :rolleyes: :don'tknow: what got into you today... forgive me for asking an honest question.

I believe I was expressing my opinion as well. The words were bolded to stress the words for any reader not just you. Upgrading to a liter bike should be a big decision and not entered lightly. It is as big, if not a bigger jump than moving from a 250 to a 600. If you took my posts seriously then maybe they hit a little too close to home but they were meant to express the otherside of the coin not personally attack you.

I will be the first person to admit that I have very little riding experience but so do a lot of other people on this forum. Sometimes the reasons against doing something need to be expressed as clearly as the reasons for doing something especially when dealing with excited riders who don't have that much experience.

If I wanted to personally attack you I would have said something to the effect that there is no way in hell you rode the bike to its limits. However I did not. I realize you are a heavier rider and it is quite possible that the FZ6 does not have what you need in a motorcycle. However that is not the case for a lot of the riders on this forum. Tehre are too many peopel who upgrade after one season and go and get themselves hurt.

I don't have a problem with your opinion but I will forgive you for being an ass about me expressing mine.
Norm, I think you'll be impressed with the touring capabilities of the bike. Did you happen to buy any luggage for the FZ6? (Soft I hope!) If so, and if you still want to test drive, bring it with you so you can also determine if it fits. If it is hard luggage, then another expense to consider is the frame to mount them to. That too would need to be upgraded.

No matter what, whether you choose to upgrade or stick with the FZ6, you've still got a great bike. You'll still be bleeding blue! :D
Does a better suspension make a difference in the riders performance? Absolutely not.

Respectfully disagree sir.
Without good tools, good work becomes harder to accomplish, when one decides to push and discover their limits the equipment becomes paramount, in this case in particular a better suspension means you a concentrating on good form and proper cornering skills, not being predetermined by the equipment in use. It allows concentration and improvement on the procedure not trying to make up for what may be lacking in the equipment or being a victim of it's failure.

In my years of woodworking I have discovered a basic flow. If I have an old outdated or under performing tool(which I will typically replace or upgrade) I can still do good work BUT it comes at greater risk of injury and a greater chance of mistakes on the product.

Were the riders pushing hard at the dragon? Do you mean their abilities or the motorcycles?

Both, so what one was discovered first?

IMHO, your snide retorts are uncalled for period.
Norm, I think you'll be impressed with the touring capabilities of the bike. Did you happen to buy any luggage for the FZ6? (Soft I hope!) If so, and if you still want to test drive, bring it with you so you can also determine if it fits. If it is hard luggage, then another expense to consider is the frame to mount them to. That too would need to be upgraded.

No matter what, whether you choose to upgrade or stick with the FZ6, you've still got a great bike. You'll still be bleeding blue! :D

Eric, I believe I have exactly the same Cortech soft bags you have or had at least. I remember you posting a picture of them loaded up and on your bike. So hopefully these could be used again. I have to say, I'm still very much on the fence. I'd like to try and meet you Thursday if possible?


I do very much appreciate that you are looking after my well being and I very much respect what you are saying which is that I may not be ready for a liter bike. As I've said, I've put 10,000 miles on the Fizz and 30,000 total miles on bikes. That doesn't make me any kind of expert but I think I would be OK. I'm 52 years old which means I'm old enough that I don't have to prove anything to anyone so it's not like I'm 18 and my first bike is a Hayabusa. But your intent is good and I appreciate it.

I don't appreciate you calling Eric, or anyone here an ass. There's a lot of great members here who've given great advice and shared a lot of experiences that have helped me. I have found that Eric and Steve (wrightme) are particularly gracious, well informed, and more than willing to share their knowledge and even physically help any members with their bikes.
Norm: get the bike if you want the bike so much - life is short. Is it a financially good decision? No. It's better to keep your bike (the reason I am keeping mine). I too have vested in a Givi hard bag, lowered seat,etc... Ihave lusted over a GSX650F since they came out and had a hard time deciding between the FZ6 and the GSX. Still don't know if I made the right decision, but a year and 4600miles later I am OK with it. Bought my wife a Ninja 250 to start on. The guy in Nault's Suzuki had a left over 2008 GSX650F he is selling $5562 OTD!!!!!! New MSRP is $7899 for 2009. I am so tempted to switch, but financially can't justify it right now. My wife would kill me. :cool: I'll wait another year.

If you go with your heart then get it. Logic says no. :cool: I'm like you commute year long and my bike looks it. ;-) (like that GS1200 BWM commercial)
My two cents...
Heh..I get this bug all the time. Every time I go to the bike shop, I stare at the new bikes they get. I even fell for the FZ6R the one time :D. Went in last week, saw the R6, right next to it was the new 09 R1 :drool:

But then I look outside the door and see MY FZ6. And all is forgotten :D

I so agree! I drool over other bikes, but then after I glance at mine, or take it for a spin, that, "Gosh I like that bike.", takes over and nothing can sway me.

However, the 1 is really nice and either would be great to have.

Good luck with your quandry - er, I mean decision. ;)

I'm 52 years old which means I'm old enough that I don't have to prove anything to anyone so it's not like I'm 18 and my first bike is a Hayabusa. But your intent is good and I appreciate it.


I'm right there with you in oh so many ways.... I'm 50. My FZ6 has about 9K miles (all mine), and I've got the itch. No good reason, mind you; I just have the itch. Threethings make it hard to pull the trigger: 1) In reality, the FZ6 is all the bike I need. In fact, I worry a little about litre power, but my riding companions assure me it's all in the wrist. You can see from my sig, I'm much more cautious than careless; 2) The FZ6 is just so dang good it's hard to take a chance on an unknown, which will at most be incrementally better for my riding (remember, I'd never ride an FZ1 to even nine-tenths), and 3) Between the initial expense and increased insurance (plus tax, licence and a few mods), my wife would kill me. Guess #3 makes it easy, huh? ;)