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Jul 17, 2009
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It's called a DIET!

I really enjoy modding and that's part of the enjoyment of owning my FZ6.

I told my wife that when you take the weight of the bike + the weight of the rider and divide that by the horsepower the bike has, you will acheive a ratio of pounds per 1hp.

My bike weighs approximately 450lbs. and I weigh 230lbs = 680lbs.

My bike has approximately 100hp.

If you divide the weight by the hp you get 6.8lbs for every 1hp.

If I get to my desired ideal weight which is approximately 200lbs. I decrease the total weight and help my horsepower to weight ratio.

So the cheapest mod of all is a DIET!

When I look at some of you guys in your full racing leathers, I have to admit I do get a little jealous.

I don't think I would fit a suit too well, but I am going to make a concious effort to lose some weight to look good in some leathers and make my bike that much faster.

Do any of you have any tips for me on what has worked for you.
I wish I could GAIN 10 pounds!! Never been able to tho. 6' 4" 175 lbs. My FZ really has a lot of power. You will prolly notice a diff. if you lose some lbs. Good luck with your diet and let us know your results.
I wish I could GAIN 10 pounds!! Never been able to tho. 6' 4" 175 lbs. My FZ really has a lot of power. You will prolly notice a diff. if you lose some lbs. Good luck with your diet and let us know your results.
You must have something I don't, I know what it is it's called METABOLISM.

I need to get one of those or figure out how to get mine to work.

I'll keep you guys posted.
I wish I could GAIN 10 pounds!! Never been able to tho. 6' 4" 175 lbs. My FZ really has a lot of power. You will prolly notice a diff. if you lose some lbs. Good luck with your diet and let us know your results.

I hope you won't be offended when I tell you that I hate you.

Fred - 6'2" 230 pounds.
That's why I have not gotten my leathers yet. I refuse to buy custom pear shaped leather riding gear. I don't actually diet, just trying moderation. Instead of the heaping mountains of grub I usually ingest, now I just get a decent amount and no seconds. So far so good, I've lost four pounds in eight days and I hav'nt withered away yet:thumbup:

Phase 2 will involve excersise:eek:
That's why I have not gotten my leathers yet. I refuse to buy custom pear shaped leather riding gear. I don't actually diet, just trying moderation. Instead of the heaping mountains of grub I usually ingest, now I just get a decent amount and no seconds. So far so good, I've lost four pounds in eight days and I hav'nt withered away yet:thumbup:

Phase 2 will involve excersise:eek:
Phase 2 is the tough phase, exercise.

That sounds like a lot of work.

Us heavier riders 5'11" 230lbs. need to help each other.

We can do it.

Just say no to Pear Shaped Leathers!

A year ago, I was 5'09" at about 210 soaking wet.... now, I'm between 185 and 190, depending on what I have for dinner. I still eat a lot. But I excercise a lot more.

It's taken cutting 5 cord of wood, splitting it & stacking it, making a 1200 sq ft garden with raised beds from scratch, cutting down an additional 12 scrub trees, and building a corral out of the timbers..... serious yard maintenance, and lots of exterior work over the summer.

Sitting in a cubicle will make you store fat. Got to get out and move around. Work up a sweat at least once a week.
I'm a bus driver that eats, watches tv, use the computer, and rides his fz6. Oh and play disc golf when I can. My wife keeps trying to get me to do the yard work. lol

Ok so what is the first step??
I'm a bus driver that eats, watches tv, use the computer, and rides his fz6. Oh and play disc golf when I can. My wife keeps trying to get me to do the yard work. lol

Ok so what is the first step??

Walk more. (I'm 48, BTW) Once you hit about 35, your metabolism slows waaaayyyy down.

Drink a glass of water about half an hour before you eat. Less room for food. The human body needs around 2000 calories a day to sustain itself. Check out how much you are putting away, and start tailoring your diet to lower energy content foods.

Fresh veggies. Baked chips, instead of fried. Cut down on the sugary drinks. Eat oatmeal.

Beer is a huge source of calories. Even 'Lite' beer is shamefully heavy on carbs. Before I quit drinking, I was around 230 lbs. A half rack a night will do that for a guy's figure. :)
Check out this article I came across, this guy feels the same way.

Weight and Motorcycle Performance
By Jim Noss
Do you want to improve the handling and increase the horsepower of your motorcycle? Well, be forewarned the advice offered in this article will cost you nothing and save you everything.

I have been around motorcycles for the past 20 years and I am always seeing fellow motorcyclists trying their best to improve the power of the motorcycles. I see the aftermarket performance market make millions of dollars by selling exhausts, power commanders, tune up kits. All geared to increase the performance of your motorcycle. Sure these products work; sure they cost a lot of money. But are they really necessary?

Let us take a step back and look at the big picture. And for some motorcyclists we need to step back even farther. Yes this article is about the weight challenged motorcyclist. Let’s face the facts, the more you weigh, the more your motorcycle is going to have to work to move your big butt from point A to point B. You are entitled to spend thousands of dollars on performance parts but the cheapest way to give your motorcycle more pick up and power is to work on tuning yourself up and shed a few pounds. Of course there are motorcyclists that are at their ideal weight. They are few in number but do exist.

I will admit I was 20 pounds over my ideal weight. I felt heavy and my clothes did not fit -- especially my riding leathers. I finally had enough and decided to come up with an eating plan that would work for an average, hard-working guy like me. The rewards would be that I would be eating healthier, lose weight, look better in my clothes, and be lighter thus giving my motorcycle more power and handling. Plus my stomach would not be getting in the way when I was riding the twisties through the mountains of Pennsylvania. By eating healthier I would hopefully live a bit longer and healthier.

The diets you see advertised, the pills, the total crap that people buy is all snake oil. The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar business. I am here to save you money, make you feel better, and make your motorcycle perform better. It is up to you to get off your butt and take action. This is not an easy plan, nor is it that difficult. The bottom line is that you have to want it to work and be dedicated and disciplined. You can thank me later once you start to see the results.

So my lifestyle is such that I have a desk job where I sit all day. I drink 2 Pepsis a day and a candy bar. Not much activity. I was eating at all the crappy junk food places and eating lots of fast food while at home at night. It was quick and easy and made me gain weight. Did it make me happy? Honestly no. I remember the sick stomach feelings I would get after I would eat some of the fast food. A sure sign that this was not intended for us to eat. I am not saying that my methodology will work for everyone, but the principals are sane.

To get started in my new eating habits I first stopped eating at the fast food chains. Basically I stopped eating out. I started packing a sandwich to take to work. This saved me over $50 a week. Folks, that is $200 a month or $2400 a year saved. That money could go towards a new motorcycle.

The second habit I changed was to stop drinking stuff with caffeine in it. I really did not stop, just cut back by about 80%. I still drank tea and had some chocolate now and then. Both of which have caffeine.

The third habit I started was to eat breakfast in the morning. A simple bowl of oatmeal is all I had. If I were in a hurry, I would just have a banana. I would still have 2 sodas while at work. Often times just drinking bottled water.

The fourth habit I acquired was how I dealt with lunch. For lunch, as mentioned, I would eat my bagged lunch. Having your bagged lunch ready eliminates any desire to go out to the fast food places. Plus it saves you money and time and gas.

The fifth habit I started dealt with what I did at night at home. I started walking for 30 minutes each night on the treadmill. I also started just eating salads. Initially these were just greens. Then I started adding in a baked potato. Next I added in some protein by adding some chicken strips. Trust me, this will fill you up and last you all night. Plus it has protein and low in fat.

My tip for eating right is as follows. Make everything before hand and have it ready to eat in the refrigerator. By having the meals ready, you will be less likely to throw a pizza in the oven or eat some cookies. Each Sunday I do the following:

Bake up about 9 baked potatoes. Wrap these in foil then microwave them when ready.

Bake up some chick breast strips.

Get a head of lettuce. Chop it up. Steam some baby carrots and add these to the salad. Add some other greens and mix it up. Trust me, it is very good. The potato and chicken really fill you up. Ready-made meals are the key to weight-loss success.

The simple formula that God gave us is that if you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. It is so simple. The reason Americans are fat is that we are lazy. It is too easy to go to the fast food places and pig out on processed garbage.

So if you want to lose weight and make your motorcycle go faster and handle better, try losing a few pounds. You will feel better, save lots of money and look better too. The less weight your motorcycle has to haul, the better it will perform.

Contributing author to Cycle Solutions and Kingpin Cruisers.
neat thread idea...on a site populated by I'd guess 95% males, a weight-loss
thread is gonna die to the bottom quickly...title it about making bikes faster...
pretty smart

anyway, 6 months ago I was 230 with HBP, high cholesterol and pre-diabetic,
I'm in my mid 40's, a decade of travelling sales, poor diet and no excercise
was killing me-literally...what I did was quit my sales job and take a contract
position in Afghanistan..I'm now down to 190 and health problems are gone,
no medication anymore and I feel great, coming here was drastic,and there
are other things that factored into the change,but as far as the weight loss
goes, the principles are very simple, you need to burn more calories than you can excercise all day and get nowhere unless you look at
reducing caloric mentioned: dropping alocohol is a great first
step, empty calories, absolutely no nutritional value and drinking leads to
poor eating habits and laziness so it's harder to I did
was try to make sensible eating decisions at every meal, smaller portions of
meat, lots of vegetables, only whole grain breads and no pasta or rice, the
important thing is to force yourself to do this every meal, no treats, no
variations, don't procrastinate and say to yourself "sure I can have a six
pack and 2 racks of ribs, tomorrow I'll get back on the program" NO, you
can't if your serious about weight loss, good choices, everyday, every meal
until you are at your target weight...excercise combined with a strict diet
accelerates the progress because you're burning calories faster and has the
added benefits of lowering BP and making you feel a heck of a lot better too,
for the first 4 months I rode my bicycle for an hour every day, and in the
last 2 months have worked some strength training into my daily routine,
nothing drastic, some basic upper body, back and ab stuff with a pair of 20#
dumbells, the bike takes care of the in summary, my opionion is to
address calorie intake right away, stick with it and work an excercise
regime in gradually, I think it's too much to do both at once,you need to keep
in mind it will take time to see any results and a diet change with an
agressive workout schedule and no results can get discouraging, so do the
food thing first, then work in some excercise

good luck
I'm 6'0" 165lbs. and have maintained it since I was about 22. I'm 42 and my metabolism is still kicking pretty good.

I drink 2 large glasses of water as soon as I get up in the morning.
I very rarely eat pork. It's OK once in awhile in moderation.
I don't drink sodas or any other sugary drinks. They are too sweet and I can't stand them.
I always eat in moderation and have no problem "wasting" food by pushing my plate away. If it don't go in the trash it goes on the belly. Which is better?
I eat some form of fruit everyday. My favorite is Gala Apples.
I like a beer once in awhile. I try not to drink them before bed. Not good.
I don't eat a lot of candy. Once in awhile, but again too much sugar that it don't taste good.
I value sleep and get good sleep as much as possible.
Don't eat right before bed. Calories have no where to go but your waist.

I broke my foot and ankle 3yrs ago and knew I was going to gain some weight while I was healing up. I was real careful of what I ate and only gained 8lbs. Once I was mobile again I lost it in about a month and a half.

It's by no means rocket science. It's more about lots of little choices that all add up. It's hard to change habits but it gets easier with consistency. I quit drinking sodas about 5 or 6 yrs ago. It was hard at first but got easier. Now I think I want one when I'm out eating and have a sip of my kids and can't stand the taste anymore.

And I might add that I am in perfect health and take no medications save for the occasional sinus meds.
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Rossi is a litle guy.... almost all motorcycle racers are small statured individuals -- not trying to make a blanket statement.... the truth of thematter is the less mass you need to accelerate, the stronger the acceleration for any given level of thrust.

NASA spent a great deal of money developing microcircuitry for that very reason. When it costs more than $100,000/lb to put something in orbit, you trim the fat everywhere you can. (The space shuttle was supposed to drop those costs to the 10K/lb range.....)

Weight loss on the FZ6? You might be able to shave off 15 or 20 lbs without breaking the bank. That's an exhaust, removing the fairing, and whatever else you can come up with. Carbon fiber isn't enough weight loss to justify the cost..... except as bling.

As has been said.... losing 15 lbs on your carcass helps every vehicle you drive. Including your body. Your knees will feel better. And your feet.