EXHAUST questions.. recommendations?


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Jul 13, 2009
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San Diego
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I have now had my FZ for over a year and a half and looking to get an aftermarket exhaust!! :rockon: I have been saving up for a few months now and am just about ready to pull the triggger.

I have read through alot of exhaust threads on here including the exhuast Poll and i know alot of you are all about the TB. My bike is black so i am looking at carbon fiber options and wow the CF TB's are pretty $$. The lowest i have found is $741 with shipping.

I have unfortunalty not heard any other exhausts on FZ's aside from TB's which YES they do sound amazing. however, its a bummer they dont come with DB killers with purchase, the DB killers are not cheap when you are buying two after a set of cans.

It appears a challenge to find DB killers for scorps and M4's... anybody have any links to purchase? or contacts in the US to purchase them? I dont want to have to hunt around after buying cans if there too loud.

Has anybody seen the new devil rocket exhaust? It looks badass in Carbon and after speaking with them directly they come with db killers.

Rocket exhaust for street scooter motorcycle - Devil Exhaust America

Leo's also appear to come with db killers with purchase which is a plus..

Looking for a nice sounding exhaust, performance boost, power and weight reduction.

Thanks for the help.

Yup... :D The baffles (included) can be removed or put back in less than a minute, depending on your mood...

Akropovics, db killers in and out in a minute. Stock quiet or race track growl.
Actually, those DO look pretty cool. Would be interested to hear a review of them and see some better pictures.
Actually, those DO look pretty cool. Would be interested to hear a review of them and see some better pictures.
Man those new Devils looks sooo much better than the old ones! Although I love my Scorpions, those look nicer.

You'll only be able to buy the race-style Scorpions without DB-killers in the US for some reason. That means they won't have the hole drilled for the DB-killer grub screw either. If you look outside the country (UK, Australia) etc you should be able to find the road-legal cans with DB-killers.
Scorpions , they come with DB killers and are the finest quality and easiest to fit :thumbup:


The Scorpions DO NOT come with the DB killers to the US. I have the new style Scorp's on my 07. I contacted both my dealer and the manufacturer(via e-mail). They WILL NOT SHIP THE DB KILLERS to the US, period..... I also checked another site, over seas(forgot the company) recomended from the forum..

You'll only be able to buy the race-style Scorpions without DB-killers in the US for some reason. That means they won't have the hole drilled for the DB-killer grub screw either. If you look outside the country (UK, Australia) etc you should be able to find the road-legal cans with DB-killers.

This is what i have been reading, thank you for confirmation. Scorps are out of the picture. I really feel that in justifing purchasing an aftermarket exhasut i want this OEM out of box with purchase.

I do still think the CF Scrops are very nice looking old and new. The search will continue.. Im really thinking about those devils now.

The Scorpions DO NOT come with the DB killers to the US. I have the new style Scorp's on my 07. I contacted both my dealer and the manufacturer(via e-mail). They WILL NOT SHIP THE DB KILLERS to the US, period..... I also checked another site, over seas(forgot the company) recomended from the forum..


Thanks for posting this bro. Any reason on why they will not ship them? Thanks again for the post.

This confirms Scorps are no longer in the running.
They take some getting used to but aren't too bad, until you get hard on it...
When they were first put on they seemed somewhat loud... I'm used to it now and can still hear my am/fm in my helmet. They are the newer style(smooth rear, and one threaded hole inside the end of each the pipe)..

I can tell you that my friend has a Ducuti 1100 monster with Ducuti's aftermarket ECU and pipe. A third friend on another bike said that when we got on it, the scorps were louder and sounded better than the Duc......

I wouldn't rule em out, at lower RPM's their not bad... I tend to wind it up cause it does sound soooo good.......

The option of a silencer would be nice thou... I bought a carb sync tool from England, I don't think shipping was $5-7..

My shop recommended them as I didn't want anything obnoxious... I am happy with them and would buy them again (about $500 down here).....

Scorpions - check out the following seller on EBAY - hobartcycle

I bought mine from Dan - he's in the US. Price was great. You might be able to ask him about the DB killers. He may be able to get them for you or at least tell you what the story is with them :thumbup:
Scorpions - check out the following seller on EBAY - hobartcycle

I bought mine from Dan - he's in the US. Price was great. You might be able to ask him about the DB killers. He may be able to get them for you or at least tell you what the story is with them :thumbup:

Yeah do what Kaz said , you can buy them from Oz or Ebay and you get DB killers and a KILLER system to match :thumbup:
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I located Hobarts site and just sent an e-mail. I'll update when I hear from them....

Update: The e-mail to Hobarts just got returned as un-deliverable.....

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