I use protection every time... do you?


My entire family complains about how well I hear. I'm constantly telling everyone how loud the tv is or why are they talking so loud. I want to keep my "dog hearing" (that's what they say). Even the doctor is amazed at my hearing. Don't want to ruin that.

And of course, they do make the ride much more enjoyable.
We don't need a law for everything...geeze...and we dont' have helmet laws in half the states (must not be that serious?). That's some weird logic.

Believe it or not, I'm against Seat Belt & Helmet Laws. It should be up to the individual. Except if they are minors. Same goes for ear plugs, fortunatley we have a choice.

I just find it ironic that there are laws for eye protection and not for hearing. Don't lose an eye, but okay to lose your hearing. However, I can see that something that gets in your eye can greatly affect your current ability to ride which may cause you to crash. Hearing, definatley difficult to enforce if there was such a law, definately has to be a secondary law if there were ever to be such one.

Here in Nevada, a windscreen is considered as eye protection as long it's high enough. Like mentioned, the difference in the type of helmet makes a difference in the amount of noise the wind generates, especially if it's an open face helmet vs a full face helmet.

Are there any laws out there that makes it illegal to wear ear phones for music or to have any type of speakers inside your helmet. I could log onto the AMA website or the MSF website and check each state to find out, but chime in anyone if you are aware of any.
JVC marshmellow earphones........engaged.......vasectomy..... :BLAA: :D :rockon: :iconbeer: :iconbeer:
JVC marshmellow earphones........engaged.......vasectomy..... :BLAA: :D :rockon: :iconbeer: :iconbeer:

Thanks! Those look pretty damn comfortable; is that the same kind of memory-foam-like material that ear plugs use? Or can I just buy a bag of these and shove em on my earbuds? Effective and delicious (disclaimer: no longer delicious after use...)
I personally started to use ear-plugs just couple of months ago.
The CVS brand, and soft form like video; very easy to use and comfortable when those are expended inside ears.
First couple of times, I couldn't hear much so afraid not to hearing traffic sounds.
But that was just my worry, I can hear important noisies around traffic.
And all the high-decibel noisies are gone; like bike engine vibration, high pitch wind, or tyre and road sounds.

One bad behavior I got since ear-plugging >>> getting more aggressive riding.
Don't know why.... Anyone with same behaviors???:Flash:
Thanks for the ear-plug and speeding ticket.... ha ha ha
Just a kidding.. :(
Thanks! Those look pretty damn comfortable; is that the same kind of memory-foam-like material that ear plugs use? Or can I just buy a bag of these and shove em on my earbuds? Effective and delicious (disclaimer: no longer delicious after use...)

LOL yea they are memory foam comes with 2 extra sets of said foam rubber,and are offered in a multi pack once you've used themup... $20.00 usd and mine are over a year old and well used and still perform flawlessly. :D
Maryland law only allows custom earplugs. Guess the audiology lobby paid for that bill. Anyway, I have said custom earplugs and would never want to ride without them. On the rare occasion I make a short trip w/o them the wind alone makes things too loud, even with a full face helmet.

You can still hear as well as in a car with the windows up. I find it really calms things down and makes me more aware. People seldom realize how tiring constant noise can be.

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I wear earplugs every day (I am a daily commuter) and I still have a Scala Bluetooth headset in my helmet. The plugs still allow me to hear the bluetooth when I am on a call; The headset also has a pass thru for a MP3 player plug, and I can talk/listen without a problem when I wear the plugs. It is wonderful!

What do you use?

I wear foam ones on weekend rides but I don't wear them on my 45 min daily commute cause it's a another thing to do before setting off and with foam ones I'd get through them at an incredible rate. I presume you use re-usable ones, how and when do you clean them? I guess they get dirty quite quickly?
I wear earplugs every day (I am a daily commuter) and I still have a Scala Bluetooth headset in my helmet. The plugs still allow me to hear the bluetooth when I am on a call; The headset also has a pass thru for a MP3 player plug, and I can talk/listen without a problem when I wear the plugs. It is wonderful!

That's a great suggestion kevlarian, I will try that. The only thing I have to figure out is where to fit in my big ears. :Sport:
What do you use?

I wear foam ones on weekend rides but I don't wear them on my 45 min daily commute cause it's a another thing to do before setting off and with foam ones I'd get through them at an incredible rate. I presume you use re-usable ones, how and when do you clean them? I guess they get dirty quite quickly?


I have been using these for a few months. To be honest, I haven't had to change them out too often. You can wipe them down with soap and water if they get dirty. They seem to return to perfect shape after using them. These are good quality and are pretty cheap at 10 pair for 4.99. I think they are good for something like 33 decibel reduction in noise.. a tad better than other brands. I just got used to the routine of using them everytime and I really like the experience of less noise when I ride. Check them out.
Guess I should follow westgoinzax's example and be religious about wearing the plugs all the time.

I don't leave home without them! haha

I'm constantly telling everyone how loud the tv is or why are they talking so loud. I want to keep my "dog hearing" (that's what they say).

Same problem here. Maybe I should leave the ear plugs at home once in a while so the little buzz the TV makes won't bother me anymore. :)

Thanks for the PSA Kevlarian!
Good advice.

Luckily, at work, we have to provide earplugs for our equipment lab (we use the foam kind). They are 33NR and use that as my supply so I always have good pair around.

I tried 22NR one time and it sucked. That 11 more NR is a huge difference.

I use them for work, leaf blower, snowblower, generator, loud kids, loud musical instruments as well as the bike. They are kind of annoying to have to put in it's better than without.

Funny thing: I insert the left plug in a downward direction to get it placed just right; I insert in an upward direction on the right ear.

What do you use?

I wear foam ones on weekend rides but I don't wear them on my 45 min daily commute cause it's a another thing to do before setting off and with foam ones I'd get through them at an incredible rate. I presume you use re-usable ones, how and when do you clean them? I guess they get dirty quite quickly?

I really don't understand that logic. Why would you protect your ears on the weekend and NOT the weekday. And, honestly, any ride (even 1 min) of road level noise, will cause damage over a long period of time. 45 min a day * 5 days a week = 225 minutes a week = 4,950 minutes a month = 59,400 minutes a year.

You are subjecting yourself to 100+db levels of noise for nearly 60,000 minutes a year without earplugs, and that is OK?

Please explain.

Motorcycles easily reach noise levels exceeding 110 dB, a level at which more than 30 minute's exposure can permanently damage a person's hearing.

Here is a sobering chart...

Decibel (Loudness) Comparison Chart
I tried using earplugs once, but couldn't handle the feeling of them. Noise isn't a problem for me as i have worked in a printing factory most of my life. Most of my bikes have had loud exhausts which i love to hear :rockon:

I don't think i'm deaf yet but i do have selective hearing like most husbands ;) i spend all day at work shouting because of the noise which can cause a problem at home sometimes. eg: HEY KAZZA WANT ANOTHER KAHLUA ?
BTW, depending on your helmet, sometimes you don't need earplugs. On my cruiser, I sometimes don't wear earplugs (but that helmet has pretty good ear protection and I added extra foam for even more protection). However, for highway, earplugs are a must for me -- riding without them on the highway just plain sucks.

I can understand why many people don't wear them -- they are a pain to get in right. If you get both of them in wrong, they don't help and if you get only one of them right, they really unbalance you. You don't realize one is not in right until you're on the highway and you're head is buzzing on one side. You then have to stop on the highway and take off the gloves and helmet and put them in the right way and put the helmet and gloves back on and merge back into traffic.

Earplugs get sweaty, dirty, and sometimes can cause ear infections. I tend to leave my earplugs out in the sunlight in hopes of killing or preventing any bacteria on them. You can rub with alcohol, peroxide, etc. But sometimes, I just get a new pair because the used ones just look bad.

I wish helmet manufacturers can just make a helmet that obviates the need for earplugs. All this technology and you still need to stuff foam in your ears. I notice all the MotoGP riders use earplugs -- so I guess it's cool:D.
