Ducatis - can they get any worse?.....

WOW !!!!! :eek:... I guess that what you call a GLOWING advertisment :rof:

He was very lucky though. Hopefully for other riders it was a freak thing & they arent all riding a ticking time bomb :(
man that is crazy. even worse that he has to ride on the back of one of his boys bikes haha insult to injury . bet it was a good looking bike though
Ducatis are sooo hot, they burst in flames ... lmao!

20.000 for a bike!? And it's suddenly catching fire? As I understood, he wasn't even pushing his bike...

It reminds me of that episode of south-park, spontaneous combustion...

There was a similar case with Ferrari and some burnt cages... Maybe it's an Italian thing? Warranty expires -> self-destruct mode on -> buy a new one...
Probably either of two things : 1. the previously mentioned insurance scam. 2. freak accident, like a fuel line got punctured, or slipped off, or some other rare but not impossible part failure.

This reminds me of those Ferrari 458 fires a while back. Also a case of people taking it way to easy for that type of machine. LOL
Usually if you are going to scam insurance you wouldn't risk the family jewels in the process. Sounds to me like some weird italian issue
Scam...I dont buy into it. If I paid 20 grand for a bike, the GF is sleeping on the couch and the bike is in the bed! :BLAA:
It's Italian what would you expect :D
Put it in the list with the burnt out 458's and Gallardos etc.

Must say I would have been more worried if it was one of the new 1199, instead of an old 999.
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No insurance job. It was a group ride - Perth is too small a place to get away with it.

We even have insurance "spies" when we have track days - they go to the track and take note of any crashers.
No insurance job. It was a group ride - Perth is too small a place to get away with it.

We even have insurance "spies" when we have track days - they go to the track and take note of any crashers.

1.7 million population means it is not too small for insurance fraud (or burglary, or murder) to be attempted. I've seen some crazy stuff tried when people want to get an insurance payout. Don't think this is fraud, just an unfortunate accident. There would be easier ways for fraud to work without risking your life.
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