Today I realized what I would do if I got cut off by a car.

Totally understand where you are coming from, but that is a great way to get killed. Control your temper. Remember motorcycle always loses to car.

Yup! And guess what, this will not be the last time it will happen either, so be prepared.

Try using your horn next time to get their attention and let them know thay screwed up, and try anticipating a little better on your part. If you see somebody on the cell phone, expect the worse case scenario.

Ironically, this exact scenario happened to me. I guy moved into my lane without using any turn signals so I hit my horn, but my horn didn't work! I had to swerve toward the left and then slow down to let that guy talking on his cell phone in. He was totally oblivious to what was going on and I couldn't get his attention because my damn horn didn't work.

I love using my horn, and I let a perfect opportunity to scare the daylights out of some driver not paying attention get away. Yes, I bait vehicles, makes the ride home from work a lot more fun.
This was a poor driver (we know what cagers are like, even though most of us drive cars as well as ride bikes) but an even worse reaction.

And now some of you are mentioning guns? This was a road incident and you want to shoot someone? What's the world coming to?


A little note here... I'm Canadian and maybe just like you, not quite use to guns. Where I'm from the only ones with hand guns are the police force or security agents. But here in the States it's a different ball games.

Here in Florida we have the "Stand your ground" law. (Not a specialist here, just try to explain what I know... correct me if I'm wrong) So pretty much what that all mean is if you can proof that someone want to hurt you you are allowed to protect yourself. So basically if a robber end up in your living room in the middle of the night... you shoot first then call the cop! From what I understand. I'm sure someone here can explain you better how that all work.

And getting a permit and a gun here is very easy. A little crash course and back ground check and that's it.
What he did was wrong but you destroying his property is against the law #1 and if it was me you would not be walking right now. In no circumstance and I repeat no circumstance do you have the right to destroy someones property even if they destroy yours. He cut you off so what, obviously you didn't get hurt. As others have said hit the horn flip him off yell at him all is great but everything you did could have left you dead! What would you have done if he pulled out a gun and blew you away? Prime example why motorcyclists get a bad name... Sorry I am an avid motorcyclist but your actions are ridiculous and are labeled :squid: If a cop had seen what you did you would be sitting in a jail cell right now... You better get used to getting cut off this by far will not be the last! You need to learn how to be a better defensive rider... You need to assume no one sees you!:spank:
I have the Stebel Nautilus air horn it will bring tractor trailer drivers to their knees when they screw up! If you don't have one you need to get one. People will stop very quickly!
I'm glad this was an incident you simply are talking about and did not result hurt!!!!

Everybody reacts in different ways and many times we don't even know how each one of us would react!!!!

We have seen many times how a bad situation turns into a much worse by just a reaction or a chain of reactions.

Not to excuse the car driver of any wrong doing but temper and frustration could end up making a victim pay too!!!! In your case the car driver cut you off. You avoided the car (good!!!!!) and your immediate reaction could have resulted on you paying for the car repair because you did it with intention to cause damage.
In the sense of getting even it must have felt good but I think you ended up being veery lucky in many ways!!!!

Be safe!!!
Despite what the OP did was wrong, there are many positive sides to this thread and I thank him for posting. Obviously this scenario will happen to all of us in the future, and this thread is a nice reminder on how we should respond or react in a proper manner. :Flip:
I understand it's a different culture in the US than in Australia. Only our cops have guns (well, obviously bad crims too ;)). Just not used to guns being brought up as a solution for everything. Don't start hating on me - different culture :)
I understand it's a different culture in the US than in Australia. Only our cops have guns (well, obviously bad crims too ;)). Just not used to guns being brought up as a solution for everything. Don't start hating on me - different culture :)

It's funny, it's actually written into our Amendments of the Constitution: The right to bear arms.

I'm not anti-guns. But I agree with you Karen that this shouldn't be people's first thought for a reaction to a conflict. We've become too desensitized to violence in my opinion.
Coming home from school today, I was hitting the lunch rush hour on a busy street. I was riding fairly far back from a truck that was in front of me with a speed of around 45-50 mph. I then noticed an Indian guy an his wife just pulling into my lane with a cell phone in his ear. I leaned up outta my seat I kicked the hell outta this dudes door with some leverage, definately dented it, and sped up to get in front of him. Not far down there was a stop light. I stopped, put the kickstand down, got off my bike and just started to chew his ass about being on a cell phone. I don't know if he heard me cause his windows were up and his doors were locked and my helmet was on. He hunkered down in his seat and just stayed on his cell phone with a lack of concern on his face waving "sorry" to me. I was fully prepared to either knock this guy out or destroy his car. However, I was fully satisfied because as I pull away from the stop light, everyone who was there at that light (around 10+ cars) witnessed this event and made it very clear that they were staying away from me. Lessons have been learned...

It's funny, it's actually written into our Amendments of the Constitution: The right to bear arms.

I'm not anti-guns. But I agree with you Karen that this shouldn't be people's first thought for a reaction to a conflict. We've become too desensitized to violence in my opinion.

bear you say? :D
bear you say? :D | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at

1    [bair] Show IPA verb, bore or ( Archaic ) bare; borne or born; bear·ing.

verb (used with object)
to hold up; support: to bear the weight of the roof.
to hold or remain firm under (a load): The roof will not bear the strain of his weight.
to bring forth (young); give birth to: to bear a child.
to produce by natural growth: a tree that bears fruit.
to hold up under; be capable of: His claim doesn't bear close examination.

As opposed to bare:
without covering or clothing; naked; nude: bare legs.
without the usual furnishings, contents, etc.: bare walls.
open to view; unconcealed; undisguised: his bare dislike of neckties.
unadorned; bald; plain: the bare facts.
(of cloth) napless or threadbare.

verb (used with object)
to open to view; reveal or divulge: to bare one's arms; to bare damaging new facts.

Perhaps if we changed the Amendment to the right to be Bare while armed, people would laugh a bit more and put their guns down.:cheer:
Glad you got out of it! With the whole "Stand your ground" law in Florida combine with the fact that you can get a conceal permit as easy then a membership at Blockbuster... Not something I will try.

You are FAR more likely to be shot and killed by a guy who has an illegal weapon than a law abiding concealed carry permit holder. You think people with criminal pasts obey weapons laws? lol.
If it becomes a crime to own guns then only criminals will own them. I shudder to think about what would happen if someone broke into my house while I was home with my family & I didn't have a firearm to protect me. Yes, I could call the police & ask the burgler to wait & have a cup of tea with me until they finally arrive, but I would rather be able to call them & tell them they might as well sent a coroner because I shot an intruder & took one more lowlife off the streets, thus making the police's job easier & not being a burden to taxpayers by sending him to an all-expense-paid trip to hotel jail. If they outlawed guns here in the U.S., criminals would rejoice knowing that they wouldn't get shot breaking into someone's home. I believe guns save more (innocent) lives than they take. I don't believe that they'll ever be able to sucessfully take up guns here, I know too many Tea Partiers who'd never give them up, no matter what. Remember, there were crimes and murders way before there were guns. Eracing guns will not stop violence, it will just give law-abiding citizens no way to defend themselves.
If it becomes a crime to own guns then only criminals will own them. I shudder to think about what would happen if someone broke into my house while I was home with my family & I didn't have a firearm to protect me. Yes, I could call the police & ask the burgler to wait & have a cup of tea with me until they finally arrive, but I would rather be able to call them & tell them they might as well sent a coroner because I shot an intruder & took one more lowlife off the streets, thus making the police's job easier & not being a burden to taxpayers by sending him to an all-expense-paid trip to hotel jail. If they outlawed guns here in the U.S., criminals would rejoice knowing that they wouldn't get shot breaking into someone's home. I believe guns save more (innocent) lives than they take. I don't believe that they'll ever be able to sucessfully take up guns here, I know too many Tea Partiers who'd never give them up, no matter what. Remember, there were crimes and murders way before there were guns. Eracing guns will not stop violence, it will just give law-abiding citizens no way to defend themselves.

I would assume outlawing guns you would be talking about the kind with bullets. This may sound funny, but I have a pump action BB/Pellet gun that will do some major damage... Also a good ole aerosol can and a lighter will do some pretty good damage as well... Or you could always run out the back door and get in your car and drive away..
I would assume outlawing guns you would be talking about the kind with bullets. This may sound funny, but I have a pump action BB/Pellet gun that will do some major damage... Also a good ole aerosol can and a lighter will do some pretty good damage as well... Or you could always run out the back door and get in your car and drive away..

So would a crossbow, Axe, sledge hammer, sword, butcher knife, rock, 2x4, etc. Guns are more convenient weapons for criminals and criminals aren't going to stop shooting people because guns are outlawed...they will just have more helpless victims to choose from.