Alone after 24 years :(

It is amazing to read this thread and see the evidence of how much good really IS in this world. So easy to see the negative side of life. This has been a breath of fresh air to witness people actually caring about someone else. Oldfast, you have already made a positive impact on me by simply starting this thread. Thanks.
I just want to say again to every one. Thank you truly from the bottom of my heart! The support good wishes/advice and especially the prayers are so helpful. This is one amazing web family. I am going on, one day at a time hoping for the best...I will add,after a major Epiphany this morning I can clearly see what I need to be for my kids and myself going forward. If somehow my wife sees this she's in for a better husband than ever. If not then I WILL be a better father and person than before anyway.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
I just want to say again to every one. Thank you truly from the bottom of my heart! The support good wishes/advice and especially the prayers are so helpful. This is one amazing web family. I am going on, one day at a time hoping for the best...I will add,after a major Epiphany this morning I can clearly see what I need to be for my kids and myself going forward. If somehow my wife sees this she's in for a better husband than ever. If not then I WILL be a better father and person than before anyway.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

She won't see it on her own. I can almost guarantee this even without really knowing your situation. You will have to find a way to communicate this to her effectively. Too much of a laissez-faire approach will result in some degree of stagnation. And stagnation is not conducive to healing.

The only person who can find the right balance is you. Only you really know the situation and the people involved.

Just don't want to see a good guy twisting in the wind. You have to share your thoughts and revelations with those you care about or else they will be for naught.

That is just a lesson I have learned in my own personal life.

Also, ice cream and beer. But that's more for you than anything else.

God I want ice cream now. Why the hell did I have to bring that up? God dammit.


......yummay. ;) Go get yourself some ice cream playa.
Sorry to hear mate :(

Hang in there & lean on your family/friends here on the forum anytime :thumbup: The pain will ease in time & you never know , with time she may just realise that life isnt all its cracked up to be without you....
I just want to say again to every one. Thank you truly from the bottom of my heart! The support good wishes/advice and especially the prayers are so helpful. This is one amazing web family. I am going on, one day at a time hoping for the best...I will add,after a major Epiphany this morning I can clearly see what I need to be for my kids and myself going forward. If somehow my wife sees this she's in for a better husband than ever. If not then I WILL be a better father and person than before anyway.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

In my experience, once a woman decides to leave... she is gone... Nothing you can do but to just let her go... The best thing to do is move on with your own life no matter how painful things can be... My favourite saying is "Luck is the residue of design"... Just head in a positive direction and eventually you'll get lucky... As hard as it is (because humans are control freaks by nature) is to let go and just let chance and the Universe guide you... Things have a habit of working out ok in the long run... Stay busy, that has helped me...
I m Very sorry to heard that mate and pray for you & family
My 2cent Leave the kid alone from this trouble between you and wife, kids need father figure when grow up unless they close enough to adult
It wont be perfect like used to be but you can work this out slowly..
You ll survive and you ll be better person once you go through, I believed you doing well since you able to share this trouble with us...
Pray that how I would start when I m senses my weakness ...:rockon:
I agree with the communication perspective that Lonesoldier speaks of. Also, see a lot of good experience and wisdom in what CanadianFZ6 is saying.
I know a version of how you are feeling.... but after a little over 6 monthes of being alone God blessed me,and My Angel showed up now I would not change a thing or take any of the Pain back,It was the suffering that taught me how to Love.... I know it's not easy,but keep moving forward,and don't spend to much time looking back,your future is ahead of you!!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :rockon:
I can't believe no one has asked - you still have the bike, right? ;) Just kidding and trying to bring some humor to a bad situation.

ChevyFazer said it - time heals all wounds! Many of us have been through this very same thing and can all share many of our horror stories. I'm a firm beliver in that things happen for a reason and although you won't see it now, you will later in time. Keep your head up and follow the advice that many have already offered in this thread. Lots of good advice. Surround yourself with positives and move forward as soon as you are able. We all wish you the very best of luck!!
Just saw this post today. I'm really sorry to hear that, and i will definitely be in prayer for you, your kids and your soon to be ex-wife.

Hang in there!
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I like to think that anytime I wave or give the thumbs up to another rider that it uplifts all of us. Regardless of what we're riding, we're one family and the gesture to other riders is the everlasting proof of that.

The Wave by Tom Ruttan is always a great read.
So sorry that you are going through this. Many of us have, and know that life does move forward, and most often for the better.
HUGS to you and your kids.
Gadzukes! There are a lot of us that have had someone leave us. My ex wife left me and I know what pain you're talking about because I was still in love at the time. Time and hindsight has healed that. She got remarried soon after the divorce. She told me she never really loved me even on our wedding day. Talk about hurt! But my faith, friends and family saw it through and I'm a better person for it now. I'm not afraid of marriage, just am wiser about who I choose. Love is a wonderful thing when both of you share the same. If she's determined there's nothing you can do but move on.

Keep your chin up, brother, and know you're not alone.
Just saw this post today. I'm really sorry to hear that, and i will definitely be in prayer for you, your kids and your soon to be ex-wife.

I'm about to get married in a few days, and this just really makes me stop and think....enough said.

Hang in there!

Hey don't let this give you second thoughts about getting married..... everyone is different,and sometimes, some of us Human beings get lucky and raely do find love.... dont be like a turtle and hide your heart in a shell,if you dont take chances and have some faith in your Woman,it is doomed before you begin..... Trust the one you Love,or Love someone you Trust. :rockon: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Hey don't let this give you second thoughts about getting married..... everyone is different,and sometimes, some of us Human beings get lucky and raely do find love.... dont be like a turtle and hide your heart in a shell,if you dont take chances and have some faith in your Woman,it is doomed before you begin..... Trust the one you Love,or Love someone you Trust. :rockon: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Agreed! Even though it may not work for me, (I am still going to try everything, and have faith it will) I will still have 24 years of memories with my angel that I will cherish always, Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.
good song....and the lyrics are spot on (well maybe they are for her) sorry

[ame=]Alex Clare - Too Close (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - YouTube[/ame]
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