Saw a squid on an FZ today


Booth Babe
Aug 13, 2012
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Sydney, Australia
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Oh wait, that was me. -_-

It all started with some questionable logic.

1. This game will be different from all of the other times I've gone to the Jake and seen the Indians lose.
2. Cleveland weather is predictable - and a cloudless, warm, sunny evening will stay that way.
3. Paying to park downtown is for shmucks - ride your bike and squeeze it between a fire hydrant and a space (great logic).
4. Carrying your gear around the stadium is for shumcks - it's only a few miles, leave the jacket at home and lock your helmet to the bike when you get there.

A very slow and high scoring first 4 and a half innings of play - great weather, poor pitching, lots of peanuts.

Cut-scene: 5th inning
Man - those clouds look pretty nasty and they're coming from behind us (west) - let me climb up 5 seats and look over the top of the stadi - OH SH1T!

Cut-scene: 5 minutes later
Tarp on the field, rain coming down, trying to find shelter from the wind and rain on the lee-side of a concrete pole, it worked... okay.

Cut-scene: 1 hour later
Rain delay still going, storm lets up a bit (still raining, but not as hard), time to make a run for it. Run from the stadium a couple of blocks to my bike, complimented on my stride twice, and rightfully so, I was wearing running shoes :rolleyes:

I get to the bike (no ticket, I feel that I was legally parked), open the seat, put my phone in, grab my gloves and unlock my helmet. I squeeze/pour out a liter of water and put it on my head.

Time for the 5 mile ride home (east), complete with pedestrians, drunks, slippery crosswalks, lots of stoplights and, oh yeah, rain. Which, if you didn't know, stings pretty bad on bare skin when you're racing a storm home. I was easy on the throttle, gave cars a wide berth, and tried to avoid the 4'' deep standing water in the right lane.

Made it home fine, keeping both wheels firmly planted the whole way (thanks Avon Storm2 Ultras). Cracked open a beer and called it a night.

tl;dr - got stuck in the rain with minimal gear at a pretty lousy baseball game - made it home fine but it wasn't a whole lot of fun.
I've gone to a sporting event on my FZ. Actually, it's a great way to go. But take your helmet with you inside next time, or leave it at the security desk.
How do you know it was water? I will leave it to your imagination. Point is, I never leave my helmet behind.
How do you know it was water? I will leave it to your imagination. Point is, I never leave my helmet behind.

Ah you dick - nah, it was water, there's not really a way that someone would have been crafty enough to get anything else in there - had it latched onto the left passenger peg with the visor down and the neckhole close to the frame - and you say, how does so much water get in there? Yeah, it was windy. And I might have exaggerated a little bit.
Cut-scene: 1 hour later
Rain delay still going, storm lets up a bit (still raining, but not as hard), time to make a run for it. Run from the stadium a couple of blocks to my bike, complimented on my stride twice, and rightfully so, I was wearing running shoes :rolleyes:

Nice! :D I like this bit... :thumbup:

In fact, I remember running. I did that prior to kids and having a bike.
Now, I just throw stuff at the kids, and if I've got to run, I'm doing something wrong.
Yeah - I haven't done much running since high school (just a couple of adventure races (Tough Mudder) and the training for them), but I guess you never lose your form.
be thankful . I had to live with the tribe through the 70s & 80s at fookin municipal stadium. 90,000 seats and maybe 400 people . Was a bicycle messenger downtown for a while after getting out of the service. Love Cleveland , just not ohio weather.