The Old Spiral Highway


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May 5, 2007
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I took the 300 mile trek up to Northern Idaho Friday Evening. Spent the night in Lewiston and rode the Old Spiral Highway the next morning. Returned back to Boise via Washington Highway 129/Oregon 3 also known as the Lewiston Highway, but known to all motorcyclist as the "Rattlesnake Grade" which is not to be missed if you are ever in this area. Had nice lunch in Joseph Oregon, another great motorcycle town.





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yeah yer right humpy looks awesome and what about those images in the photography thread by 'darius' dint they make you wanna go for a long ride through the catchment areas?
nice countryside folks

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner and it works every time !
Hmm. I'm very tempted to make my summer ride next year a very long one. I have family in Montana, and Idaho is on the way...:cheer:

Great pictures. Looks like a fun day!
Hmm. I'm very tempted to make my summer ride next year a very long one. I have family in Montana, and Idaho is on the way...:cheer:

Great pictures. Looks like a fun day!

It will be tough doing it on a Gixxer if you're coming all the way down from SD. Let me know, and I can plan another ride.

Very cool! Added that road to my bucket list :)

What's great about this road is that it's not very long. You're done in about ten minutes. It's just a local road to mess around on. However, the Rattlesnake Grade is not to be missed.

I have come to a conclusion that I can categorize two types of motorcycle roads. An actual highway that consists lots of miles spanning some distance and the other would be a small stretch of roadway, covering a short distance. It wouldn't be fair to compare this highway to ACH or Ojai in California, but it would be fair to compare it with the Rattlesnake Grade, in which case I would rank the Rattlesnake over any road except for the Beartooth/Chief Joseph Hwy, which I consider it # 1 in my books. It has the length, elevation changes, scenery, and it's technical enough to make it an absolute blast.