The most awful smell ever.



I went on a ride today. The road numbers would be a waste of time, but good twisties, and a long senic byway with better twisties.

Well those of you that farm or live around or near farmers know that cattle, chickens, and horses die. You also probley know that when they do most of them go dog, cat, and animal feed plants. You may or may not know how they get there.

Here they use a large open top metal sided truck with a small cable crane to lift them in.
The farmers drag the dead what nots to the end of the road with a truck or tractor, put 10 or 20$ in its mouth and call the dead wagon. This lucky soul drives around all day in a truck picking up dead rotting meat, and tossing the pieces that fall off in the truck too.

I was riding along, then I think OH MY GOD WHAT IS DEAD HERE!!!!!
Far ahead over the next few hills I catch sight for a second the back of a red metal truck. OH NO I think, not the truck full of dead animals. Well the smell just keeps on coming, so I am pretty sure thats it. The road is very curvy and hilly so there is no long stretch where I can lay back and then blast by, its going to have to be one of those close up, second gear, when its clear blast and back in using the motorcycle only unmarked passing lanes.

To do this you have to hold your breath as you close up on the truck, watching one cows legs bouncing around sticking out the open top. I was constantly worried about bits of goo dripping out and getting on me.
EVERY FREAKING time I would close up with breath held, there would be a bad curve or a car or 5 in a row spaced out just perfect. ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH I had to breath. Back off, but it is still almost unbearable. Come to a 35 mph zone in a town, no passing, finally see a place to pull off and get gas so I did. Uggghhhh it was bad!!!:(

Good part he went on, I hung out for a little bit and went on myself. I went to Dovies Cafe.
They actually deepfry thier hamburger patties. No joke deepfried in soybean oil. I had a double with cheese, fritos, and a coke. It was great even after the stinktruck.

Then I rode 63 in a light sprinkle for 20 minutes then it got dry and fun.

Now on the way there I got kinda stupid. I saw this belly floater hill. I was already in second coming from a tight turn. I though I will wring its neck and fly over this hill. The bike did a wheelie over the hill. I am sure it looked hella cool if anybody had been watching but they werent. I pooed a little. LOL J/K but it was exciting.
thankfully i have no sense of smell yrs working on a sewage farm, probably just the sight of the dead cow would put me off and the goo is awful as it sticks to everything, i do not think i would have been able to eat burgers for a while after seeing that you know maybe 5 -10 minutes:D
Haha...what a post! :)

I can tell you that I share your hatred for dead decaying animals...on my way to the lab where I work I pass by a slaughter house...not nice at all!!

But I can tell you haven't smelt anything bad until you have sniffed some E. coli or Staphlococcus aureus...absolutely disgusting...

E. coli smell like your dinner is rotting in your mouth and S. aureus smell like rotten socks and feet. I guess my day tomorrow is going to be fun! :)

I hope you managed to get the smell out of your helmet?
Yuck. LOL

It was at least 10 minutes before I ate. LOL

This was actually worse than having to do sound silencing checks inside the poop tanks on a nuclear submarine. That was my closest moment.

I think I will take a skip on the E. coli and the S. aureus bacteria, you can just keep that stuff. LOL
I could pick up dead animals for living, if I absolutely had to.

Retrieving a $10 or $20 from their mouth, no, uh-uh, ain't gonna happen. :velocity barf icon:
I could pick up dead animals for living, if I absolutely had to.

Retrieving a $10 or $20 from their mouth, no, uh-uh, ain't gonna happen. :velocity barf icon:

Could you imagine trying to lodge the cash in your bank or spending it in a shop!! "I do apologise for the dampness, its not that I'm sweating all that much, but the cow tends to drool all over the money when you kill it"

I could see just fine. The cornor I was coming out of was higher and I was coming down hill for a long way. Empty field on the left, row of new houses on the right. Driveways all clear of cars, it was sorta safe. I sure didnt mean to do a wheelie. I meant to just dart over the hill and feel my belly float. Instead, I darted over the hill noticed I was on one wheel, and thought Woah, that was cool but lets not do it everyday.
I have a friend who used to drink that would stop everytime he saw one and steal the money to buy liquor with. LOL How about them apples? I still laugh everytime I see him. He is sober now.
I do have to admit its near my house and I plan on going back. I will probley check it out from both ways several times and then see if I can get someone to take a picture.
I do have to admit its near my house and I plan on going back. I will probley check it out from both ways several times and then see if I can get someone to take a picture.
I got one of those a block from my house. it goes like this; 1st gear right hander, WOT over the crest, fat power wheelie, click into 2nd, hard on the brakes, left hander, blip the throttle, home. (repeat if necessary)
Could you imagine trying to lodge the cash in your bank or spending it in a shop!! "I do apologise for the dampness, its not that I'm sweating all that much, but the cow tends to drool all over the money when you kill it"

LOL very funny......
I do have to admit its near my house and I plan on going back. I will probley check it out from both ways several times and then see if I can get someone to take a picture.
I used to live near a hump back bridge. The first time I went over it at 50 mph I sh@t myself. After doing it about a dozen times I was flying over it doing 60mph. both wheels airbourne. I stopped though as I kept blowing fork seels. It was great fun though.
I have to say that pickup idea is brilliant. We didn't have anything like that when i was growing up (I'm originally from Morton's Gap, KY...about as BFE as it gets). Our farm was backed up against an old coal mine that they had turned into a wildlife preserve. We had a spot in the back corner of one of our fields where we just tossed dead calves and whatever else over the fence and let the coyotes take care of it for us. It actually worked pretty well, the carcass was always long gone before it started to smell. Ah, the wonders of country living;)
Thats what they did when I was a kid too.

Now we have Hills Pet Science Diet here in town. So all the deaders go there.
But I can tell you haven't smelt anything bad until you have sniffed some E. coli or Staphlococcus aureus...absolutely disgusting...

LOL! When I was in college, I worked in a lab and had to go in on a Saturday to collect some E.Coli cultures I was cloning DNA in. Spin them down, lyse them for DNA extraction.

Well I was really hung over! I kept having to run to the bathroom to puke every 5 min. because the smell would get to me.

Oh, the wonderful college days!!! :p
Worst smell I've encountered was one of those downer cow trucks, with a 53 foot trailer loaded in July, next to me, with a hot oil truck ahead of me. It was 105 degrees out with traffic stopped due to road work a couple miles ahead.:eek:

I couldn't split lanes as I was in an old Ford Ranger with no A/C:mad:

The worst smell I've ever heard of was a couple of years ago, it was so bad it killed 2 farmworkers. On some of the local dairies are pit for the cow waste with aerators to keep it mixed up. One of the aerators plugged up in a pit and guy had to go in there on a hot day and the gases killed him. Another guy went in there to retrieve the body and he died too.
LOL! When I was in college, I worked in a lab and had to go in on a Saturday to collect some E.Coli cultures I was cloning DNA in. Spin them down, lyse them for DNA extraction.

Well I was really hung over! I kept having to run to the bathroom to puke every 5 min. because the smell would get to me.

Oh, the wonderful college days!!! :p

So you know what stage I'm at in my career!! :) I'm extracting protein now though...all my plasmid insertion work was three months ago!! :) Moving onto breast cancer cells in about three weeks when I start my PhD. No more E.coli for me...

So I'll remember next time...dont drink and centrifuge! :)