How to trip a damn traffic light??????????

there is also the Right-u-Right. I did that for a while now I just run them.
The worst they can do is give you a ticket. If you explain your position they most likely wont, but even if they do, the judge will have to throw it out. Defective signal lights are to be treated as stop signs. Once you know which ones are which I just stop and go.

It happens at every major set of traffic lights, and Traffic Cops in Oz have got it in for Motorbike they will use any excuse to pull you over to check your license, thanks to the massive amount of people in Oz that ride unlicensed!

We also have red light camera's which double as speed camera's at nearly every intersection, and amazingly, they always seem to work every time, even when you are doing as little as 4km/h over the posted limit!

It's all about revenue raising in Oz, not common sense!
It happens at every major set of traffic lights, and Traffic Cops in Oz have got it in for Motorbike they will use any excuse to pull you over to check your license, thanks to the massive amount of people in Oz that ride unlicensed!

We also have red light camera's which double as speed camera's at nearly every intersection, and amazingly, they always seem to work every time, even when you are doing as little as 4km/h over the posted limit!

It's all about revenue raising in Oz, not common sense!
Sounds like a FE kit that hides the plate from those cameras would be a necessite...
At my work we have security turn styles that are activated by using your security pass, being holland we also have a bicycle gate next to it, this gate is triggered by a similar sensor to those used by traffic lights. Anyway if someone wearing work shoes stands on the area where the bicycles should be the gate opens when you use your pass. The strange thing is the same gate is not triggered by my motorcycle boots. So maybe work boots (with steel toe-caps) might do the trick.
It could also be that this sensor is more sensitive having been designed for bicycles, in which case I wish you lots of luck in finding a solution :thumbup:.
I went on mini-crusade about this subject earlier this year when I started riding more after getting my FZ6 and it seemed like every time I rode I would encounter several of the blasted sensor-controlled lights. First thing I did was e-mail an Ohio State trooper who had responded to an inquiry I made to the Ohio State Patrol a couple of years ago. I basically asked him what to do when I encounter a sensor-controlled light that does not sense my presence. He stated the there is no law which specifically covers motorcycles in such a situation or exempts them from not stopping at red lights, but that common sense must prevail. He also provided the Ohio Revised code passage regarding malfunctioning control signals (ORC 4511.132) which basically states that a malfunctioning traffic control light should be treated as a stop sign. He stated his opinion that "most" signals will activate with motorcycles that travel through the “correct” area, but didn’t tell me where the correct area is. In my experience, most do not activate. He invited me to contact the Ohio Department of Transportation to obtain more detail on signal activation. So I got on the State of Ohio web site and rooted around until I found the name of an engineer at the department of transportation and e-mailed him. I asked the following questions:
1. Question - do you agree that most sensors will be activated by a motorcycle?
Answer - most but not all
Comment - Again, contrary to my experience.
2. Question - Is there anything I can do to increase the chances that I will be sensed, such as stopping over one of the sensor lines (if they are visible)?
Answer - Yes, you can carry a small loop wire about 2 ft. in Diameter. Toss in loop for 10-15 seconds then pick it up.
Comments - I'm not kidding, that was his answer. That will be real convenient on a motorcycle, won't it? I guess we could carry such loops around our necks, with a rope attached to drag it back to the bike after the light changes. No safety issues or other problems with that plan.
3. Question - Do the "red-light triggers" marketed for motorcycles work?
Answer - Not sure, but probably not.
Comment - I don't think they will work. If they did, everyone would know that they did and we wouldn’t have these questions.

At this point I decided I'd just go with the "run the light if it doesn’t change for me" plan and move on. However, a couple of days later I went into a restaurant to pick up dinner and noticed two county sheriffs in a booth. After I got my order, I approached them and asked if I could ask a question. They said sure, so I asked what to do in the situation and if they would pull me over if I did run the light. They were sympathetic, hemmed and hawed a bit, but said they would almost certainly pull me over and probably ticket me, since as far as they could tell I just ran a red light, but that I could plead my case to a judge. That doesn’t sound like my idea of fun, but I would obviously go that route if it ever comes up.
I've noticed this as well. I rarely have this problem on road bicycle and it's mostly carbon fiber and aluminum. First couple times it happened on FZ6, I was like "No way, can't be." I picked up the bike used and while doing the first cleaning, noticed someone had stuck magnets to the centerstand pegs, not doing me much good though.


Do you put the stand down to touch the pavement? If not, then yes, it is doing you no good at all. :D
..... and noticed two county sheriffs in a booth. After I got my order, I approached them and asked if I could ask a question. They said sure, so I asked what to do in the situation and if they would pull me over if I did run the light. They were sympathetic, hemmed and hawed a bit, but said they would almost certainly pull me over and probably ticket me, since as far as they could tell I just ran a red light, but that I could plead my case to a judge. That doesn’t sound like my idea of fun, but I would obviously go that route if it ever comes up.

That is why in NH, you have to wait for a full cycle of the lights, meaning it didn't trip the first time or the second, then you can proceed. You cannot simply pull up, look both ways and proceed through the red light. That IS running a red. :thumbup:
2. Question - Is there anything I can do to increase the chances that I will be sensed, such as stopping over one of the sensor lines (if they are visible)?
Answer - Yes, you can carry a small loop wire about 2 ft. in Diameter. Toss in loop for 10-15 seconds then pick it up.
Comments - I'm not kidding, that was his answer. That will be real convenient on a motorcycle, won't it? I guess we could carry such loops around our necks, with a rope attached to drag it back to the bike after the light changes. No safety issues or other problems with that plan.


This is just too funny...
I can't stop laughing !!!:D:D:D

I live in AZ and most of the lights here are pressure sensors tuned to cars. i parked for about 5 mins with 2 other cycles next to and behind me and the weight sensor still didn't go off. I actually had a motor cycle safety instructor tell me to do just short of a stopie on it.
That is why in NH, you have to wait for a full cycle of the lights, meaning it didn't trip the first time or the second, then you can proceed. You cannot simply pull up, look both ways and proceed through the red light. That IS running a red. :thumbup:
I didn't meant to imply that one should just pull up and go. You should only proceed after you are sure that the light is not going to change for you.
Most of the lights here in the Charlotte NC area use the buried sensor wire which detects metal. To trip the light, I wear steel toe shoes. I simply move to where I can put my toe on top of the wire. This almost always trips the light. My shoes are the standard safety shoes used for industrial work. Sometimes I slide my foot around on top of the wire and then away from the wire. It usually takes a few seconds to trip. It trips just as reliably as if I drove up with my car. And cars don't always trip the light perfectly either. It won't trip right away if it has just turned red.

Another approach is to pull ahead of the white stop line (probably illegal) and let the car behind you get into the loop. This doesn't always work because some drivers won't move ahead once they have stopped. Of course you don't want to be sitting out in the intersection either, but sometimes there is some room ahead of the stop line.

I checked a few websites of companies that make traffic signals. They discuss this issue. There are sensitivity adjustments on the traffic signal for each buried loop. But they are rarely adjusted to the optimum setting. That would be a lot of work for somebody.

So I just give it the boot. (Also, I just bought some nice new matte black safety shoes to match the cases on my FZ6).
I am taking the MSF basic rider course and have completed the in-class portion. I get to ride tomorrow and Sunday. But that's besides the point.

This question came up in class and they said the only thing you can really legally do is turn right. It's happened to me before just down from where I live, even in my car, and I have just waited unitl it was clear and went.
As someone from the UK....just what the hell are you all talking about? Sensors tripping lights? What is this black magic of which you speak?


OK we have these folks that need jobs, they pay them to ride around most of the day and sleep in trucks we pay for. Sometime they get of said truck with a big concrete saw and cut little lines in the road. Now thats only after they have called their friends and woken them up to come put up cones and signs closeing the road.

Then they leave and other guys come and lay wires down in the cuts. They then put some sort of rubbery caulk over the lines. They connec these lines to computer that controls the lights.

This way 4 lanes of traffic that just got up to speed from the last light can stop for a car that has already turned right on red.
This way we can waste huge amounts of fuel acclerating the cars back up to speed just in time to stop again.

Its great because it makes the people in the truck money, it makes money for the people that sold them the truck, the people that sold them the saw, and the fuel to get there, the people that sold the system, the folks that laid out the cones, and all the people that stop for goofyness have to buy fuel too.
The best part is that all the people that make the things and the people that install it, can be taxed for working to get paid with money that came from other peoples taxes. Its great!!!!

Its just way to freaking difficult to have timed signals that if you obey plus or minus 5mph the speed limit you can travel across town with out stopping.

In my town you can stop at every light almost every time all the way accross town. Each time you stop you can look at the places selling gas.

GO TEAM AMERICA!!!!:rockon:

Efficency. Its not our strong suit.
I wonder how many places around America have been infected with the latest gas sucking plague. (or maybe we're late to the game, I dunno)

Anyway, Left on Light Only Stoplights are what I'm referring to.

I remember seeing one a few years ago, but it had an honest use: you couldn't see far enough down the road, due to a curve, to safely turn left without the left turn light.

Then they started popping up all over...Imagine, if you will, you want to turn left, and pull up to the intersection just as the left turn light goes red. Instead of the usual: wait for cross traffic green to go red and it's your turn, now it's: wait for your straight ahead light, wait for cross left light, wait for cross straight ahead light, go (if you haven't fallen asleep or ran out of gas)

As long as I can see that it's safe, I use the 'stop sign' approach and blow them regularly...but more often than not, there are 'honest citizens' choking up the roadway.

I think the UK has the right idea with their lovely roundabouts :) Where do I sign up?
Erm.....let me see! Nope, still don't really get it?! and you can go through red lights??? Isn't that kinda dangerous? I just don't get America!

Dont waste your money on the little gadets that say they can trip a light, I have seen people with them and they never work. Also i keep hearing that the starter can trip the sensore but i say instead of wearing out your starters from using them or wasting all our hard earned money. Treat it like a stop sign. I do it every day coming home from work. As soon as the coast is clear i just run it. I have done it in front of many cops and never got a ticket or pulled over for it. If they want me to not run it they will have to install a more sensitive sensor.:rant::rant::rant::rant: