over the speed limit?

If I am trapped in traffic I make room in front of me. That is the right thing to do. I work and plan to see traffic patterns and put myself where I am not trapped.

Its the spotlight vison vs. floodlight vision analogy. Try to focus on more and further down the road. See how traffic is flowing and use the bikes upsides to counteract its downsides.

Cars merge in certian places. Dont be there. Dont be a position to force another car to stay there either because they wont.
Is there a place where traffic gets hairy? a danger spot?, open up distance around you by slowing or speeding up.

If you are having someone tailgate you on a two lane open some distance or let them pass. Think thru the situations you will see, make a plan, and do something. In a car it feels ok to be passive and react. On a bike you have to be several moves ahead of things. One way to look at it, to be driving 1/4-1/2 mile or more ahead of where you are now. Does that make sense? You have already made the decisions effecting where you are now, and your on to makeing decisions about what will be happening 10-20 seconds from now. The focus needs to be very wide. Going what your brain thinks is to fast causes this to narrow down.

When I first started riding I kept focusing on the what I perceived as the highest threat level vehicle in a intersection, but not seeing them all.

This if from Lee Parks book. Stare at your wall, and move your attention to the pictures and other things, dont move your eyes to look at them, just your attention. Its faster than looking, refocusing, looking, refocusing. Does that make sense?
oh boy.. I guess I'll be the first to admit to being a speed demon(and I have a lot of tickets to prove it) but all I have to say is 20 years of riding sportbikes= 18 speeding tickets 3 careless driveing 1 reckless(174mph in nevada on gsxr)(arested 2years probation) and only 2 accidents first one I was rear ended doing the speed limit the second one I was side swiped 60 in a 55...Now I'm not claiming that my very reckless style is what has kept me safe(guardian angle with after burners) but I enjoy riding like the devil himself is chaseing me.. I am prepaired to pay the piper though I have alot of life insurance to take care of my family if the worst happens. I have almost every coverage i can get on my bike insurance..If I get a cop behind me I pull over take the ticket and just pay the fine(thank god they take payments)but lets get one thing clear most of my crazy riding is done with little to no traffic on the highways or back woods roads.. On surface strees I cruse the limit(usualy 35) and in residential areas I go way under the limit.example:in my neighborhood the limit is 25 I run 15 and on streets where there houses i try to go a slow as possible.. Yes I know what I love to do dangerous not only to me but other people. But I have decided to take that risk and if I screw up then when I meet my maker I guess I'll have some explaining to do..I just figure life is to short to git peved by the stuff other people do.and to just enjoy it while you can any way you can....
oh boy.. I guess I'll be the first to admit to being a speed demon(and I have a lot of tickets to prove it) but all I have to say is 20 years of riding sportbikes= 18 speeding tickets 3 careless driveing 1 reckless(174mph in nevada on gsxr)(arested 2years probation) and only 2 accidents first one I was rear ended doing the speed limit the second one I was side swiped 60 in a 55...Now I'm not claiming that my very reckless style is what has kept me safe(guardian angle with after burners) but I enjoy riding like the devil himself is chaseing me.. I am prepaired to pay the piper though I have alot of life insurance to take care of my family if the worst happens. I have almost every coverage i can get on my bike insurance..If I get a cop behind me I pull over take the ticket and just pay the fine(thank god they take payments)but lets get one thing clear most of my crazy riding is done with little to no traffic on the highways or back woods roads.. On surface strees I cruse the limit(usualy 35) and in residential areas I go way under the limit.example:in my neighborhood the limit is 25 I run 15 and on streets where there houses i try to go a slow as possible.. Yes I know what I love to do dangerous not only to me but other people. But I have decided to take that risk and if I screw up then when I meet my maker I guess I'll have some explaining to do..I just figure life is to short to git peved by the stuff other people do.and to just enjoy it while you can any way you can....

The secret is to do what you do for years at a time without getting any tickets at all. Anybody can ride like this and get tickets or whatever enforcement comes your way, that's easy. The hard part is doing it over and over and over without the paper that follows. This is skill.....
The secret is to do what you do for years at a time without getting any tickets at all. Anybody can ride like this and get tickets or whatever enforcement comes your way, that's easy. The hard part is doing it over and over and over without the paper that follows. This is skill.....

when youre going mach 3 it's probably best to have 110% of your attention on the task at hand instead of keeping an eye out for cops and such.
Here here, i would love to sit on the limit most of the time, and do if there is no traffic around, if there is traffic then i try to get in front of them as quick and safely as possible. I have had 2 people pull u turns directly in front of me causing me to lock up the brakes, people pull over on me, its just not safe. Neither in all honesty is going way too fast. I was on the same run as stumbles the other day, and i have to say im sure we upset quite a few car drivers, going past them, and yes i too hit 192km/h felt great and also at the same time thought this is madness, but that adrenilan grabs you by the curlies and takes over. Even on this ride coming slow to a town a 4wd stopped in the middle of a intersection in front of stumbles and myself and i had to lock it up to avoid hitting it, but we did not have one issue when speeding. Here in oz if you are caught 40km/h over limit it is classified as dangerous sped and imediate loss of licence, and fines were 10% above limit, but they say they have reduced that but wont tell us what to. Ride to how you need to, to be safe.:rolleyes:
when youre going mach 3 it's probably best to have 110% of your attention on the task at hand instead of keeping an eye out for cops and such.

Much like Steve had mentioned earlier it's all about knowing what's ahead and the possibilities for things like potential threats and hazards. Cops aren't hard to figure out because they operate much like a good fisherman or hunter. They are clearly creatures of habit and they do have their favorite hang outs. Interestingly, if you know those hang outs well you will find that cops in other places follow much the same habits. Heck, in Tennessee they sit right out in the middle of the road just waiting for you. Why do you suppose a Crown Vic fender is sticking out of the corn row? Why is that trooper trying to hide 100 feet off the road behind that tree row. Here comes a bill board on the right with a short passing lane on an awesome straight section; oops, there he is. Funny thing is you knew there was a very good chance he would be there waiting. Mach 3 doesn't have a lot to do with it and surely not as much as the riders scanning skills and experience.
well unfortuinatly the ones that have nabed me were almost all unmarked and rolling down the road..but in the last 2 years I finaly got a couple of brain cells working and got a radar/laser detector for my bike no tickets scense then..
well unfortuinatly the ones that have nabed me were almost all unmarked and rolling down the road..but in the last 2 years I finally got a couple of brain cells working and got a radar/laser detector for my bike no tickets scense then..

They have cars in the Nashville, Tennessee area that are not only unmarked, they look just like any other cage on the road and I do mean any other as they are the standards vehicles from pick ups to SUV's to Soccer moms van to a little Honda Civic. They don't even need the RADAR or LASER as they are sitting right next to you at the same speed you are going. RADAR detectors are nice but they still won't beat the camera at a red light... Glad you found an edge.
ohh the radar or red light cam's were easy to defeat. its a clear spray on that is supper reflective so when the strobe hits it all they get on cam is a bright flash.course I have only had my fz6 for 6 months and havent done a fender eliminator yet..and yea the popo have all kinds of cars here. just two nights ago on my way home I saw a riced out wrx sti had a busa pulled over and it was a cop car hidden lights and all
i dont currently have a bike but i do have a car, i never go more then 5 mph over the speed limit. ive been reading alot latly about motorcycles as i get closer and closer to the purchase of my FZ6 and it seems to be all youtube videos and some of the forum posts are about going way to fast. now when i drive and some one blows past me in a 65 it tends to piss me off but when a motorcycle BLASts past me on the highway i see why some people dont give motorcycles the respect they deserve. i mean im fine with the riding on the shoulder and going between cars in a traffic jam but breaking a hundred on punblic roads bothers me. who here breaks the speedlimit by more then 5mph regularly on there bike and y?

i mean i understand the want to go fast. i race motocross and love speed but i dont like the idea of putting my life to chance in a situation on the road that i dont have complete controle over. on the track its controled theres almost no chance that some guy or a deer will run infront of me while im riding. on the road the difrance between 65 and 80 is big. thanks for any input and ride safe.

Going the speed limit in NJ will get you dead! I can't tell you how many times I have been cut off, slowed down or almost killed in traffic here! If you want to stay alive then stay ahead of the cagers! If they are going 55 then you need to be going 65 to get ahead of them and keep safe. If you want to ride in traffic then so be it, but I choose to ride ahead of the blind asses and keep myself safe. If that pisses you off, then so be it. I'd rather you be pissed, than me dead!
A CD200, well you have to be very, very sad to steal one of them, never mind owning one.:rof:

Your a bad man lol. I had my first mortgage, first child and no transport. This old fella died down my road and his wife wanted 50 quid for it. I can tell you all now. That for the money it was the most reliable fun bike I ever owned.
PS I am still in mourning of his loss.
ohh the radar or red light cam's were easy to defeat. its a clear spray on that is supper reflective so when the strobe hits it all they get on cam is a bright flash.course I have only had my fz6 for 6 months and havent done a fender eliminator yet..and yea the popo have all kinds of cars here. just two nights ago on my way home I saw a riced out wrx sti had a busa pulled over and it was a cop car hidden lights and all

Maybe the clear paint technology has change but Mythbusters has an episode regarding this and disproved on a car.

As far as speeding goes, I tend to stay between the 80 and 90 marks when commuting on the interstate. I try to stay away from any other vehicles and also constantly change my position within my lane in order for me to gain the best vantage point as to what lays in front of me.
Maybe the clear paint technology has change but Mythbusters has an episode regarding this and disproved on a car.

I've been wondering about if it works on plates without embossed letters like custom and motorcycle plates from Texas.
I wouldnt get a fz6 if your not gonna use it how its spose to be used. Get a scooter.


The thing about the FZ6 is its diversity. The bike can and does cruise well. I can't say I like riding it that way but it will in fact just putz around at or below the speed limit. Heck, there are folks on this very forum that ride their FZ6 in this manner. I don't care for using the bike in this way but it will do it and quite well. To me, it does operate much better when you cut it loose but it's their ride and it seems rather obvious they enjoy the bike. Yes, it's a sportbike and yes, it does love to be rev'd and pushed but this ride style simply isn't for everybody and that's what makes the FZ6 such a beautiful machine as it does it all just as advertised.
the thing is the paint isnt exactly clear the stuff I use is Krylon Reflect-A-Lite Clear Reflective Paint usualy can be bought any where that cary construction safty equipment. just buy a can try it out with a digital cam.. carefull though day light may render this method useless..here in oregon they still use the strobe flash during the day.. and as far as myth busters goes do you belive everything you see on tv??of corse Dept.dog wants you to think some things are a myth so you wont use them..hhmmm
In Phoenix it seems the same as anywhere else, everyone drives 10 to 15 over all the time. Usually I like to ride a little faster and keep in front of people, especially when they are being stupid. If someone is swerving all over the place I don't want to be behind them where I might get caught in the accident aftermath. I do ride slower on the surface streets though. I had one accident on the surface streets from someone pulling out in front of me, but I think I could have avoided it if I had been driving slower.
Some good points here...

I am a noob but I wanted to add to this thread because I hear a lot of "if I am tailgated I speed up" type talk.

I remember from my motorcycle safety course being instructed to SLOW down when being tailgated to allow you and the guy behind you more time to slow down if things go bad...

Does this not apply here?

Tailgating does not often happen to me but the safe option is to indicate and pull over and let them pass.

The other option is to open the throttle but they could just well do the same and all you are doing now is tailgating at a much higher speed.

I always choose the first. They get by in a few seconds and the problems gone.

I normally don't speed, however I do like to know that if I get into a situation that requires me to s**t and git, that I am able to get out of trouble. If this means that I will crack the throttle in order to get away from jarhead that yakking on his cell while driving up behind at 80MPH, so be it. This actually happened while on a trip New Orleans. In was passing truck traffic on the I10 and looked into the mirror and all I saw was the headlight and a bit of the grill on an Expidition. The drver was not paying attention and a had to bust a ton just getting out of his way. My only escape was forward. Not a happy experience! But normally speeding? Not usually for me, GRUMPY
I tend to ride underneath the safest maximum speed for the road. I believe that there are many roads in the UK that are safe to drive faster than a speed limit. Moreover, as many have said here, I simply cannot do 70mph on a motorway when there are idiots in cars up your backside trying to overtake a lorry and a bike at the same time.

For me, it is not about speed limits, it's about driving safely. Sometimes this is well under the speed limit, sometimes it may be over the limit, depending on the road conditions.

Good luck and be safe. Sometimes that means going faster than the speed limit!