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  • Thanks for the rep mate , just trying to help out where I can :thumbup: Gotta do something , we are the lucky ones....
    Yep it a mighty fine part of the world :thumbup: not that i've seen the world but I still LOVE this place ;)
    Lol! Sure....your seat is being re-mailed in the morning...had to source a new box...which was'nt easy...but a trip to Bunning's fixed the problem in the end...nice boxed up now!! ready for pick up by Toll!
    No, I don't gamble in there. I was in there dishing out money to QOTD winners :)
    About freaking time. Bike's been off the road for a day now....lol. Thanks for the rep.
    Thanks for the rep mate :thumbup: I miss the 'Pig' already :D..... Im trying hard to get my rep into the 90's been stuck on 89 forever it would seem....
    I look forward to seeing the progress, it already looks great, but after you add the new swingarm (not to mention your other planned mods) and it will be one of the coolest FZ6's I've ever seen.

    Keep up the good work & have fun doing it!!
    You have some sweet f-ing bikes dude! And definitely have "the balls" to do your own thing, and it shows with your "hybrid" bike, nice.

    Ride safe!!!
    Absolutely with the black. I have enough gold to tie the calipers, rear sprocket, and the Ohlins reservoir it. Thank you for the good advice all along the way Amigo!!
    Cheers for the rep :thumbup:

    If I were an honest person, I'd admit that the thread was quite funny.

    But I'm not, so I won't ;)
    Thanks for the rep , its gunna be a hilarious :D Cant wait till Mikey gets in there & then when Kaz sees it well.... :popcorn:
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