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  • LOL the teleport must be on the fritz again!! lol I just got up and am getting ready for work... De ja vu !! when the first message came through our roles were reversed !! LOL except it my wednsday morning !!!

    Thanks for the love brother. It's a true story! I was like a little demon! Here I am 55 years later, after trying to fly and umbrella, setting a wing down cobra style while I was practicing kiting. My nephew is Tim Green from the AcroTwinz. Life can be so awesome! We got a butt reaming by the guy in charge cuz Tim knew where I was with it and was letting me kite without a license. I got a 30 day permit and if they would let me I would have flown that day In a heart beat! We are at the Torry Pines Glider Port a few miles from my home. Tim is just off the scale. He has an identical twin brother and the stories they tell me about stealing there dad's chute after school keep me rolling. Tim's sense of how the updrafts work consistently bring him to 7 thousand feet when others can only imagine 4 thousand feet.
    Sorry i hadn't replied sooner mate - i didn't even SEE that message until just now.

    I live in Townsville for the moment :) how bout you?
    well I tried to send ya a bit of "love" (by way of a rep point) for the pics...but the forum won't let me :(
    Perfect! I hadn't had a chance to go looking for it yet, was planning to this weekend. Glad you found it!!
    As for Corner may seem hokey, but that really is what Canada is like in small towns! Not so much where I am living now, but I used to work at a corner store in Northern me, those Wackadoos exist!!!
    EEKKK!!!! What ever the he!! that thing is in your's pretty ugly! LMAO!!
    Safe travels my freind, can't wait for pics :)
    Hi, I know it was ages ago but thanks for the rep. Hope I didn't offend you by not thanking you sooner but I've only just noticed I had one!
    Congratulations, SUPERMODERATOR

    You'll always remember your first "ban". It's not necessarily the best, but it's memorable :rof:
    Thanks for the rep! I shudder to think what that collection must be worth!
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