3rd party to do dual light mod?


Junior Member
Jun 15, 2008
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For over a year I've been following the different light mod options shared on this forum. Seems there a lot of knowledgable folks out there with innovative ideas. I'd really like to have dual low beams (seems much safer on the country roads and highways I ride) but unfortunately I'm afraid I simply lack the skill to do a wiring mod (such as BD43s) myself.

I've asked at the Yamaha dealership where I bought my bike, and they feign ignorance about 1) the need and 2) a solution.

If I were to buy BD's mod, what type of place should I take it to for installation (yeah, wish my brother lived closer -- but he doesn't and I'm stumped for how to implement what I consider a safety solution).

Anyone have a recommendation on what type of business to approach to do electrical and other mods?

Thanks for your help -- and this is a great forum, with a lot of good information and people contributing!
Just ask one of the members on here to do it, that lives near you man.
I did it on the bike Lucas rides for him, and mine. Its easy. I like the high beam being both filiments lit, but others dont. Its got over 25,000 miles with it the way I did it, and zero problems.
I cannot emphasize this fact enough. I am a total rookie, noob, beginner etc and I had this mod done in a little over a half hour. What helped me was having another set of (also noob) eyes to point out the obvious. Basic hand tools and a little patience are all that are required. Good luck either way you go. Realize that the place you go is going to charge a ridiculous amount of "Labor". This is a straight forward mod. More tedious than difficult. I did the bd43 and love it. Just run the wire inside the fairing panels and you'll barely see it if at all.
on the last NH ride we were thinking of bringing a roll of wire and other such things and doing the mods for 30-40 minutes before the ride starts...

I 2nd having someone else help you out with it, a couple beers AFTER a ride and a mod is much cheaper/funner than paying a shop a ton of $ to do it.
Just remember that there is about 2001 ways to do this now and everyone will tell you theres is the best.

Mine may not be the best but it is the quickest and easiest ....and works.

Thanks Guys. Yes, sounds like several ways to go here. I'll review Steve's and BD43s again -- then invite a long time rider over.
For UK riders here in particular...

I was inspired by the US riders here to upgrade my lights, because the standard Fazer lights are cack out here in the countryside, riding home from work at night.

I do nothing on my bike myself other than fuel and occasionally clean it, so I took the request off to my local Yam dealer, had a chat with the technician to satisfy myself he knew what I wanted and how to do it. He did it at the 6000mi service and am mucho pleased with the result.

It's not the full monty - just single dip beam on the LH side, dip & main on the right - if I'm honest, I do like the sound of dip & main on both, but it sounds a good deal more work - but it's a biiiiiig improvement already!
as there is an 02 zx6r sat in the garden shed just festering away i thought id check out its light setup..as far as i can remember its was duel low and duel high (the sidelight is a seperate unit between the two headlights)//the cabling looks very easy to modify as it just splits into a from the two bulbs into one plug ( Y shape configuraton) im sure this short bit of loom could be adapted to suit the FZ
Do you have an auto repair shop you can trust? They may do it for you or ask them if they know any mechanics willing do it. Never hurt to offer to pay with cash;) Always nice to have a shop you can trust, or try checking at a small local independent motorcycle shop. Ask other biker friends for referrals.
FWIW, I did the BD43 Dual light mod recently. I'm no electrician. I 1) did a step, & then 2) refered to the instructions to double-check myself. Fast & easy mod, which you will love! Also remember, there are a ton of great ppl here who want to help you out if you encounter a problem. Take a deep breath, (+ a 6-pack), and GO FOR IT! :cheer:
Good luck, & remember- "modding leads to more modding"!