abusing cell phone users while driving :)

of course it's tasteless...did you see teh actual site?! it's TERRIBLE!

of course seeing lots of these guys on the ground in shorts and teeshirt...i only feel pity if a car pulled in front of you, otherwise if you go down in shorts and t shirt you deserve road rash.
I thanked a poster for defending the conscientious use of cell phones while driving AND others who blasted the same. I am hypocrite through and through. No offense, but I suspect most (all?) of us are in a lot of ways.

After reading this thread I am going to stop using my phone in the car regardless of how safe I THINK I am. I will switch to speaker phone. (Sorry, I can't bring myself to use a Blue-tooth headset... waaaayyy too douchy for me)

I think MarinaFazer was probably out of line and likely put him/her self in danger. With that said, I expect you (M-FZR) are pretty damn dissapointed with the response to your actions. You were proud of doing something to help all of us and you should be. For that I say "Thanks a million. But please try to keep your personal safety in mind."

Again, the hypocrisy.... I tell you to be careful, but I damn sure react poorly to situations on the road and put myself in danger. I still have a lot to learn!
typical Los Angeles prick in a Porsche thinking he was better than the world.

sorry i had to make him hang up on his mistress...ha

It wrong to say that and very prejudice....

Because he has money DOES NOT make him a Prick

Because he has money DOES NOT make him unfaithful to his wife

Sounds like you have a case of ENVY--- and a BAD one

That is equivalent of saying because he is black he is going to try to rob you.

And as far as paying attention to him while riding a motorcycle...that is a recipe for a serious crash.

do I have an attitude-- YEP:thumbup:

and a few shekels
and an expensive car
and a 28 year faithful marriage
and close to 200,000 accident free miles on a motorcycle

and for those that met me at deals gap most would say I am not a prick :rolleyes:
just some one with a BIG FAN :Flash: in the bedroom

be safe and you will enjoy that sweet bike you have many more years
I call that law a "feel good law". With as many car chases as California has, there's little chance that anyone will get nailed by that law. Of course, you have to realize that virtually every state has a law about keeping both hands on the wheel at all times (shifting gears is the obvious exception in a manual trans car). Pretty sure one hand on cell phone violates that two hands on the wheel law.

Law enforcement's answer to the enforcement of that law is, 'I have X number of officers, do you want me to investigate X number of murders, X number of rapes or X number of traffic stops?'

I'm not condoning messing with that guy in the porche but I do believe something needs to be done about inattentive drivers. And it's not just cell phone users, I'd go after people putting on make up, eating, reading, computing (that includes PDA use), and disciplining children just to name a few.

Perhaps, an organized effort by us, the motorcyclists of the world is in order. Perhaps it's time that all driving schools/courses include a motorcycle section so that cagers will understand that running over a motorcyclist regardless the reason is no different than murdering/manslaughtering another person.

Perhaps it's time for us to speak to our government officials (the ones that are supposed to be working for us all) that by making a section for motorcycles in the driving course for a car/truck/cdl license, they will be producing drivers that will be better drivers in general. When each of you is in your car/truck/whatever (ok. those that drive them), don't you employ many of the same tactics? When I'm in my truck, I'm still scanning the road and thinking what is that car at that driveway going to do or is that sports car crossing the road going to run the red light.

I think such a chapter in a driving course for cars with a gentle reminding in the beginning of the chapter about the punishment for running over a motorcyclist would have more people looking out of us.

Of course, I could be wrong.
Let's not look into my feelings of people and their money....I'm fine and I could go buy a porsche right now too...hehe i'd rather ride my FZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

So this thread isn't about feelings, just about the action that was taken.

Thank you everyone for the replies and I realize what I did could have ended poorly. In hindsight, I could easily have just passed him and left him to his own devices. Perhaps I'll get the "Hang up and DRIVE" sticker on my helmet too:steve:

anyways, go ahead and bash me for principles you don't know I have, but hopefully this thread can stay about the actions taken, and not the potential motivation behind them. :thumbup:
I am forever reminded about the "rule of lugnuts" The vehicle with the most lugnuts usually wins the crash... Talking on a cell phone may be illegal, but do you also use idiotic tactics with, say someone who has a brake light out or doesn't turn their stereo down. I'm guessing probably not. All you are doing is drawing negative attention towards yourself. I'm sure you didn't change his ways. If an officer was watching him and about to deal with it, you just gave him a better reason to stop someone else, you. I hope you stay safe and alive.
this is AWESOME...

I got CUTOFF by a policecar with the driving officer on the cell phone laughing to his buddy and not paying attention. I told him to hang up and drive and he just beeped his siren noisemaker at me like he wanted to pull me over...WTF??? He cut me off!

*note: I found out that it IS legal for people in law enforcement, fire, etc to drive while talking on cell phones if it pertains to work. Sure didn't look like work to me if you're laughing and having a great time on the phone while cutting someone off.

**sigh...I love Los Angeles :)