Airbox have a sound ?

I'm almost thinking now, that his previous filter was so dirty that now that he has a clean one he can actually hear airflow where before he couldn't.
I'm almost thinking now, that his previous filter was so dirty that now that he has a clean one he can actually hear airflow where before he couldn't.
It took me a while to get used to the "whistle" with a new filter after my last service.

So with the filter re-installed, its still making the same noise (whistle) but definitly from the air box, NO open vacuum lines, etc? Filter cover gasket seated properly, etc?

When I changed mine, I had no difference with noise in mine. My old one had about 17,000 miles on it but wasn't terrible.

Although, your bike is quiet as a mouse, it'd be much easier to hear. Mine at idle, sounds like your sound bite with the old Scorpions (with the tips), but is pretty quiet at idle. Depending on much louder it is, I'm pretty sure I would hear the difference, at least at idle.

Next time my sister is over, she has a smart phone and I'll make a recording. Once I have a sound bite, I can upload to Photobucket and post.
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