Are you sure You want to drive that bike fast !!!

I wonder if the real cause was target fixation.

If these type accidents continue our insurance rates will get very expensive!:spank:
roads are not tracks. so many things to hit. and traffic to boot.

this is nuts:

Almost all of the other accidents reported involved a rider being struck by another vehicle. That's the real danger. I understand that people can do stupid things, but I honestly don't believe speeding to be the major factor. Sometimes it is, but they are blowing it out of proportion with the speeding talk. It's more about being at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Doesn't seem a helmet will make difference either it seems, you die either way. Don't get me wrong, I will still wear a helmet nonetheless.
this comment made me laugh: "Every time my wife hears about a motorcycle accident, she goes 'There's another motorcycle accident.' And I say, 'What kind of bike?' " he said. "It almost always ends up being a crotch-rocket. How often do you see a Harley going 120 down the highway?"

thats because it takes a mile to get a harley up to 120mph lol
I saw a statistic. The largest cause of motorcycle accidents are from:

Riders failing to negotiate a turn, due to high speed.

I couldn't confirm that, but i do know that the majority of bike accidents involve no other vehicles.

Cagers turning into us is only second on the list.

Don't be stupid guys ......
We lost a young man in my town last night too. I didn't know him but online everyone is saying he was a good guy. Rt. 301 is a biker's paradise. Someone pulled out of the driveway to a Buddhist monastery and the bike plowed into the car's left side. Cause of crash TBD. It seems like bike speed is one factor, but driver negligence could be in there as well. The road was still blocked two hours later, so I guess the authorities are doing their homework, which is good to see.
I always hate to see stories like this. I can understand that some riders almost feel invincible and free when riding, and they sometimes end up paying the price when they fail to negotiate certain conditions: wet road, gravel, cold tires, etc. I think that many of us know that we should ride within our limits, but sometimes we do try to push ourselves just a 'little bit more'. Everyone, please be careful out there.
