Booze Bus Motorcyclist Death - Opinions

Ya chances are he was inexperienced but we will never know for certain, but i know where i live (1000s of miles away) on roads like that one where the limit is 45mph about 80% of the people go between 55-65 mph so the speeds he was going wouldnt be anything to bat a eye at here, a cop probably wouldnt even pull him over. And if they were to set up a road block there would be some sort of warning at least a mile before hand, if that were the case we might not be having this conversation at all. But you can always say what if?

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Good point. I love how most accidents they always put in the report "Speed was a factor". Well, no sh!t Sherlock! If the car was stationary it would not crash! :BLAA:
I always slow down when i come to a crest that i cannot see over.....for all i know, there could be a dead animal in the middle of the road, which would f*** my day completely...

But this might be because i have the benefit of having come around a blind corner at normal speed, only to find a car "parked" in the middle of the road...

Spent hospital in Christmas due to that a-hole!

Never presume what you cant see, is not there! Cause one day it will be...and BAM! Game over!

cars have superior breaking power, and as you mentioned the rider of the CBR 1k wasn't licensed to drive it...therefore you have no idea of his skill level, other than what you can learn from the facts= no license + he crashed