Built myself a Storage Shed for me bike.....


Heavy User
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Apr 17, 2008
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Poured the pad last weekend and was able to store it in the shed last night. So about a week and a half start to finish. Took $400 in materials and I have a power outlet for the battery tender. I also sunk a 1" rod, 4 inches deep in the pad to run a chain through so now I can sleep even easier... :thumbup:

Rains alot around here and even with the bike cover on it was still getting wet so now it stays high and dry...Im happy now.....sort of...still have to get those R6 headlights installed:rockon: I just dont want to take the bike apart to do it. May miss a chance to ride....:D

Heres some pics...

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Very nice job you did. I realize you have a sort of small area, but it would
be nice if it could hold a couple of bikes and maybe some parts.
Here is mine, it's full of good junk.
Nice.....Unfortunately I dont have the room for a garage that size. Now I have garage envy...lol
That's the only advantage of being a little older!
You accumulate stuff throughout your life. Well maybe its and advantage, sometimes
it just seems like too much stuff.
You will be there one day too.
Perfect! Just what was needed, and a nice job on the construction.

I visited Vancouver a couple of weeks ago with my wife, and I plan on riding there next summer. It was the nicest city I have ever visited, and I look forward to returning.
Nice! I would love to do the same for mine but my back yard is the only place I am allowed to build any type of storage. Unfortunately it is impossible to get to my back yard with my bike because I would most certainly end up at the bottom of a hill :(

I think you should have put it under the mod sections though... you mod-ed your "house" for your bike.
Nice job on the shed. +1 on the not wanting to miss a day of riding, I'm not ready to turn it in for Winter just yet.
i don't even have a parking spot. i live in a condo that holds about 350 units, and parking is first come first serve. and in all of the parking spots, they reserved a whopping 4 spots for bikes, and the other three people who have bikes don't use them. they use straight up car spots. the four bike spots are just two parking spots next to curbs on opposite sides of the complex with a line drawn down the middle to split them up. i decided i was going to be a courtious and reasonable human being and actually use the bike spot as when everyone is home, there are NO parking spots available. however, this is difficult when you get home and there is a car taking up both bike spots. so here is what i did, i got one of these:

BikeBarn, Motorcycle Covers, Motorcycle Shelter, and Enclosed Motorcycle Covers

to make sure it wouldn't blow around (though it is quite sturdy by itself under decent wind), i took two 2x4's, stacked them on top of each other, and drilled through them and bolted them into the asphalt. this serves as the end piece to the bike barn, where the front can butt up against it and kind of "L" into the spot as the left side is against the curb. so not only does it keep the bike sheltered, it reserves my spot ;) i highly recommend these to anyone in perhaps a similar situation, where a driveway or garage is unavailable to them.
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Good job m8

The colours u painted it made it look metal from first looks

Now put a door in the other end and ride round the garden so u dont have to reverse it out

Or get a goldwing they have a reverse gear:eek:

My garage was too smal so i built this one last year but unfortunately I added to the bike list as all 3 of us now ride. 6 bikes now and growing

I didnt have a garage when i moved in to my house so i went out and got a Morgan storage building. Paid 4k for it but it was worth it. I live on the coast in texas where we just had a bad hurricane. All my neighbors cheap sheds and garages got totalled. Mine is the only one on the block still standing after the 100MPH+ winds....:thumbup:
Poured the pad last weekend and was able to store it in the shed last night. So about a week and a half start to finish. Took $400 in materials and I have a power outlet for the battery tender. I also sunk a 1\" rod, 4 inches deep in the pad to run a chain through so now I can sleep even easier... :thumbup:

Rains alot around here and even with the bike cover on it was still getting wet so now it stays high and dry...Im happy now.....sort of...still have to get those R6 headlights installed:rockon: I just dont want to take the bike apart to do it. May miss a chance to ride....:D

Heres some pics...
Dude congrats and happy for you man. The shed looks real real nice also. I bet you sleep better and the bike is smiling right now. :thumbup::thumbup:
very nice looking shed buddy! a shed is on the agenda for soon... we gotta get the bikes a nice safe place to sleep!
Nice job Paul! I wish I had something like that.

That'll be the perfect shelter for the winter projects... like installing those R6 projectors! Glad to hear they made it there in one piece. I think with your skills, this won't be more than a day projector for you anyway. :thumbup:
Nice! I wish mine was going to be in my backyard for the winter, but maybe its better that it is going into the old hockey arena for storage. In the shed it would be sitting there taunting me. hmmm and I wouldn't be able to open the doors because of the 4 feet of snow in front of the door.

*sigh* You did a great job and I am COMPLETELY jealous.